"Lost?" Zhang Lianchuan was stunned. Taoism attaches great importance to the lineage of disciples. Tianshi Mansion, as the leader of Taoism, has always had a special custody of disciples' files. This is also done to prevent anyone from cheating under the banner of Tianshi Mansion. measures.

"I can't find this file, but the files of other disciples of his generation are there." Zhang Sicheng recounted calmly.

Zhang Lianchuan was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Is it possible... that file, for some reason, was deliberately not shown to anyone..."

"It is indeed possible. However, the previous Heavenly Master left in a hurry. Maybe he had something to do and didn't have time to give instructions..." The father and son looked at each other and said some words without saying anything.

Although the Celestial Master's Mansion is not a state power agency, it has strict laws and regulations since 2000. Things like files are kept in multiple copies and archived by specialized agencies, and such things are not like money or property. , usually no one steals at all, even if it is stolen, it is useless, so there has never been any theft before.

Since it was not stolen, it was someone who took it deliberately. However, if such files are taken away normally, records will be left. So, to take away the files without leaving records, this behavior... Come to think of it... only Tianshi can do it. The owner of the mansion himself...

The father and son both thought of the previous Celestial Master himself as the object of suspicion. If this matter was done by the Celestial Master himself, then it would be perfectly understandable!

Zhang Sicheng sighed and put down the tea cup in his hand: "Originally, I was planning to let you take this trip, but after careful consideration, this matter is too important, and it has a bearing on the rise and fall of our lineage of heavenly masters for thousands of years. So, no matter what, as a father, You all need to make this trip in person to meet that senior master."

"It's just that the mountains and roads there are high and steep. Father, you are already old, so why not let your children do the work for you..." Zhang Lianchuan's thoughts also started to change in his mind, and he had to admit that the Heavenly Master's decision was indeed necessary.However, from his perspective, he must repeatedly dissuade him, otherwise he will be suspected of being unfilial.

"You can think so, and it's gratifying to be a father." Zhang Sicheng looked at his eldest son's anxious expression, smiled and shook his head: "There are just some things that I have to do. Our Tianshi Mansion is known as the first family in Xuanmen, but it is too high to be conquered. Han, how many eyes are staring at us. We need to know that ordinary people are not guilty, but they are guilty of carrying a jade. At this time of great changes, strange things frequently appear in the world. If the Tianshi Mansion is unable to respond for a long time, then... I am afraid that there will be unbearable consequences in the future. Something!"

"No matter what, the Tianshi Mansion needs to add this weight... This matter must be done for my father!" Zhang Sicheng stared at the eldest son and emphasized: "As a father, not only do you have to go in person, but you also have to cover up others' eyes and ears. Therefore, I need you to start tomorrow at the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Altar to preside over the lecture on "Tai Shang Inspiration Chapter". This is a grand event for Taoism, and there will be many high-ranking practitioners gathered there, and there will be many people listening to the lecture..."

Zhang Lianchuan immediately understood that the Heavenly Master needed to deceive others and attract other people's attention in a short time by giving a grand lecture. Even the Western envoys should have never been exposed to this level of lectures, and their attention span was about Completely attracted.After all, as the heir to the Celestial Master, Zhang Lianchuan's opportunity to preach in person is extremely rare.At that time, in conjunction with other high-level skills in the Tianshi Mansion, the Master's repeated speeches will definitely make the scene liven up...

Zhang Lianchuan hesitated for a long time, sighed, stood up and bowed: "It's just like what father said, but please take care of yourself."




The whole body is filled with unparalleled power.

When his eyes opened and closed, blazing white plasma flashed, and his breathing seemed to echo the surrounding atmosphere. Zhang Jing even felt that with just a thought, he could start to stir up the surrounding clouds, and if he wanted to, he could create a natural disaster.

He stared at everything around him indifferently. In this state, human emotions seemed to be gradually fading, and a lofty and vast mentality began to sprout in his heart involuntarily...

"Control yourself and be aware that this is not your own strength." At this moment, an old voice came to his ears, it was Zhang Taihe's voice.

