Two-dimensional figure maker

Chapter 390, the uneasiness of the girls

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Xia Hao didn't know what the vocabulary used to describe this moment.

I have a good self, I haven't thought of it now.

The strength was blocked, and they also lost contact with mad three.

At this moment, Xia Hao is small and unpleasant, and it is also deep in the interior of the enemy.

How do you say it ... it's a very good.

Xia Hao has already felt that his own aura swept away, and his strength was also limited by seven or seven eight eight, and he worked heavyly.

The mad three, Xia Hao is not worried, after all, people are in 'shadow', just can't come, there is nothing dangerous.

Confused by the situation here ... it's just huh.

"Summer blood, is there any solution?"

Xia Hao's attitude towards the gentleman before he changed, paying attention to this.

Summer blood stared at Xia Hao to see the old half a day, and finally picked up [Feng Shen] and went to the mouth.

Summary wanted to take the ability to take the [Feng Shen] through his own [Board], so that the seal can be released.

"Hey ~!"

It's just a sound of metal and friction, [Feng Shen] did not break, hard and summer blood tiger's tiger struggle.

Xia Hao: [· _ ·]

"Hey ~!" Summer blood frowned.

There is still no weapon in this world.

Therefore, unfinished summer blood continues to bite, and Xia Hao did not bother her.

five minutes later......

Summer blood is full of saliva, but he does not leave a scratch [Feng Shen], he looked at Xia Hao.

"There is no way, this thing itself is a [French] produced product, I can't [devour it]."

Summer blood will [Feng Shen] lost to Xia Hao, Xia Hao looked at [Feng Shen] thought.

"Then don't swallow up, is there a way to break the seal?"

"Oh, you think that it is simple. I said, this is a [legal weapon], can be different from [artifact], not to crack."

"This is at least to use another [legal weapon] for [ ] to crack, and it is usually used for us."

"As far as I know, this world is existing [law weapon], there is no one or two, specially attacked [broken], don't think about it."


Summer blood is explained, and there is a conclusion in Xia Haoxin.

Gate, I'm finished!

Summer blood is also looking at Xia Hao, quite coming.

It's really dying. This is a batch of owners. I know that I shouldn't pay attention to his blood at the beginning.

I don't know if I still have to come back now ... Forget it, who makes himself himself, or help it.

And Xia Hao did not show a panic, calmly thought of countermeasures.

Since you can't break the seal, you can only think about the way later.

Now, how to solve it, how to escape here.

It is very dangerous here, it is very dangerous here, so you must leave immediately.

Under this weak situation now, Xia Hao is ready.

Open the [Nai], find [Nai] or can be used, and there is a lot of heart.

Capively, you can use it:

A scorpion charge for the black snake, five corresponding gauges.

One of the slogans, the corresponding ball is ten.

[Longyuan], [Sakurahong], there are two [speed magic agents], [speed magic agents], [ (bath water)] a cup.

Buffet is given to the three [torpedo], more than ten hands, and some of the dried foods such as dry food.


Xia Hao cleared the things on his body, only to say a very good pill.

I am so good to go and have good equipment, the big and government propals?

Still can't be friction on the ground?

"... What do you think?" Xia Hao said to the blood.

Summer blood is white.

"You go with those people to settle down, I can not slip away."

"Hey, I am still your master, please don't say this kind of selling teammates."

"... Can I tell you now?"

"What do you say? If you can, you will have a solution now. Don't finish these, think about it."


Finally, the two will find a way in the original place.

"We have been in direct to break through." Summer blood said directly.

The longer here, the more dangerous, it is better to find out the mouth and hurry.

"Are you serious?"

Xia Hao looked at the summer blood in confusion, suspected that Xiao Luo, who had been in the past, was in the pit itself.

"Otherwise, what else do you have more ways? Stay this?"

"... that is going." Xia Hao said unpair.

Only this road can be left now.

He doesn't want to stay here, otherwise it is not as simple as it is.

So, Xia Hao can only be careful to walk toward the door.




