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MSR7-Heavenly Father is a super giant robot built by ME in "Beng Beng Beng".

Kokolia uses the core of the lawmaker extracted from Wendy to drive it. It appears as a boss in the main storyline and is the last obstacle to prevent the protagonist from escaping from the ME agency headquarters.

After being defeated by the Valkyrie, it is in a state of halt.

After that, Destiny was recovered by unknown means and placed in the Third Airport of Destiny Headquarters. Later, it was recovered by the Inverse Entropy Alliance, the Eastern Branch of the Third Airport, and repaired as a weapon against Destiny.

However, after showing his face in the open world, he never played again, and did not play until the Law of Sora was defeated again.

The main line has been advanced to the point that all the staff have withdrawn from the third airport to solve the problem. Heavenly Father’s repair progress is still 90%, and the official has even withdrawn the Heavenly Father model from the open world interface several times.

But this is not a problem. Even if you can't experience the'justice' brought by Heavenly Father in the game, in reality, Xia Hao can enjoy it.

This Heavenly Father mech was built by Ai Jiang for a long, long time, and Xia Hao didn't intend to let it sit idle like this.

So I took it out for a stroll, and experienced the'real man's beauty' by the way!

In Xia Hao's eyes: a big fist is justice, and a thick armour is the truth.Tonnage determines everything, power is victory!

Therefore, the Heavenly Father's Mecha is a perfect interpretation of the'true man's splendour'!!

"Come on! Heavenly Father Mecha! Crush them!!" Xia Hao shouted excitedly.

It was difficult to conceal the excitement in my heart for commanding such a large mecha for the first time.

Xia Hao couldn't help but watch Heavenly Father's Mecha show their power!

Following Xia Hao's command, the red light in the eyes of the Father's Mecha lit up, looking at a large number of targets in front of him, and moving his huge, dark purple body.

"Bang——!!! Bang——!!!"

Every step taken by Heavenly Father's Mecha triggered a small earthquake on a small scale.

All the people who were still fighting in the war zone looked at the large mecha coming in the distance, their attack was a bit slow, and they all showed horrified expressions.

"This...this...what kind of monster is this TM!!!"

"This monster is really too big! If it is stepped on, it will definitely become muddy!!"

"This monster is no less commanded by a large beast wave! We can't beat it!"

"Oops! This is in trouble!!"

Just when everyone was in a state of panic, Beng Huai Beast would not give them time, and directly stabbed a few guys who did not react.

In desperation, the samurai and ninja could only continue to fight the Benghui Beast, and the battle zone was still moving backward.

They, these samurai ninjas, deal with a broken beast, and only three or two people can work together to defeat it.

It can be said that the battle is quite difficult.

And now there is a more terrifying big guy, which is even worse for them!



"Well... it seems that things have become more troublesome."

After putting away the shocked expression, Kenichiro returned to calm again.

He hadn't expected the other party to send this kind of large mecha.

After all, according to the information, Xia Hao shouldn't be able to create such a huge guy in such a short time.

Kenichiro: This is my miscalculation, but fortunately, the problem is not big.

In the face of such a large mecha, the electromagnetic field matrix used to deal with the Titan mecha obviously cannot be used.

and so......

"Fengying two teams and three teams, as well as armored units, attacked that large mecha." Kenichiro said.

"Hi! Received."

The helicopter rose for a certain distance, and the gun barrel of the tank was raised a few minutes, all aiming at the Heavenly Father's mech that came not far away.


"Bang bang bang——!!!"

Hundreds of cannonballs flew toward the Father’s Mecha, forming a river of cannonballs in the sky.

Faced with such a large-scale volley, Xia Hao did not panic at all.

"Thunder armor, air defense cover!"

With an order, all the muzzles were turned and fired at the incoming shells.

A splendid spark bloomed in the sky once again, with great momentum.

Most of Yamato’s shells were intercepted, but a small part of them directly hit the huge body of the Heavenly Father’s Mecha.

But fortunately, this bombardment can't cause a little damage to it, even if all the bullets are hit.

After all, it is a very powerful weapon in inverse entropy. How can it be casually injured by these low-level missiles?

"Kuangsan, when you fight, be careful and don't distract." Xia Hao asked, looking at the daughters who were ready to go.

"And Xilin, remember to recover the collapsed energy after the battle, don't cause any accidents."

"Yamato, too, don't let the deep sea breath spread casually."


"Hey hey~! Concubine knows it." Kuangsan raised his short gun and said.

"Don't worry, my father. Leave these little things to us." Hong Meiling said.

"Don't worry, even if it is a simple battle, we will deal with it seriously." Fu Hua said.

"It's just some miscellaneous fish. Father, don't worry." Origami said.

"Huh~! Weak humans, I can pinch to death casually." Xilin and Yamato said.


In the end, Xia Hao watched Kuangsan and the others go to the event, but he stayed and directed the battle.

"Umm~! Commander~!"

At this time, Kuangsan and the others hurriedly moved about each other in a hurry. Only Lafite stayed alone, lying lazily in Xia Hao's arms, rubbing his chest from time to time.

"What's the matter, Lafite? Don't you go play with Kuangsan and the others?" Xia Hao touched Lafite's head and asked softly.

"Rafi, I want to stay and protect the commander." Rafi felt Xia Hao's touch, narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a very happy expression.

Lafite wanted to protect Xia Hao and kept following him.Sleeping quietly in Xia Hao's arms in this way was probably the greatest happiness of Rafi's life.

"Yo Xi, Na Rafi must protect the commander." Xia Hao rubbed Rafi's head again, feeling relieved in his heart.

Holding such a cute and adorable thing and listening to this beautiful vow, Xia Hao felt that this was also the greatest happiness of his life.

In any case, I will take good care of you...

In this way, Xia Hao hugged Lafite while he was asleep, and his voice for combat instructions became soft.

Actually... keep going like this... and it's pretty good...



Looking up at the large mecha, Kenichiro touched the long knife on his waist, always carrying that calmness on his face.

Even in the face of hundreds of large-scale attacks by beasts, he never panicked, even this time.

"It seems that the other party wants to solve the battle as soon as possible...This is not good, and it will take a while."

"So in that case."

Kenichiro stared at the place where Xia Hao was, with a new plan already in his mind.

"Mage troops give up the Holy Light Shield and prepare a large teleportation array!"

With that, Kenichiro tightened his kimono tightly, and drew the dark long sword around his waist.

He will also fight personally.



About the protagonist being cut.

We saw a lot of objections in the comment area, so we came out to explain it in particular.

One: The protagonist's cut is only temporary.

Second: In order to facilitate the follow-up plot advancement.

Third: I need to explain the identity of the protagonist, and this part of the plot is necessary.

Fourth: There will be a plot of the academy in the follow-up, which is convenient to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger (in fact, it is called'big guy eat melon and watch the show').

Fifth: It really should be cut.

Above, if you still have questions...Don't come to us, I've been very nervous about studying recently.

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