"No, no..." Suddenly the captain who was walking in the team raised his hand to signal everyone to stop.

"What's wrong? Captain?"

"Do you think this corridor is too long?" the captain said with an ugly expression.

After saying this, everyone realized the problem. As permanent museum guards, they were extremely familiar with the museum environment.Indeed, as the captain said, this corridor is not that long. In my impression, even three corridors should be completed!

The captain raised his flashlight to shine towards the path behind him, and then he took a deep breath...

Another team member who turned his head with him was even more horrified and directly drew a crown on his chest: "Oh... Lord!!!"

In the eyes of the two people, what was behind them was no longer the corridor when they came, but a huge mirror frame. Now their field of vision was as if they were looking out from a huge mirror frame. It was a familiar museum corridor, but where were they at this time? ! ! !

Several people suddenly panicked. They tried to rush out of the frame in the direction they came from. However, it was as if they were in two worlds. No matter how they ran in the direction they came from, they could not really get out of the frame.

In other words, they somehow managed to walk into a picture frame hanging on the wall!

This thing sounds weird, but it really happened to them!

The captain tried to contact the guard room, but he soon discovered that the communicator had lost its function.

This kind of thing is rarely heard of in novels, but when it actually happens to people, few people can remain calm.

Immediately, a guard raised his automatic rifle, pointed it further into the corridor and pulled the trigger. However, until the bullets were fired, there was no response in the corridor. Obviously, the bullets could not affect their current situation. To what effect.

This made the six people even more panicked and even desperate. Some guards even shed tears because of their excessive panic...

At this moment, the space they were in violently swayed and turned upside down. They were like crickets in a cage. At this time, someone lifted the entire cage.

Then a giant hand reached out from the outside of the frame. With just one pull, the six guards were scooped out by the giant hand without any resistance.

After that, they were casually thrown down by this giant hand, as if they were dropped from two or three meters in the air. Several people staggered on the ground, and some even knocked their heads off, causing stars to appear in their eyes.

Then, they discovered that they were in an ancient stone hall. This hall stood with some huge stone pillars that were hugged by several people. These pillars in the style of the city-state era in BC supported a huge dome above. .

The entire space set off by this huge dome with a span of more than 50 meters is like a temple of gods.

On their side, there was an imposing and huge stone porch, which seemed to be the entrance to the temple, but the entrance was tightly closed at this time.

Facing the entrance was a towering throne. On top of the throne, an extremely fat and weird-looking being was lying half-lying.

It was obviously not a "person". It was wearing clothes with exaggerated colors, a face smeared white, dark eye shadow, a strange-style bicorn hat, short hands and feet, and it looked somewhat like a "Puppet" or "Doll", just against the backdrop of this huge building, this weird existence in the eyes of the guards makes it easy for people to think of such things as "Djinn God" and "Demon God" at the first time A kind of myth and legend.

"Humble people, you have invaded the domain of the great Akbar. As punishment, you must please me in exchange for freedom." There was a mask-like face on the face of the puppet. At this time, his face His expression was indifferent and aloof, just like a god sitting on a divine throne.

Hearing this, a guard raised his automatic rifle, pointed it at the tall weirdo, and pulled the trigger. However, after the bullet came out of the chamber, it turned into little birds in front of his eyes, chirping. After his eyes circled for a few times, he stopped on the porch nearby.

"You humble man, you actually tried to attack the great Akbar, you will be punished even more!"


When Zhang Jing came to the entrance of the Balladur National Museum, he saw from a distance that a security isolation tape had been set up outside the gate. Two police cars were parked next to the isolation tape, and some police officers were placing warning signs there.

As soon as Zhang Jing thought about it, his appearance had changed. He was a middle-aged priest wearing a black monk's robe, with the iconic crown and round emblem of the Holy Enlightenment Sect hanging on his chest.

Without stopping, he went straight to the isolation belt, raised his legs and continued walking inward.

A uniformed guard looked impatient and drove away a passerby who came up to ask, and motioned to him not to take pictures.

Then he turned around and saw Zhang Jing walking towards the isolation zone. He walked up quickly and took a look at the monk's uniform on Zhang Jing's body. His attitude softened significantly and he reminded him: "This priest, very... Sorry, the museum is closed now, and the museum will not be open tomorrow."

Zhang Jing reached out and drew a crown on his chest, looked at the guard, and said in a low voice: "Child, this is not something you can handle."

The guard was stunned when he heard this and wanted to say something, but he saw that Zhang Jing had already passed through the isolation zone. Before he could react, he had disappeared at the gate of the Baladir National Museum.

The closed door failed to stop him at all!

