"In addition, over the years, thanks to donations from some good men and women, and some investments, I have also accumulated a lot of wealth. To be honest with my uncle, I roughly estimate that my nephew's income will increase a lot next year."

"Although Kunlun is a big family with a big business, there must be a lot of things that need to be wasted. I still remember that the Grand Master Uncle mentioned last time that the sect had experienced changes. The Master Nephew thought that there are still a lot of things that need to be repaired. , these are all expenses. In addition, Taishi Shu is a highly virtuous man. Although he has achieved success in cultivation and has a long life, he should not be too austere."

"Therefore, my nephew made his own decision and thought of taking some from Yunxiao Mountain every year to offer to the sect. This is also the filial piety of my nephew and the Yunxiao family..."

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Jing had no intention of refusing.He originally planned the relationship between the Yunxiao lineage and Kunlun, and he had this idea in mind. Now, without having to ask himself, Li Jingxin came to worship him with extraordinary intelligence, which saved him trouble in the future.

So he nodded, stretched out his hand to take the paper envelope, and after pinching it, he knew that there were probably several cards in it, so he said: "Since Yunxiao Guan is interested, I will hand it over to Master for you."

When Li Jingxin saw his uncle, he didn't refuse and accepted it, and he was immediately reassured.As the abbot of a large sect, Li Jingxin naturally had to deal with a lot of greetings and send-offs before, and he was very sophisticated in people's ways.Regarding the relationship between Kunlun and Yunxiao Mountain, he is like a clear mirror in his mind. Not to mention the future, but in the short period of time since he became the abbot, it can be seen that Yunxiao Mountain is inseparable from Kunlun's back. Zhaofu, not to mention that he himself is still studying under the Taishi uncle...

This biggest trump card must be maintained...

Although, to the gods, money is nothing. As the saying goes, if you don’t bring it with you in life, you won’t take it with you in death. However, after all, the Kunlun elders have not reached the level of eating wind and drinking dew. They still need to wear clothes, eat, and build palaces. Viewing, buying daily necessities, buying rare items, etc... In today's society, having money is more convenient than having no money, there is no doubt about it.

Therefore, although Grand Master Uncle never asked him for money, as the saying goes, no heavy hammer is needed to ring a drum, and Li Jingxin believed that there was no need for anyone to ask for such a thing.

Otherwise, it would become a joke. As the branch of Kunlun, the Yunxiao lineage has been blessed for generations. If you can't even provide some adu things, then what use does Kunlun need from you?

What's more, is Yunxiao Mountain currently short of money?There is no shortage!

To be honest, after a religious group like Yunxiao Mountain develops to this level, money is certainly necessary, but it is no longer the first issue to consider.

"Master uncle, in addition to the sect's offerings, the grand master uncle and several senior uncles also share their thoughts." Li Jingxin's voice became softer and he reminded again.

"It's rare that you have such intentions." Zhang Jing turned over the paper envelope and disappeared into his hand.

After that, the two of them changed the subject in a tacit understanding and did not mention the matter again.

Li Jingxin continued to tell Zhang Jing some of the news he had obtained from Qian Bushi. This was actually the first time An Huiling had heard about Fengsui Fort, and she was listening quietly without saying a word.



"So, today's canonization will be coming soon?" Zhang Jing said with a smile: "Congratulations on this."

"I really don't dare to say this as my uncle." Li Jingxin looked ashamed. He glanced at Zhang Jing carefully and saw that he didn't look displeased, so he continued: "I really borrowed the power of the sect and accepted it. Ashamed..."

"Since I trust you more, I will accept it. However, politics... although it is impossible to completely stay out of it, it is not easy to get too close."

"What my uncle has taught me is that Jing Xin knows how to measure things." Li Jingxin obviously did not get carried away by this: "Actually, Jing Xin also discussed it with several junior brothers. After this matter, there is probably a back-up plan, probably to do something. I beg you, I will have to do Tai Chi later..."

Chapter 628 Jing Xin wants to resign

"As long as you understand clearly." Seeing that his mind was clear, Zhang Jing also nodded secretly.

After thinking about it, he added: "After all, these are external things. If Jing Xin wants to make progress in the future, he should devote himself to cultivation."

"Thank you for your advice, uncle. Jing Xin should keep this in mind and dare not slack off." Li Jingxin nodded in agreement. Then he seemed to have made some decision. He took a deep breath and said, "To be honest, uncle, since the last time I came to Beijing, , Jing Xin really has the idea of ​​resigning from the post of abbot of Yunxiao Temple."

"Oh?" Zhang Jing was stunned when he heard this. He didn't know why he had such thoughts. Looking back, everything in Yunxiao Mountain should have gone smoothly, right?

