Two-dimensional figure maker

Chapter 108: Are You Selling?

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Secondary Yuan Figure Producer Search Novels ("!"If the sky falls down someday, I hope that at that time, I can appear by your side like a hero at the last moment and support you with a brand new future..." James took out his pocket A cigar was held in his mouth, lit, and then took a deep breath, exhaling thick white smoke.Shows a deep feeling of vicissitudes.

"Captain, what are you talking to yourself? Why can't I understand." Although Page didn't want to disturb James' Yaxing, he still couldn't help but complain.

"It's nothing, it's just that I think it's handsome to say that."


"Paige, you continue to chant the spell. Let's buy some time for you." James looked at the rushing enemy, cut off his cigarette, took up the shield, and prepared to return to the battle.

"But Captain! Your injury..."

"I'm fine." James took a deep breath of the smell of cigarettes left in the air."Paige, if I'm gone, you will have to go down on your own."

" leader......"

"Right! One more thing, Peppa. You must remember, in fact..." James exhaled a long breath, looking at Peppa like he was determined, his eyes flashing with determination. Light.

"Actually...I got Brother Jie!!! (Angelina)"

"..." After hearing what James said, Page was in a mess at the time.

"Does this have anything to do with our plot line!!!"

"Hahaha! Of course not. It's just to share his joy for the author." James, a middle-aged greasy brawny, laughed and said.

"Hey! That's it. Go on!"

"The full-weight shield team opened up to block the enemy's assault and buy time for the wizard team!!" James was magnificent, shouting like a veteran.

"Yes, sir!!!"

Upon receiving the order, the reloaded group of seven immediately lined up, forming a solid line of defense in the narrow aisle.

James walked to the middle, erected a big shield to fill the last vacancy.On his face, perseverance and vicissitudes were printed, as if the soldiers were determined to regard death as their home.

"Captain..." Looking at James's tall and reliable back, Paige burst into tears and felt excitement like never before.

With tears in his eyes, Page gritted his teeth and stepped up efforts to complete the magic circle.

The completion coefficient of this magic circle is very large, not only to chant a spell, but also to draw a large and regular magic circle, and while drawing, the rhythm of the drawing must also keep up with the rhythm of the spell.Otherwise, there is a problem in that link, but it will not only fail as a result, but also serious backlash damage will occur.

So every mage will carefully complete every magic circle.

And why can Page chat with James so leisurely?

This is because... (The author cannot think of a reasonable sophistry for the time being.)

So well!Peppa can chat with James leisurely.


For James, the battle has already begun.Although the battle situation looks very serious and tense on the surface, the reality is...

"Keep your waist!!! Give the old lady a tortoise shell!!! (#Д)" Shen Xiyun raised his sword and knocked on James' black shield, and at the same time used the usual curse tricks in the streets and alleys of China.

"Slightly! Labor and capital just won't come out, what can you do with me? ♪(´ε)"

Although Shen Xiyun's attack was shot on his shield, the strong impact caused his wounds and caused bursts of pain.It's really uncomfortable.

"If it's a man, get out of the old lady! The tortoise shrank, like a hero!! (*ω´)"

"Sorry! Labor and management are not Chinese, so I don't want to eat yours! (¬_¬)"

"You have the courage to come out!!! Let's single out!! (♯∧´)"

"You have the courage to come in!!! We gang fight you!!! (*´*)"

"You come out!!! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻"

"You come in!!! (^з^)-"

......Small composition novel

Ok!The battle between Shen Xiyun and James is a special case, and the battle elsewhere is still more formal and strict.

All the regulators are trying various methods to break the opponent's defensive line: using swords and fists and hammers, nothing works.

Only model Shen Xiyun's magic bullet was better, but its power was far inferior to Shen Xiyun's shot.

All the James reloading team members gritted their teeth to withstand all the attacks and stabilize the formation.Because they know that once their defensive line is broken, it must be inevitable.

"Captain!! Our hidden weapons are all used up!" In the shadows, a Nakanin reported to Sasaki.

Sasaki glanced under his sleeves and found that his shuriken was also used up.

"Captain, are we going to help Captain James now? Or..." Zhongren asked tentatively.In fact, he didn't want to help James, because the ninja left the dark environment and was exposed to the light, but it was a very dangerous thing.

"Notify everyone and take action again depending on the situation. If an enemy is slack, take him the first level immediately!" Sasaki also didn't want to help James, but in order to avoid suspicion, they also had to act.

"Hi!!!" Zhong Ren quietly retreated.

Sasaki was in the safest place, quietly watching the battle over there, unconsciously holding the hilt of the knife around his waist.

Sasaki: I'm hiding here, they will definitely not find me.Later, when they both lose and lose, I will shoot again and take advantage of the fisherman's profit!Hahaha!!

Sasaki dreamed so beautifully that he could already foresee the scene of waiting for him to be promoted after returning.


"My father, there seems to be a ninja on the left," Hong Meiling reminded quietly in Xia Hao's ear.

"Left?" Xia Hao looked in the direction suggested by Hong Meiling, apparently seeing nothing.

So this time!It's time for "Ninja Manifestation Powder" (Xia Hao's Homemade Chili Powder) to debut!

"I (beep~!)! Come again! Le Yue, let's go quickly and stay away from this guy!" Bai Mozhi found that Xia Hao took out the chili powder again, knowing that he had discovered the ninja again, but also worried that he and others would be radiated 'It spread, so Lithala evacuated Xia Hao.

Luo Leyue also avoided Xia Hao's chili powder, still expressionless, slipping faster than Bai Mozhi.

"Is there such an exaggeration? This is just'moderate chili powder'!" Xia Hao spit out unconsciously.

Yan Qingxiao and his party rushed to support Shen Xiyun, and when they passed Xia Hao, they consciously detoured a long way.After all, they had seen the power of Xia Hao chili powder from a long distance, so close, unless they wanted to die, they wouldn't run into it head-on.

Yan Qingxiao ran to Xia Hao's side and stopped, and took a closer look at the chili powder in Xia Hao's hand, and seemed to find that Xia Hao's chili powder had a promising future for commercialization.

So Yan Qingxiao, who has never let go of any money-making opportunities, smiled and patted Xia Hao on the shoulder...

"Do you sell it?" Yan Qingxiao.

"What are you selling?" Xia Hao.

"Do you sell chili powder?"

"Not for sale."

"Do you sell your chili powder for 100,000 yuan?"

"Not for sale."

"Do you sell your chili powder for one hundred thousand yuan?"

"Not for sale!!"

"Does the chili powder recipe sell?"

"How many?"

"One thousand yuan."


(From a sound brainwashing divine song)


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