The guard immediately chased after him, but when he came to the gate of the museum, he found that the person had disappeared into the gate. The guard watched the priest's figure disappear into the shadows of the museum and chased him for a few steps. No one could be seen anymore.

In the darkness, thinking of those colleagues who were still missing, the guards did not dare to pursue them anymore, so they had to pick up the communicator and eagerly report what had just happened...


Entering the museum, Zhang Jing completely ignored the guard at the door. His current persona was that of a priest of the church. Let them think of it...

Zhang Jing was not familiar with the environment here. He just moved forward casually based on his perception. He could feel that something had changed in this dark shadow.

Chapter 655 False Space

Zhang Jing was traveling extremely fast. To ordinary people, the dark corridor seemed to be completely invisible to him. At this time, his eyes were flashing with golden fire, and his powerful perception was constantly exploring him. all directions around.

Zhang Jing continued to move forward along the wide corridor. It was said to be a corridor. In fact, the width here was nearly ten meters, which was comparable to the halls of other buildings. There were a large number of oil paintings hanging on the walls on both sides, including various paintings. Various themes.

When he came just now, Zhang Jing had already noticed that this place was part of the painting gallery.

The museum's power supply system was obviously interfered with by some unknown force, and a large number of lighting facilities had been extinguished. As Zhang Jing continued to advance, the lights above his head flickered strangely from time to time, and at the same time, "Zhi...Zhi..." appeared. ..." sound.

In the dim corridor, Zhang Jing continued to move forward as if he was unaware. He passed through a corridor again and entered the next exhibition hall. The walls on both sides were still covered with paintings. Most of them were portraits. There are many portraits of Renaissance figures hanging in it.

Just as Zhang Jing walked past the portraits, with a popping sound, the last chandelier above his head also went out. Fortunately, the roof above his head was made of square pieces of transparent glass. , able to penetrate some night starlight, but tonight is a rainy night, the night is already dark, and now the hall seems even more unusually dark.

There are portraits of people hanging on the walls on both sides, most of which are busts, smiling or looking seriously at Zhang Jing walking among them. A strange atmosphere of being spied on arises spontaneously...

Zhang Jing, however, seemed unaware and continued to move forward unhurriedly.

Just as Zhang Jing was walking past a portrait of an elderly aristocratic figure about one meter tall, he saw in the shadows that the eyes of the aristocratic portrait suddenly blinked, and the pale face looked strangely at the person who had walked in front of him. Zhang Jing passed by, the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing a mysterious smile...

However, at this moment, Zhang Jing suddenly stopped and suddenly turned his head, his eyes shining with fire looked directly at the portrait of the noble in the shadow.

Eye to eye!

But the old nobleman seemed to be stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect to be discovered so suddenly. However, soon, a strange smile appeared on his face again, and at the same time, the surrounding pictures The portraits all looked towards Zhang Jing, with strange smiles on their faces.

Zhang Jing could feel that there was some kind of power brewing rapidly in the shadows...

"Interesting stuff..." Suddenly, the corners of Zhang Jing's mouth also turned up slightly, revealing an interested smile.

The next moment, a clear sword sound was heard.In the void behind Zhang Jing, a suspended long sword slowly appeared.

And as the long sword appeared, in the dim night, the shadow behind Zhang Jing was slowly stretching, gradually becoming huge, majestic, and sublime, and integrated with the entire night...

At the same time, the smile on the portrait of the old noble froze directly, and then showed a look of fear. This look of fear became more and more intense, until finally, it seemed as if he was about to cry, and disappeared directly. in the picture frame.

Zhang Jing looked back and saw that the photo frames around him were all empty, everyone was hiding.

Is this some kind of "alive" quality?Zhang Jing thought secretly in his heart. Logically speaking, these oil paintings should be completely dead things. However, in his eyes, these oil paintings were obviously affected by some kind of power, thus giving birth to some real "living things". "Characteristics possessed only by

In his perception, this was somewhat similar to the incorporeal creature he had seen before, but not completely similar.However, from another perspective, these "living" states are extremely dangerous for ordinary people. Zhang Jing can feel their malice and unabashedly hopes to bring those ordinary people to Drag into their world...

Zhang Jing walked towards a huge floor-to-ceiling photo frame on the left that was as tall as a person. He remembered clearly that originally there was a huge full-length portrait hanging here, which depicts the coronation of King Henry III of Grande. , a figure standing high on horseback looking ahead.But at this time, the photo frame was also empty. The people and horses in it had gone somewhere.