The mad three positively and other people organized the trophy that had just been seized.

"Mina Sang is oh ~! Put the weapons and equipment, gold and silver jewelry, what is the one of the Tianmou Bao, the other miscellaneous items are good!"

Lying on the sofa, accompanying Hongmei Ling and others drink Coke's mad three, and smiles with a smile to the mad three, provoke a cold eye.

"The body is really, what kind of hard work is to let us do."

"Just, you are there, you don't want to feel our feelings."

"Hey ~! Life ~!"

"Do you want to find a whole body?"

"!!!" Instantly all the mad three eyes lit up.

"Yes! Very ~!"

"I think it is!"

"Although this kind of words are not a lady, I also feel very good!"


So the madness of the mad three held a conversation in the ground, but did not know about this body madness.

"Oh ~! It's so comfortable ~!"

The mad three ,,,,,,,,,, ,

"Hey ~!"

And Hongmei is also a little cake, it is not worried about his body.

"To a!"

"I can't afford it."

Qi Yana also played card games with Bronia, buds, and Fuhua.

"~! Zzzz ..."

Large, love sauce and origami are taken care of Lafite in the sleep.

Everything shows a good scene.

"Hey ~! Mad three sister, did the father have not come back?" This is asked Hongmei Ling.

"Not yet, but I think that my father should come back."

"Hey ~! So slow. I want to go back soon."

Looking at Red Mei Ling, mad three knew she may have been tired of this 'shadow'.

"Well, then you call your father."

The mad three smiled and got up, it was preparing to open the 'shadow', she ... their smile gradually solidizes.

"... my ability ... disappeared?"

The girls who are still playing are all exposed to expressions who don't dare to confuse.

Why ... will your strength disappear?

The madness can't feel your own [time], Hongmei Ling can't feel the aura, Qi Ya, Bronia, Fuhua, buds, also feel bad that can not be collapsed in the body ...

Moreover, it is not only lost to energy, and they also feel a strong feeling.

what's going on! ! !

At this moment, the girls have collected the expression of usual laughter, and the face is full of dignity.

After reason, the girl has been concluded from the same place:

It must be taken by the enemy, and the seal is in the power!

That is to say ... he is dangerous in the father! !

The girl is not stupid (except for the Qiana), it quickly analyzed the general situation.

"No! Father is dangerous! We have to help him!" Hong Mei Ling took the lead in stood up.

"But ... our strength seems to be sealed, don't say it is to help, we will not be able to go." But it sighed without helplessness.

Although her heart is as anxious as other people, it will not use things, calm thinking.

This matter can be described as a small and small, you must have a serious treatment!

"What should we do now?" The buds stood up at this time.

Although the usual buds give people a warm and relatives, it is quite serious when it is serious.


The mad three frowned, thinking about it for a while.

"We only have the ability to have space with Xilin sauce, and we want to break this seal."

"Do yours ... Love sauce!"

"At!" Love sauce is also a model of the real look, and has never been serious.

"Love sauce, can you make [space transfer device], take us away?"

"It's a bit difficult ... But someone else and materials can make it!"

"OK! Then you follow the love sauce to make the device, when we go out and the father's adults and then doing it."

"Well! We understand."

"Well! Please everyone."

After that, all people have lived and complete their tasks.

At this critical juncture, the girls in their hearts did not lose rationality and set up a solution as soon as possible.

The mad three is gloomy, and I looked at the empty dark space, my heart was in a hit.

Why ... why this happens!

hateful! If your father has a thing ...

The mad three clenched their fists, but they quickly released, and the heart was already filled with uneasiness.

Father, adults ...

The mad three shook his head.

At this critical moment, as a big sister of the girls, I can't make a shake at this moment.

I have to be strong.

So the mad three looked at Xilin who was sitting on the ground and trying to break the seal. I sat down.

I hope that everything will develop well ...



Xia Hao has already touched the gate, just when he intends to quietly touch.

But I found a large group of people.



I hate the feelings, no matter how it is written.

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