Zhang Jing's heart moved, and a feeling of being offended emerged. However, at the next moment, reason controlled his instincts. Zhang Jing knew clearly that he could not indulge his emotions and feelings, and began to control his will with all his strength.

He rationally told himself that that kind of instinctive superiority was not his true will. Before he truly mastered this power, it was just a false illusion.

However, even so, the illusion of physical advancement and control over everything was eroding his mind all the time. Even if he had become a third-level monk, it was nothing compared to this kind of power.

It is worthy of the power of a god... Even a fallen god, its remaining power is so terrifying and formidable.

While Zhang Jing was thinking, he began to gather his will according to the plan he had already planned, and carefully observed the void around him.

Chapter 521 Great Beings Living in Different Dimensions

When he reaches his will, what he "sees" is completely different from what he saw when he was an ordinary person. In his eyes, the vast space around him is not an endless empty space, but like water waves and bubbles. , flowing, with complex structures layered on top of each other, with whirlpools, ripples, and even cracks appearing and disappearing constantly forming in it, and then disappearing quickly.All this seems complicated and chaotic, but if you look closely, there seems to be some hidden rules.

What shocked him even more was that under his gaze, this space was multi-dimensional. Of course, the word multi-dimensional was a temporary term he used to describe it. He didn't know how to describe the world he observed. It was relatively multi-dimensional. In other words, he felt that the term multidimensional seemed more appropriate.

In his current state, he truly felt that the nature of this world was not what ordinary people saw. Even though ordinary extraordinary beings could feel more reality than ordinary people, compared to gods, is still limited.

If ordinary people are like ants, crawling on a two-dimensional image and unable to see the true face of the entire world, in Zhang Jing's current perception, an ordinary transcendent is just a larger beetle.

In his current perception, he is both in the real world and in the energy tide of the void. However, from a more real dimension, he seems to be in both at the same time, but in fact he is in neither.

He can clearly perceive that his true body is the great will that exists in the deeper dimensions of this world. If he insists on making an analogy, it is like a giant monster of the deep sea. His current perception is not real contact, but It is projection with the help of some special "anchors".

There is no doubt that this special "anchor" is the Tianchu Sword.The Heavenly Punishment Sword is an artifact made from the body of a fallen old god. The sword Zhang Jing holds on weekdays is not its true form, but only its projection in the present world.

At this level, Zhang Jing once again truly felt the essence of the Tianchu Sword.

Suppressing his desire to explore, in this state, there are really too many secrets to explore. However, Zhang Jing clearly knows that with his current strength, excessive exploration of unknown secrets can easily lead to mental loss. .

He focused his attention on a rusty bronze medal. This was an item recently collected by the "Historic Relics Preservation Foundation". The price was not high. It was purchased in an antique shop in the Grand Republic. of.

However, after inspection by Zhang Jing and Zhang Taihe, they found that behind the bronze medal was a cave space that was in the process of collapse.

When it was discovered, the space inside it was already in a state of partial disintegration, the various forbidden laws inside had completely collapsed, the internal energy began to become chaotic, and the space was on the verge of disintegration.

However, this happened to be a medium-sized gift for Zhang Jing, which indirectly saved him from using the wishing book once.

With Zhang Jing's current strength, it is impossible to repair or transform a creation of Dongtian's level. Zhang Taihe can barely do it, but it is not an easy task.

However, Zhang Jing's compatibility with Tianchu Sword is getting deeper and deeper. Under Zhang Taihe's guidance, he was able to borrow the great power that did not belong to him in a short period of time.

In Zhang Jing's eyes at this time, the bronze medal in ordinary people's eyes is actually more like a "door", which connects two different spaces with an ingenious structure. This structure uses the imagination of ordinary people. It was extremely difficult to understand. It was like explaining to a fish what the land was like. However, in Zhang Jing's current state, he could easily understand the structure of the door.

Probably because the space inside the "door" is disintegrating and the forbidden law has been completely lifted, the "door" is in an open state at this time. At the same time, there is a guiding force inside, guiding him into its interior.

This is Zhang Taihe's power. Just now, Zhang Taihe has entered the cave. The two of them started to exert force at the same time, one from the outside and the other from the inside...