Zhang Jing stepped forward and walked directly into the frame, just like passing through a wave of water. Here was a sunny square, where some nobles in gorgeous clothes were holding the coronation ceremony of the king. The king in gorgeous clothes was sitting on a horse, but at this time, everyone here was focused on Zhang Jing, and the whole square was strangely quiet.

Zhang Jing raised his head and glanced at the sun in the sky, and then looked at everything around him. He only had one feeling at this time, and that was falseness. Everything here seemed to really exist, but yet it was so false.

With a thought in his heart, the long sword hanging behind him let out a sword sound again, but he saw a huge crack in the void beside him, like a torn piece of cloth.

Seeing this move, King Henry III immediately knelt down, and his horse knelt down with him. Together with everyone on the side, the whole square knelt down.

These people knelt on the ground in fear, obviously afraid that Zhang Jing would not control himself well and tear everything here apart.

Zhang Jing ignored these people, or in other words, he didn't think these were "people" at all.


Zhang Jing spit out one word.Then, everyone in the square stopped moving, and then everything around them began to lose color, returning to the most primitive black and white.

Zhang Jing looked into the distance and found that the world had become strange and strange. Many concepts that ordinary people had in mind were no longer around. Concepts such as direction were obviously confused here. Some buildings were standing upside down and growing in the sky. , and the road twists and turns in a curly shape, everything is as disorderly and upside down as a world in a nightmare.

Zhang Jing observed everything around him thoughtfully. In his opinion, this kind of existence with "alive" characteristics was not essentially a threat, at least to him.

But behind it, the way of existence itself is worthy of study. He even smelled some "rules", which made him feel a little wary.

Chapter 656 The Colosseum

The flames in his eyes were burning brightly. In Zhang Jing's vision, this bizarre world actually had many "doors" leading to different exits.

This is the world in the "painting", a false world.However, even if it is a false world, it is still a world after all, which is not simple.

Without going deeper into this world, Zhang Jing withdrew again and looked back. The frame in front of him still showed the original painting, without any sign of being "alive".

His actions just now erased the "alive" state of the painting, and Zhang Jing had a clear understanding in his heart.

Ignoring the extremely frightened eyes in the surrounding frames, Zhang Jing continued to move forward. This time, he did not encounter any obstacles.

Soon, he walked out of the painting gallery and came to the junction of the first and second floors. Zhang Jing passed through a beautifully carved marble doorway. According to the museum's guide sign, there should be a passage leading to the second floor. stairs.

However, in front of him at this time, there was a wall like other places, without any upward stairs.

Is there some force distorting this place?The fire in Zhang Jing's eyes glanced around and he quickly came to a realization.

But I saw him forming a seal with one hand: "Array!"

As he finished speaking, he saw circles of ripples rippling on the wall in front of him. After that, the entire wall became distorted. The color blocks and lines that made up the entire wall seemed to be made of paint, rotating around each other, and finally shattered and reappeared. What appeared in front of Zhang Jing's eyes was an upward staircase.

Zhang Jing made a brief observation, then raised his legs and stepped forward...


Antoine held a dagger only as long as a palm in his hand, and only had a pair of short shorts and a pair of straw sandals underneath him. He was almost naked, standing on the side of the Colosseum, staring at the people approaching him. of wolves.

There were five companions beside him who were dressed similarly to him. They were all dressed like gladiators from the classical period, and in front of them were eight huge gray wolves.

Not long ago, they were fully armed royal guards, responsible for guarding the National Balladir Museum. However, it was so fantasy, everything was like an absurd script. At this time, they had all stripped naked and dressed up like Gladiators in classical times fought with wild beasts.

Relatively speaking, Antoine, as the captain, is quite lucky. Except for one person who holds a dagger similar to his, the rest of his team members only have wooden sticks in their hands. There is even one unlucky guy. , nothing in hand, bare hands.Antoine knew that the guy had shot at the being who called himself "The Great Akbar", and this was probably his punishment.

However, until now, Antoine still has not figured out who the "great Akbar" is.Is it a hidden god or an unknown demon?

But Antoine didn't have much thought to think about those issues at this time. He only knew that if he died here, there was a high probability that he would really die!This was proven by his shaky companion who had been bitten on one arm.

"Fernand, hold on, we will definitely kill these beasts!" Antoine glanced at the two wolves lying down in the arena and shouted to his companions.

The team member named Fernan was obviously seriously injured. The injury on his arm was torn and bloody, but they had no first aid at this time, so they could only ask him to take off his remaining pants. He bandaged his arms, so he was the only one among them who was naked.

"I...it's okay..." The man was swaying, obviously just gritting his teeth and persisting.