"But what's wrong?" Zhang Jing asked with some confusion.

"This has never happened before. Everything in the temple went smoothly..." Seeing that Zhang Jinghui had misunderstood, Li Jingxin hurriedly explained: "Actually, my nephew feels that he is older. As the abbot this year, he has been involved in worldly affairs, especially some welcoming events. The matter of coming and going is unavoidable and will inevitably delay your practice..."

"My nephew entered Taoism too late. If he doesn't work hard, I'm afraid he will have to live longer in the end, and he will waste a great opportunity..."

"In the end... I can't help but be like Master Xiao..." Speaking of his master Xiao Daoguang, Li Jingxin couldn't help but sigh. With his master's talent, how could he have ended up dead and reincarnated if he hadn't been burdened by worldly affairs.

Li Jingxin looked at Zhang Jing again, his eyes gradually becoming firmer: "The human body is hard to come by, and now it is clear. The great road is difficult to understand. It is not meant for this life, how much more should it be spent in this life!"

As he spoke, he suddenly turned around, straightened his clothes, and then bowed to the ground respectfully: "Uncle, I have already understood what I want. I hope that I can help you."

Zhang Jing looked at the old man who was prostrate on the ground in front of him. He didn't mean to step forward to help him. Instead, he folded his hands and remained silent, seeming to be thinking about something.

Li Jingxin did not dare to rush, but knelt down on the ground with some anxiety, feeling his heart beating rapidly, as if he was waiting for a verdict.

Zhang Jing looked up at the stars running through the sky, and suddenly chanted:

“A tree without roots, flowers in full bloom, who is willing to give up on the world of mortals?

Floating things, bitter sea boats, floating around and not free.

Boundless and shoreless, it is difficult to moor, and it is long to swim in the danger of fish and dragons.

Ken looks back, it's the shore, don't wait for the storm to break the boat. "

As he said that, he looked at Li Jingxin again and said, "The fact that you have such enlightenment and are willing to step down from the position of abbot shows that you have a heart for the Tao, which is not a bad thing for you..."

As he said that, he pondered for a moment, and looked at Li Jingxin, who was obviously much more relaxed after hearing what he just said, and finally sighed and said: "Forget it, I will discuss this matter with the teacher for you. One or two, get up."

With that said, Zhang Jing stretched out his hand and lifted it up. Li Jingxin, who was kneeling on the ground, felt that he could no longer kneel down and was pulled to his feet by a strong force out of thin air.

Li Jingxin felt reassured at this time. He knew that this master uncle had quite a reputation in front of the grand master uncle. If he helped him to speak, the chance of success would be much greater than if he spoke directly.

This was the reason why he begged the great uncle for this matter.

In fact, deep in Li Jingxin's heart, if the Grand Master really didn't want to accept him, then it would be good if the Grand Master in front of him was willing to accept him as his disciple.

Although the great master is now passing on his skills from generation to generation, he does not have the name of a teacher, but he is actually a teacher.But Li Jingxin himself is the leader of the Xuanmen sect, and he is well aware of the principle that if one's knowledge is not correct, his words will not be correct. The difference in treatment between a registered disciple and a disciple who enters the family is not 01:30...

As for whether the seniority is lower?

This is an opportunity to become an immortal, why do you care about your seniority!

"Senior brother, the third junior brother and the fourth junior sister are here." An Huiling on the side suddenly reminded.

Zhang Jing nodded and looked at Wei Chengguang and Zhu Yingwei who were walking towards him.The two came to stand in front of Zhang Jing, and then saluted respectfully.

"Brother is well."

After a few polite exchanges, Zhang Jing began today's lecture.

He first tested the progress of everyone's cultivation. It had to be said that because of Zhang Jing's secret work and his outstanding talent, An Huiling's progress in cultivation was the fastest, but she did not lose to her. Senior sister’s face.

It can be seen that everyone has put in a lot of effort in cultivation, but there is no lazy person. Relatively speaking, Li Jingxin's progress is indeed relatively slow. Here, since he is older and has more energy and blood, The reason for the decline is that as the abbot of a large sect, he is busy with secular affairs. Relatively speaking, he has less time to devote to practice than others.It's no wonder that Li Jingxin himself has worries in this regard...

Afterwards, it was time for questions and answers. People would ask Zhang Jing about some of the problems they encountered during practice, and Zhang Jing would answer them for them.

After he no longer had any doubts, Zhang Jing began to explain the new method to everyone, and everyone listened attentively. In this way, time passed unknowingly...