The sky inside the cave is chaotic, the surrounding space is full of cracks, the wind is howling, a large number of rocks and floating rocks are rolling, the land has disintegrated and fragmented, and it is a scene of the end of the world.

Zhang Taihe was in the void at this time, and the strong wind could not move him at all. Around him, flames seemed to be lit continuously, and the torches that were lit one by one extended into the distance, and finally became a huge formation. …

Suddenly, a powerful will began to appear in the cave sky. At that moment, the chaotic wind around him seemed to have stopped, and even the disintegration of space was suppressed after the appearance of this will.

The formation began to expand, rotate, echo, and begin to resonate with the will...

Zhang Taihe's power is also guiding that will. Under the superposition of huge power, something more essential begins to appear in the disintegrating space...

In Zhang Jing's eyes, through the resonance of power, he used the formation diagram to induce the tide of power, just like using a lever to lift a boulder. The formation diagram spread in the resonance and blended into the surrounding space. In his field of vision, this place The more essential structure of the cave sky began to become clear, and he even felt that he could re-expand this three-dimensional space like unfolding a paper box, and then reshape it into a new structure...




The strange sky phenomenon last night, with continuous lightning and thunder, woke up many people, and naturally there were many witnesses. So that incident became the talk of the whole village in Huangjia Village today. There was nothing to do, and many villagers The middle-aged and old people gathered together in the threshing floor to discuss the matter.

Huangjia Village is located in Danding Mountain and has a strong Xuanmen atmosphere. Almost everyone in the village believes in the lineage of the Celestial Master. Although they don’t know what happened when something like this happened, the old people in the village generally believe that it is the appearance of the Celestial Master. , probably subduing the demon.It was decided that in a few days the village would invite a familiar Taoist priest to perform a blessing ceremony.

It’s past 20:30 at night, and the lights in Huangjia Village near Yingzui Cliff at the southern foot of Danding Mountain have dimmed.Although we are already a modern society, there is no Internet access in the mountainous areas and there is not much nightlife. People generally continue to go to bed early and get up early since ancient times.

At this time, the old people who were chatting in the threshing floor of the village also went back to their homes. The small mountain village gradually became quiet, and only occasionally a few dog barks could be heard.

However, at this moment, the ground suddenly shook slightly. The shaking was not very violent, but it was clearly discernible!

Chapter 522 Grandpa Tianshi appears!

"The earth dragon has turned over!!!"

"Earthquake!!! Earthquake!!"

"The earth dragon turned over!!! There was an earthquake!!! There was an earthquake!!!"

After a while, there were shouts and shouts in the village, and the villagers rushed out of their homes. Some people even wore only underwear and rushed out without even having time to put on their coats.

The strange thing is that at this moment, all the domestic dogs in the village seemed to have seen something terrifying. They had their tails tucked away, whimpering and trembling.

Not only that, even the chickens, ducks, geese, and even pigs, cattle, sheep and other livestock in the villagers' homes were trembling in fright. One cow even rushed out of the fence and knocked down a villager who couldn't dodge...

"Dahuang, Dahuang, what's wrong with you?" Next to a farmhouse, a little girl anxiously dragged her yellow dog out of the kennel.But the yellow dog was whimpering and lying in the kennel, with its tail on the ground and its body trembling. If you get closer, you can even smell the smell of urine...

The noise in the village was accompanied by the trembling of the ground, and soon spread to the whole village. From young children to the elderly, and even some elderly or sick people with inconvenient legs and feet were carried out of the house. Some gathered in a secluded area outside the house, and some went to the threshing floor...

This tremor lasted for a while and then stopped, but the villagers did not dare to go back for fear of it happening again later.Sure enough, not long after, a new round of tremors suddenly started...

The threshing floor is the largest open space in the village. The ancient stage in the village is also built next to the threshing floor. At this time, many people have gathered on the threshing floor. Some people are even wearing very thin clothes and are standing with their arms folded. In the wind, there was an expression that wanted to go home but didn't dare, and more people were talking about it.

"Look, look!!!!" Suddenly, a villager pointed at the moon above his head and shouted loudly.

It was the end of March. The weather was originally good tonight, the air in the mountainous area was fresh, and we could see the bright half-moon hanging in the sky and shining with moonlight.