The Colosseum is circular, surrounded by high platforms of more than three meters. The high platforms are full of people, but in Antoine's eyes, the faces of these people are blurry and cannot be seen clearly.One could only see that each of them was extremely excited, shouting and making waves one after another.

Antoine also noticed that the person sitting on the main seat opposite them was the obese puppet. At this time, it was watching the fighting in the field with the same excitement.The surrounding audience gathered around it, as if it was the "king" here.

It seems...as it says, everything is just to please it.

Before Antoine could think more, the largest gray wolf in front roared, and several wolves separated into two teams and surrounded them from the left and right sides.

"Back to back, everyone back to back, form a circle, don't give these beasts a chance to get around!" Antoine shouted loudly. Although they were not familiar with how to fight with cold weapons when facing ferocious beasts, fortunately they were all in the same position before. The team members, with a minimum of familiarity, quickly formed a circular formation.

The injured team member was protected by them in the formation, and the gray wolves clashed back and forth around them, trying to rush forward from time to time, trying to intimidate them and cause flaws in the formation.

The guards held their weapons in front of them one after another, with one hand in front and one hand behind. Their bodies were slightly crouched. Whenever the gray wolves came close, they would wave wooden sticks or daggers to force them back.

Those gray wolves obviously knew that these people were difficult to deal with. After all, two of them had fallen down before, so they appeared to be very patient under the command of the alpha wolf. It was obvious that they were waiting for the injured among the people in front of them. Because of their physical strength, Falling without support.

For a time, the contest between man and wolf turned into a situation of mutual consumption.


Arriving at a porch, Zhang Jing did not immediately walk into the empty porch, even though the sign on the side indicated that this was the way to go.He turned around and walked straight towards the wall on the right side of the porch. He didn't stop when he reached the wall and bumped directly into it...

After that, he was seen passing through the wall like a shadow, and behind the wall, there was a new exhibition hall.

There are a lot of traps in the space on the second floor, which are twisted and chaotic. If you can't see through them, you will probably get lost in this area.

Fortunately, with the help of the Tianchu Sword, Zhang Jing was able to obtain an ability similar to "real vision" to a certain extent. Coupled with the real fire pupils he already possessed, he was able to successfully pass these obstacles.

Looking at the exhibits around here, Zhang Jing noticed that this should be part of the Aboriginal Cultural Center.He has never been here before, but he can understand Grande.

Chapter 657 Loyal and Humble Akbar

This is also due to the fact that after practicing, his memory has been greatly strengthened, especially as his compatibility with Tianchu Sword has become higher and higher, his spiritual level has been greatly improved, and learning languages ​​​​is already a big step for him. It has become a simpler matter.As the mainstream language in the Western Continent, Grande was once more influential than Rune in history. For the sake of convenience, Zhang Jing would not ignore it.

Finally, Zhang Jing stopped in an exhibition hall displaying cultural relics unearthed from the Black Continent. He looked around. A large number of stone statues and handicrafts with abstract carvings were displayed here.

According to the description on the display board in the exhibition hall, the items displayed here are cultural relics from what current historical researchers call the Kalagada period, and were excavated from a site in the northern part of the Black Continent.

Without paying too much attention to other items, Zhang Jing went straight to the east side of the exhibition hall. An exhibition cabinet was open and there were some items scattered around, but there was no one else.Zhang Jing glanced at it, bent down and picked up an object with a beautifully carved snake head from the ground. The snake head held a red gem in its mouth.

In Zhang Jing's field of vision, the snake head exuded green light and was obviously a powerful item.Zhang Jing closed his eyes slightly, felt for a while, and then opened his eyes suddenly. His eyes seemed to penetrate the barrier of space and looked to the right. Then, his whole person disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already appeared in In front of a huge oil painting in the northwest corner of the second floor.

This is a Renaissance oil painting, depicting the scene of gladiators fighting beasts in the Colosseum in the classical period.In the huge circular Colosseum, some naked gladiators holding simple weapons were fighting to the death with several gray wolves. The painting skills were superb and the paintings were lifelike. It could even be seen that two of the gladiators were fighting to the death. The gladiators were already injured. One of them was even seriously injured and was being supported by his companions. The leading gladiator looked angry and shouted loudly, blocking the injured gladiator's path and fighting with the wolf. , and behind them, two gray wolves were preparing to attack.

It's just that Zhang Jing's eyes did not stay too much on these gladiators at this time, but directly locked on the screen. Sitting on the high platform next to the arena, a huge weirdo who looked quite inconsistent. This weirdo He looks fat and his painting style is out of tune with the surrounding viewers, as if he has been inserted into the picture abruptly.

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