In addition, whether the ship had encountered a huge object suspected of being a creature or whether White and Yamashita had a duel over Vivian, no one mentioned these incidents in previous inquiries.

Are these survivors hiding something on purpose?

Zhang Chengxi continued to read with doubts. He had determined that there was obviously a big problem with Vivian. Even if there were no other problems in the subsequent diary, he would immediately report it to the Major General and must re-examine it. This whole situation.

He took out his cell phone and began to quickly take photos of all the previous diaries, and then flipped through them while taking photos.

July 37, 2

White told the guard that he suspected he was sick because he started hearing strange voices calling.

I think his illness is caused by his confinement. I am afraid that his illness will be cured once he is released from the confinement room.


July 37, 2

White said that his symptoms were getting worse. In addition, even Yamashiro said that he heard strange calls. He swore to tell us that he was not lying.

Mr. Thomson examined them and he believed that they were indeed not lying, but the details remained to be seen.

Ms. Vivian is really a nice person, everyone likes her very much, she is always so considerate...


July 37, 2

White's condition worsened, and he claimed that he heard her mother talking to him... who, as far as we know, had died when he was 13 years old.


July 37, 2

I don’t know why, but my right eye kept twitching after I woke up today...


July 37, 2

Dennis in the engine room also had auditory hallucinations today, which must be taken seriously!

Mr. Thomson's opinion was that they might be suffering from some kind of mental illness that was causing the auditory hallucinations, but he didn't have any good treatment options.

Clemont thought that maybe it was because of the closed navigation in the subspace that everyone was a little stressed. Maybe a group dinner would be a good idea?


I always feel that Vivian is hinting at something to me, but she is really charming...

Wake up!Ge Huaiyuan, you are an imperial soldier!Also a father!You can't do anything that's sorry for Feifei and the children...


July 37, 2

Today, another crew member developed symptoms. We still have not found the cause, but no matter what, we must do something. We have currently transferred the crew member with the problem to a special cabin for care. In addition, all crew members have begun to wear simple protective clothing. Install to avoid possible infection.

White and Yamashiro, who were the first to get sick, both seemed a little distracted. Their thoughts were extremely confused and they often imagined that their ancestors and relatives in their hometown were talking to them...

Damn it!His ancestors were speaking to him from over ten light years away?


July 37, 2

In order to appease people, we had a group dinner at noon. Old Damon shared his private collection of Gasol ham slices. To be honest, I felt that the taste was somewhat similar to the Wushang ham commonly eaten in China.

Vivian sang a song, and her voice was really good. It had an ethereal, deep, and dead feeling. I didn't like this feeling very much, but the boys seemed to be in a better mood.Bo


July 37, 2

The situation is still getting worse. As of today, five crew members have experienced problems of varying degrees.

I convened a core-level meeting, and it was decided at the meeting that the entire ship would begin ship-wide biological and chemical disinfection operations in accordance with the SI-A2 level plan.At the same time, the isolation level of sick crew members will be increased.

If this is really a disease caused by microorganisms in a certain location, hopefully it can at least stop the spread.


July 37, 2

Another sick person appeared today. White's condition is getting more and more serious. Yamashiro's condition is not much better than him. They begin to imagine that they have another personality, a guy who does not exist...

Mr. Thomson felt that their symptoms were similar to those of severe schizophrenia.


I must avoid being alone with Vivian, it's too dangerous, I almost have to... Ge Huaiyuan, you must understand!You are a family man!

Be a pure soldier!Don’t forget your original intention!


July 37, 3

The effect of the SI-A2 level plan is not ideal, and the situation is getting worse, with 8 people already showing symptoms.Starting this afternoon, it will be upgraded to SI-A1 level...


I know that the crew has been talking about this recently, and I have to pay attention to everyone's emotions.There are already some people discussing the topic of return.

I think if the situation continues to deteriorate, I will consider this proposal, but not now.

Among the 97 projects we have undertaken, 52 projects have been carried out so far, of which only 26 have been completed, and many projects have not yet been started.To be honest, if we return now, everyone will have one more unsuccessful voyage record on their resume...

However, if it continues to develop like this, safety will always come first, and that can only be the case.

July 37, 3

Mr. Thomson, who is also experiencing symptoms, told me today that a distant but familiar voice was calling him in his ear.

I'm sorry but I can only isolate him.

Chapter 556 No Vivian!