In fact, with this kind of teaching, at the beginning, Zhang Jing only wanted to establish his authority among these juniors through "teaching".After all, although he is called senior brother, he is actually half a master because of his gift of teaching skills.

But later I discovered that the teaching experience was equivalent to re-examining the basics from the smallest details. Especially for someone like him who had used many methods in the early stage and advanced too quickly, such an opportunity was not only for his disciples They are a kind of teaching, and for him, it is also a kind of reviewing the past and learning the new.

Therefore, he is now extremely serious about teaching in this area.

This lesson was not finished until the early hours of the morning, and after Zhang Jing's class ended, several disciples usually would not leave immediately, but would conduct their own exercises in the square.

Finding a gap in the practice room, Zhu Yingwei thanked Zhang Jing with a grateful look on her face: "Senior Brother, my brother is safe. Yingwei thanked Senior Brother for what happened before."

Zhang Jing nodded and didn't say much. For him, it was just a casual thing.Looking back now, he didn't even notice who Zhu Yingwei's second brother was.

Of course, Senior Brother may not care, but Zhu Yingwei cannot help but be grateful...

Seeing that her senior brother had no intention of talking about this topic, she ended the topic obediently and kept this kindness in her heart.




Zhang Jing appeared silently in his study, his eyes slightly wrinkled, he took a few steps slowly, and stood there thinking for a while. The next moment, he took out half of the turtle shell.

PS: Thanks to my friend from "Luocheng Wendi" in the post for pointing out the difference between the master's uncle and the master's uncle. I made a mistake by not checking it for a while. I will review it here.Traditionally in our country, among peers, those who are older than the master are called master uncle, and those who are younger than the master are called master uncle. Zhang Jing is the eldest disciple of the same generation and should be called master uncle, so here I will use the previous titles Li Jingxin gave to Zhang Jing. edited.As for Zhang Taihe, because the current setting is that Li Jingxin’s master is the head disciple, Zhang Taihe was initially a disciple of Yunxiao Temple, and then faked his death to join the Kunlun Sect.Therefore, the seniority is calculated from Yunxiaoguan, and there is no problem in calling Grand Master Uncle. This modification will be explained to everyone, thank you!

Chapter 629 brings good luck to the "Morgan River"

Just now in the Changchun Cave, he heard Li Jingxin talk about the fact that there were two test ships that had not returned yet, and the senior officials of various countries were quite worried about this. He made a calculation on a whim, but the result of his calculation at that time was It seems to be a mixture of good and bad luck.

When he returned home, he decided to make another careful calculation.After all, the noise caused by the Suifenhe ship not long ago was really big, and even Zhang Jing didn't want the same thing to happen again.

He threw the turtle shell into the air, and saw the turtle shell like black jade floating in front of him out of thin air, slowly spinning...

Then, he half-closed his eyes and began to calculate carefully...

After a while, he opened his eyes again, then put away the turtle shell, walked slowly to the desk, and sat down.

The results of this calculation are clearer, and it is indeed a mixed picture of good and bad.

Fortunately, the "Red Stone River" among the remaining two test ships seems to have encountered no problems. According to the hexagram, it should be able to return home smoothly.

What's more ominous is that the other ship "Mogen River" showed a sign of great misfortune in the hexagram, and Zhang Jing can be sure that something terrible must have happened on the test ship at this time...

This result made Zhang Jing feel a little hesitant. As far as his true nature was concerned, he actually did not want problems with the experimental ships that set out to explore the subspace. After all, in a sense, these experimental ships were all carrying human knowledge of the subspace. There is hope for exploring the unknown world, and it is not an exaggeration to call the crew members above them the pioneers and heroes of mankind.

Even from a smaller perspective, the previous Suifenhe incident has caused enough disruption in the human world, and its impact is still spreading and is far from over.

If the current top leaders of various countries are preparing to suppress the aftermath of the incident, then if the same space disaster happens again, Zhang Jing thinks about it and feels that it will be a disaster in terms of public opinion...

However, for him, it would be beyond his reach to directly help the experimental ship that was unknown where it was at this time.

Of course, there is no way. The only way is... to use the power of the wish.

Zhang Jing sat at the desk, weighed and thought for a long time, and finally decided to help. After all, judging from the current trend, if this test ship can return smoothly, or if the problems are not so big, the countries can be more smoothly appeased. Staying in line with public opinion is actually of great benefit to him.

After all, what Zhang Jing needs most right now is actually time. He must strive for a relatively stable social environment for himself to complete a series of layouts.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhang Jing will help the test ship at all costs. After all, Zhang Jing does not know what kind of situation the test ship is facing at this time?What level of situation is it?