However, in the eyes of the villagers, there was an obvious gap in the originally bright moon, which was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"A dog eats the moon! It's a dog that eats the moon!" an old man in the village exclaimed. In folklore in many areas of Jozhao, lunar eclipses are believed to be caused by tengu swallowing the moon.

But soon some young people retorted: "That's a lunar eclipse, uncle. A lunar eclipse is the sun's reflection blocked by the earth. It's not for dogs to eat. You have to be scientific..."

The person who spoke was a half-year-old child, who looked like he was still studying.

The old man who had exclaimed before suddenly lost his temper and said displeasedly: "Older generations call it that, of course your uncle knows that it is not for dogs to eat..."

However, at the next moment, another wave of shaking struck, and at this moment, in the eyes of many villagers, the ocher peak not far away shook with a magnitude visible to the naked eye. The magnitude of this shaking was larger than The ground shaking in Huangjia Village was so violent that it immediately attracted the attention of the villagers.

Luling Province, where Danding Mountain is located, is not in the main earthquake zone of Dazhao. Therefore, this is the first time for the villagers of Huangjia Village to experience an earthquake. Especially this kind of scene where even the mountains are shaking slightly, it is the village. The middle-aged and old people are all seen only in their lifetime.

But then, many villagers began to notice that something seemed to be wrong, and some sharp-eyed villagers began to see that the shaking of the ocher peak was obviously something beyond the scope of normal people's understanding...

That is this kind of shaking. It does not look like a normal shaking of mountains, but a kind of ripples similar to a stone thrown into the water. It is more like a shaking than caused by an earthquake. Wave-like fluctuations are more vivid!

Some villagers thought they were dazzled and rubbed their eyes with their hands, trying to see more clearly.And at this moment, a simple tower appeared like a mirage on top of the ocher green peak.The tall tower was old-fashioned and dilapidated, as if it had gone through countless years and carried the vicissitudes of history.

What shocked the villagers was that when they looked at the mountain peak and the tower, they felt that there seemed to be a great will and focused their gaze on it. That feeling was extremely real!

Although they didn't know what kind of existence it was, they could feel a sense of awe arising from instinct, as if they were facing some kind of majestic, noble, and eternal existence...

"Ah!" A villager exclaimed, his knees weak subconsciously, and he was already kneeling on the ground.

"Tianshi! Grandpa Tianshi has appeared!!!" an old man said tremblingly, and then he knelt down tremblingly.

Some of the villagers who were still standing looked panic-stricken, and after hesitation, they knelt down one after another.

In the end, even the young man who kept saying he wanted to talk about science was pulled to his knees by his elders...




At the foot of Zhebifeng, on a mountain road, three Westerners wearing windproof camouflage uniforms were walking forward with flashlights on.

"Father, the road here is not easy to walk. Be careful on the road I walked on. There are snakes here. I just saw a sharp-nosed adder. This kind of snake is very common in the jungle here. If you are bitten by one, then I'm afraid we have to go back directly..." Walking in front was a sturdy brown-haired man with a beard and deep-set eyes. He was holding a hiking pole and carrying a backpack, walking on the road. In the forest, his movements were quite nimble.

"Victor, I know, don't worry, I will pay attention." Walking behind the strong man was Father Simon, Cardinal Wells' assistant.

The three of them continued to walk silently for a while. Victor, who was walking in front, raised his wrist and looked at it. Then he took out a light pen-like object from his pocket. He pulled it with both hands and unfolded a flexible screen. There was an electronic map with a cursor on it. After a brief study and judgment, he put away the map again, turned to the two people behind him and said: "According to the satellite map, there is a small village not far ahead. Let's go around it. Ahead is the foot of the mountain, I suggest we go there and do some repairs.”

"You are a professional. I think this is a good choice." Simon nodded. Bishop Wells had hinted to him in private that the other two people had served in the military of other countries, and he also saw it along the way. Yes, these two are indeed experts in jungle operations.Moreover, after walking through the forest for several hours, he really felt a little tired.

Chapter 523 Father Simon is in action

A normal mountain road needs to pass through a mountain village on the map. On the map, this village named Huangjia Village is the largest settlement in the nearby mountainous area and is also where many roads converge.

