Two-dimensional figure maker

Chapter 364 Dragon Palace Technology Core

You can search for "Two-dimensional Hand-made Maker Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When talking with Xia Xue, Xia Hao didn't idle either. He gave the Titans combat instructions through the chip in his brain, and he took the opportunity to break free from the chains.

The Titan Mecha was fighting with the Dark Tiger Warrior. Although he was huge in size, his flexibility was not bad, he rushed into the crowd that was shot flying, grabbed a person and smashed it to the ground, breaking up a large piece of soil. Piece.

"Um~! Ah!!!" This was the scream of a samurai before he died, and then there was no sound.

"Quick! All retreat!" The dark tiger warrior who stabilized his figure tried to distance himself.

Their average strength is only Tier 5, and they can't get any benefit from these iron guys who seem to have Tier 6, and if they are caught, they will die.

After breaking free of the restraints, Xia Hao looked at these Titan Mechas, feeling a bit strange.

The appearance is darker than usual, the body seems to be a little bigger, and the structure is somewhat different from the impression, and there are two more barrels behind him.

"Aijiang, has the Titan Mecha in this scene been modified by you? Why does it look different from usual?" Xia Hao asked Aijiang through the chip.

These strange mechas, it is estimated that some parts have been changed by Ai-chan, so that they look so different.

"Yes, boss!"

Ai Jiang was sorting and harvesting with others, and immediately replied after hearing Xia Hao's voice.

"These new types of Titan Mechas are improved on the original Titan Mechas by combining the technologies in the Dragon Palace Technology Core."

"Its strength is enough to match the enemy in the middle of the sixth rank. The overall strength is in the late sixth rank, and it may break through to the seventh rank in the future!"

Listening to Aijiang's report, Xia Hao was surprised and pleasantly surprised.He originally thought that the strength of the Titan Mecha was probably around Tier 5, which was comparable to the middle and grassroots strengths of common nations.

Unexpectedly, the transformed Titan Mecha actually has Tier 6!This can already be compared to the high-end combat power of some countries!

As far as Ai Jiang knows, there are at most a hundred masters of rank six in the world, and rank seven is only a mere thirty.

Therefore, when others still only have more than one hundred sixth-level masters, Xia Hao has nearly two thousand sixth-level players.

Xia Hao: Well...

Simply invincible!

"Wait...what is the'Longgong Technology Core'?" Xia Hao asked.

He was a little curious about this new vocabulary, and Xia Hao, the word'Dragon Palace', felt very familiar. Isn't it the Dragon Palace ruins explored in the seabed a year ago!

"This? It's the blue square found in the Dragon Palace ruins before!"

"The blue square... is the one you took from Kuangsan before?"

After saying this, Xia Hao seemed to have some impression.It was true at the time of the ruins.

"That's right! There are so many technologies in this blue box!" Ai-chan said with some excitement.

"Moreover, there are many technologies in it, which are highly similar to the collapse of the world, and there are also many things worth learning."

"It can be said that apart from the pair of divine tool gloves-'Long Yuan', this one was the most valuable!"

After Aijiang's explanation, Xia Hao didn't have too many surprises.

It's been so long, and now it doesn't feel much to mention it.

It's just some technology anyway, so you don't need to be surprised if you already have it.

Human beings are like this. It is hard to feel the original possession of something that has been owned for a long time.


Ending the conversation with Ai-chan, Xia Hao immediately set off, planning to get rid of the devices that had been interfering with the spiritual energy.

"Imperial Thunder Mecha! Blow up those devices!" Xia Hao shouted, pointing at the surrounding devices.

As the voice fell, several thunder-proof mechas appeared behind Xia Hao and aimed their muzzles at those devices.Colorful Chinese


Dozens of micro-type missiles were launched, and five of them accurately hit the device that had been interfering.

The rest flew to the dark crow ninjas hiding in the distance.

"Missile! Go out!"

Because they were too reactive by ordinary people, the dark crow ninjas immediately dispersed when they saw the missiles.


The missile exploded on the ground, raising a wide range of red'smoke' and flooding everyone.

"This is... awful! Cover your eyes!"

When he smelled a pungent smell, Captain Dark Crow reacted, this is the chili powder used by the other side to yin people on intelligence!

Fortunately, under the captain's prompt, many ninjas immediately squinted their eyes, tried to avoid chili powder in their eyes, and quickly withdrew from the'poison circle' range.

"Ah!! So spicy! So spicy!!!"

However, there were also a few Dark Crow Ninjas who were very close to the origin of the'poison circle' who did not respond, they were directly attacked and lost their eyesight, and then the missiles that came later became famous.

This time it was live ammunition.


The Thunder Mecha temporarily restrained the Dark Crow Ninjas, and the Titan Mecha was also in full swing with the Dark Tiger Warrior.

In the confrontation between the iron fist and the katana, the katana fell instantly, and many people were directly hammered out.

However, the dark tiger warrior can only avoid its edge, and all attacks fall on the iron armor.

"Ding~! ~!!!"

The piercing and sharp sound was irritating, but no one cared, just staring at the few shallow scratches in a daze.

"Baga! This can't break the defense!!" This is the thought of all the Dark Tiger Warriors.

"Fall away! Get a distance!"

As long as you zoom out a bit, the loss can be reduced if you don't use the front bar.

After all, their task is not to kill, but to delay time.

Pulling out a distance of about three meters, the Dark Tiger Warrior circled the Titans to avoid the attack.

Although the Titan Mecha is more agile than other iron guys, it still doesn't punch very fast. If these Dark Tiger Warriors want to dodge deliberately, it's really hard to hit.

Unless a few times with good luck.


After being moved for a distance, the melee combat of Titan Mechas is basically invalid, so highly intelligent they change the combat mode and choose the newly loaded long-range attack method.

The two barrels on the back were raised and placed on the left and right shoulders of the Titan Mecha. The black hole's muzzle was aimed at the surrounding Dark Tiger Warrior.

Without any sound, a stream of water shot out from the cannon, hitting the belly of the two Dark Tiger Warriors, and pierced it through, opening a big hole.

"Hmm!!" The two dark tiger warriors suddenly widened their eyes, vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood, and then they lost their breath.

The remote mode of the modified Titan Mecha is to compress the water previously stored in the body with high intensity, and then convert it into water ejection, which can directly explode the diamond with power!Its power is not something these Dark Tiger Warriors can resist.

And because of the hard compression material, the modified Titan Mecha only needs to compress a very small amount of water to launch a water bomb.Therefore, there is no need to design another water tank deliberately, and directly modify the original cockpit.



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