If the situation he faces exceeds the limit that Zhang Jing can help, then Zhang Jing may face backlash from side effects that exceed his ability to cope.

After careful consideration, Zhang Jing finally opened the wishing letter:

"Previously, after the "Malvern River" test ship successfully conducted its first subspace voyage, the United Humankind Scientific Exploration Agency once again dispatched three test ships. They are the "Suifenhe" test ship and the "Red Stone River" "Experimental ship and the "Morgan River" test ship.

Currently, the "Suifenhe" test ship has returned, but the other two have not yet returned.

I wish that the "Morgan River Experimental Ship" will get some good luck, which may help them escape dangerous situations during the voyage. "

After Zhang Jing completed his wish, he looked at the normal handwriting indicating that the wish was successful appeared on the wishing book.

In his previous wishes, the wish points required for luck-based wishes were usually not very high. In Zhang Jing's opinion, this was probably because this was a non-forced wish, and there was a high probability that the wish was made through some kind of power. Some subtle changes are made along the way, and what good luck brings...sometimes you won't feel any help at all, but sometimes, it will produce unexpected and effective help, and even the effects are surprising.

Therefore, Zhang Jing chose this mode at this time. For him, this is equivalent to the old saying, do your best and obey fate.As for whether the Morgan River can return, it depends on their luck...

Sure enough, after a while, Zhang Jing discovered that new words appeared on the wishing book.

“Previously, on the test ships HMS Malvern and HMS Morgan.

Currently, the "Suifenhe" test ship has returned...

I wish that the "Morgan River Experimental Ship" will get some good luck, which may help them escape dangerous situations during the voyage.

The wish has been fulfilled.

Deduct 15000 wish points. "

Zhang Jing looked at the deducted wishing points. This was a range of points that he could bear. Then, it depends on whether they can return smoothly.

After taking back the wish letter, Zhang Jing remembered the paper envelope that Li Jingxin gave him, took out the paper envelope, opened it, and found that there were four sealed small card packets hidden inside.

The four card packages are all wrapped in extremely exquisite traditional dark pattern paper, dyed red, and the words "Zongmen", "Uncle Taishi", "Uncle Master" and "Uncle Masters" are specially marked on the paper packages. , in addition, a piece of folded letter paper is attached.

Zhang Jing first opened the folded letter paper. It should be a short message written by Li Jingxin himself. It started with "Master Bo Junjian", which was obviously written to Zhang Jing.

The content is not complicated. Apart from removing a lot of modifications and respectful words, the general meaning is:

First, I introduced several card packages, each containing the bearer account of Hope Bank.

Among them, 5 million imperial rolls were stored in the "Zongmen" account. Li Jingxin explained that this account was a portion of the cash surplus from the overall income of various industries in the Yunxiao Mountain line last year and was dedicated to the Zongmen.This part is entrusted to the master uncle to be handed over to the grand master uncle for disposal.

In the "Uncle Taishi" account, there are 1 million Imperial Scrolls stored. This part is dedicated to the daily maintenance expenses of Uncle Taishi.This part was naturally handed over to Grand Master Uncle.

The account with the words "Uncles" contains 5000 million Imperial Scrolls, which are dedicated to the needs of the uncles under the Grand Master's uncle's sect. As for how to distribute them, it is up to the Grand Master's uncle's wishes.Therefore, this part is also entrusted to the uncle to be handed over to the uncle.

In the account of "Uncle Grandmaster", there are also 5000 million Imperial Scrolls stored. This part is specially dedicated to Grandmaster Uncle Qingxiu's use due to the great favor of Master Uncle.

Chapter 6: Years in Yunxiao Mountain

And finally, it was mentioned that Yunxiao Mountain's income is relatively stable at present, and it should be able to offer one as a rule every year...

After Zhang Jing read it, he first sighed that Yunxiaoshan's move was really extraordinary. This time, there were a total of 7 million empire rolls. Moreover, these were not those "securities", "real estate", "collectibles" and the like. Instead of material things, it is real cash. To withdraw 7 million in cash at a time is probably not an easy thing for the big groups at the forefront of Dazhao today.

After that, he read Li Jingxin's letter carefully again and tasted it carefully. The more he read, the more mysterious it became.Obviously, Li Jingxin still put a lot of thought into how to give this offering...

Zhang Jing thought about it, shook his head with a smile, reached for the card package with "Uncle Master" written on it, and tore it open. Inside was a small, exquisitely made paper card that looked like a business card, with separate prints on it. It has the words "Hope Bank" and "Bearer Account" on it. On the back of the card are five account numbers and five passwords.

This is the bearer account opened by Hope Bank.

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