July 37, 3

Today, White and Yamashiro's paranoia is still getting worse. They begin to think that they are another person, that guy who does not exist...

At the same time, they began to show manic symptoms and tried to attack the crew members who came to deliver meals to them... For this reason, sedatives had to be used on the ship.

Fortunately, there were no new patients today. We hope that the SI-A1 level plan will have some effect.


Vivian came to see me again today. Maybe it’s been too long since I’ve had contact with a woman. I feel like I can’t help but want to...

She is so attractive, I know this is wrong, but I really can't control myself...

I must avoid being alone with her!This can never go on like this!

I'm a soldier!Also a father!

July 37, 3

The SI-A1 class failed to prevent the situation from getting worse. 16 crew members have already had problems, including my first mate, Major Clermont. At least I think the possibility of microbial infection can be ruled out.

Perhaps there is indeed some kind of background radiation in subspace, as some people have speculated.

For the safety of everyone, I announced the decision to return at today's meeting. It seems that everyone supports this decision.

Luckily our navigator has been problem-free…

I thought, no matter what, I must take them back smoothly.


July 37, 3

I found out that Vivian was having an affair with Bosun Andre, which surprised me. I never knew that she would be interested in a man in his 50s...

I don't know how to describe my feelings at this time. This may be a good thing, allowing me to view this emotion correctly.

Once you know how to stop, you will have concentration, and after concentration, you will be able to be still...

Ge Huaiyuan, you should know where the boundary of this matter is?Don't cross the line!Don't cross the line!

July 37, 3

The number of sick sailors has increased sharply in the past few days, reaching 26. The isolation can no longer be maintained. We must allow mildly ill sailors to continue working, otherwise we will not be able to operate our test ship.

Protective clothing has proven to be ineffective. The disease seems to be spreading in some way that we cannot understand, and we still have not found the cause.

White and Yamashiro have fallen into self-perception confusion. In other words, they are really crazy!

They have become extremely aggressive and today I had to order the use of forced restraints plus medication.

God bless them, they can survive until they return home.


I dreamed of Vivian last night, and this morning I threw away the sheets and underwear.This is such a terrible thing, I don't know how I could be so impulsive...

I clearly knew that she was maintaining a relationship with Andre, but for some reason, my feelings for her seemed to be getting harder and harder to restrain. I felt a strong impulse...

No, this is wrong, really wrong...

Not even a cold shower could calm me down.There seems to be something special about this woman that attracts me...

Could it be that this is some kind of medicine?

Maybe, I need to re-examine this woman. Is this impulse really normal?

July 37, 3

The number of sick people exceeds 35, 15 of whom have entered critical condition.

The strange thing is that today White's symptoms began to lessen, he began to become normal, and even made a joke with Louise who was accompanying him. In any case, this is the only good news I have heard these days.


The bad news is, I've been tricked.

Last night, I also heard that kind of voice. It was a very kind call, as if greeting you from a distant place. To be honest, even if I knew there was a problem, it would be difficult for me to feel bad about it. I know that this very dangerous!

I have to hold on, at least at this stage, I have to take them back!

July 37, 3

The call in my ears became clearer, and I prepared a sedative. I would use this if necessary.


When I was writing my diary today, I saw the diary on the 10th, and I completely forgot about it. At that time, I seemed to suspect that my emotions were abnormal...

Is this because I'm starting to have mental problems?

July 37, 3

White seems to be really normal. Not only him, but Yamashitaburang also began to return to normal today. Their symptoms seemed to appear inexplicably and then disappear inexplicably...

I think we can't make such a quick conclusion yet, we need to observe more.


I really forgot about my doubts about Vivian again. Damn it, there seemed to be a strange power that made me subconsciously ignore my doubts about her!

Something very wrong is happening, and I think I need to make some preparations...

July 37, 3

Things are getting bad, I actually forgot to write in my diary yesterday!The alarm clock doesn’t work. When I put it down, I immediately ignore it...

Just now, I used my alarm clock to inject myself with sedatives at regular intervals, and it turned out to be effective.I don't know how much time this will buy me.

My mental state is also getting worse. I heard my father chatting with me again. I really miss it... I know this seems abnormal, but why don't I resist?

I don't have much time. Next, I will use the captain's authority to call up the surveillance, hoping to find something.

July 37, 3


Sedatives are effective, but if used repeatedly, the effect will fade, and now they can only last for 5 minutes.At the same time, this drug is extremely taxing on the body, and I need to find a new solution.

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