However, due to some peculiarity, the three-person team chose to take a detour to avoid this village.

"Be careful. If you meet those Orientals, pretend to be tourists here and don't attract their attention. Most of the people here are Taoist believers, and we did not inform the Taoist priests when we came out this time. Mr. Wells I hope we can keep a low profile as much as possible..." Father Simon reminded the other two while carefully paying attention to his surroundings.

"Father, if necessary, we can..." Alex, who was walking at the end, reached out and gestured to his neck in a low voice: "The jungle here is dense. As long as we do it cleanly, no one will know that we did it... …”

"It's best not to do this. These Easterners are very special. The Holy See doesn't want to have a bad relationship with them... If necessary, we can try to give them some money..." Simon looked back at his companions and frowned in warning.

Alex shrugged and said no more.Simon felt a little uneasy. He didn't like Alex, a sinister-looking guy, but he also knew that the members of their delegation this time were complex, and many of them were unfamiliar faces, including this Alex. Sri Lanka.

Before coming out, Bishop Wells had hinted to him that Victor was one of his own that he could trust, while Alex needed to pay attention...

He didn't want to cause any trouble, he just wanted to successfully complete his mission.The three of them came out this time to explore the Ocher Peak where extraordinary phenomena had occurred before.

They also tried to seek confirmation from the Taoist priests of Tianshi Mansion, but they could not get any information. Those Easterners were obviously very wary of them.For this reason, Bishop Wells and other senior officials of the mission did not show too much disappointment. This was expected, and therefore, they decided to act on their own.

For this mission to the east, at the very least, the Holy See also hopes to obtain actual evidence that the Tianshi Mansion has extraordinary power. The further goal is to have some contact and even obtain information about whether the Holy See has extraordinary power. Some information on power.After all, many of the previous ones were just conjectures, and conjectures and empirical evidence are completely different.

The extraordinary incident that happened in the Zhe Bifeng area was a piece of good news for the mission, and seemed to be the key to breaking the situation.For the mission, since the Tianshi Mansion has been unable to obtain any useful information, it might be a good idea to make some other attempts.

They had already made plans before coming. During these days, the mission would try their best to cover up their departure, but they also needed to return within two days. If they could not come back after more than two days, then no matter how hard they tried to hide it, it would be difficult to return. Completely conceal it.

Of course, they are envoys, not prisoners. Even if someone is found to be going out secretly, it can at most be explained as a trip. Even if there are some behind-the-scenes games that both parties are well aware of, they will not be really arrested.Of course, if they get to that point, it will inevitably have an impact on their mutual trust with the Tianshi Mansion, so it is basically certain that the mission's eastward trip will achieve nothing. This is not what Bishop Wells and others want to see.

Facts have proved that taking a detour is not an easy task, because they are worried about encountering villagers on the main road, and the three of them are not familiar with the road conditions nearby.So, after analyzing multiple maps, they decided to try to go directly through the forest, which meant that they needed to manually carve out a considerable path.

Fortunately, the surrounding roads were not blocked by Zhao State's powerful departments. Simon and others speculated that it was probably the local government's respect for the Xuanmen Holy Land, or a tacit understanding.This also facilitates their movements to some extent.

After all, this is the Tianshi Mansion, the birthplace of the Jokhang Xuanmen, and the holy land for 2000 years.

Ten years ago, various countries did not pay much attention to this local religion that originated in the Zhao Empire. At most, they just thought it was somewhat unique. Even many Western religious scholars criticized it as "originating from polytheism and polytheism". The remnants of primitive religions of animism will eventually be eliminated by higher levels of monotheism.”

However, today, in small circles in various countries, Xuanmen has been raised to the level that needs the most attention, and the Tianshi Mansion in Danding Mountain, which has a long history, is full of fascinating things in the eyes of many insiders. The secrets and power of reverie, awe.



"Rest for a quarter of an hour." Victor, who was walking ahead, came to a fallen tree trunk. After checking that there were no snakes or insects on the trunk, he took off his backpack and placed it on the ground, then sat on the trunk. Go on, take out the kettle, unscrew the small opening and replenish water.

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