In addition, joining the Yakumo House, becoming an idol, and working hard day and night for Grandpa Mo Yi's career, the black and white Jeanne d'Arc, with two Takeuchi faces, Emiya Daixia said that the food expenses in the new month are very stressful.

Fortunately, under the training of Hero Emiya, Medea soon became his housekeeping 'secretary'. As the saying goes, a secretary is a secretary when there is something to do, and a secretary when there is nothing to do. Even though the number of members in the Emiya family has increased significantly, the work pressure has increased. He was much older, but Hero Emiya still lived a very happy life.

Of course, the biggest change is the return of Irisviel, and the Emiya family finally has a nominal mistress (well, this is indeed the Emiya family, many Mo family).

Illya's smile was brighter than usual, and she became more lively and lovely. She probably finally no longer had to act as the stern sister of Hero Emiya and could act coquettishly in her mother's arms.

And Irisviel didn't have the awareness that Illya was actually much older than her, so she still cared for and indulged Illya as her little baby. Coupled with her sinister nature, Emiya Instead, the house became a lot more lively.

Of course, the ones who often suffer from Irisviel's misfortune are either Hero Emiya or Shredded Rake, and Grandpa Mo Yi's keen intuition can always avoid Irisviel's doting tricks, causing Alice to Phil was so depressed that he could only vent his excessive love accumulated over the years on other people in the Emiya family, mainly Shredder and Hero Emiya.

Irisviel suddenly transformed and became the new big devil in Emiya's family. Everyone lived in fear under her kind and sinister smile, fearing that they would be teased by her again if they were not careful.

However, the big devil Irisviel is not invincible. Just like in the chess game, the mouse is the nemesis of the invincible elephant. In the housekeeper's house, Taiga Fujimura, the Tiger of Fuyuki, is Irisviel's natural enemy.

Fujimura Taiga's intention to rake Kiritsugu was obvious to anyone with an eye, and the clever Irisviel naturally couldn't bear it.

When Taiga Fujimura came to visit him for the first time, Kiritsugu, Hero Emiya, Illya and others were still afraid that Taiga Fujimura would be tortured by Irisviel to take away the things, and they would not dare to come to visit him again in the future. meal.

But that night, no matter how Irisviel exuded the majesty of the hostess or how she hinted at the other party, Fujimura Taiga, who was naturally energetic, ignored them all.

She was startled by Irisviel's appearance at first, but she didn't expect that a wife would show up for Shredder, who had always been single.

But the other person's appearance and hair color are almost exactly the same as Illya's, which all proves that the other person is indeed Illya's mother.

You know, Fujimura Taiga didn't believe it at first when he saw that Shredded Raked and Illya were father and daughter.

Because Shred Rake has an obvious oriental appearance, and Illya's silver hair and red eyes are clearly that of a pure Westerner, with no oriental characteristics at all. The witty Fujimura Taiga naturally thought that, Ilia was adopted from Shred Rakes.

He claims that Illya is his biological daughter, just because he cares about Illya's feelings. She is indeed the man I like.

But when Irisviel appeared like this, coupled with the fact that this person had never appeared in ten years, Fujimura Taiga boldly took action——

Illya is Irisviel's daughter, but she is not the biological daughter of Shredded Rakes. To sum up, it seems that Shredded Rakes and Irisviel are not Shredded Rakes' real wives. After all, not everyone is a cheat. Boss Tong Yanye can go through life and death for the daughter of the goddess.

It is further speculated that Illya and Emiya Shirou should both be children adopted by Chisi Raake, but now Irisviel, the mother, came to the door, and for unknown reasons, Irisviel stayed to take care of her. Illya, so she announced to the outside world that Irisviel was Shredder's wife.

Yes, that must be the case!

After thinking of this, Fujimura Dahe couldn't help but be moved by Shred Rake again. For the children he adopted, the other party silently paid too much.

As long as people come to a conclusion, they can find a thousand reasons to prove that their conclusion is right.

After various brainstorming, Fujimura Taiga can confirm that the despicable Irisviel must have used Illya's happiness to threaten Shredder and get him to cooperate with her.

Therefore, no matter how Irisviel hinted and hinted, Fujimura Taiga ignored it.

In addition, Irisviel, who is naturally evil and whose attributes are hacked, has nothing to do with Fujimura Taiga. The opponent still carelessly shreds and rakes around him. He eats what he should eat and laughs when he should laugh. , and didn’t take her mistress seriously at all.

The overt and covert fight between the two took place almost every day in this short month. In the end, it was the shredded rake caught in the middle that suffered. Grandpa Mo Yi discovered that the number of times the other party secretly smoked had more than doubled. And the hairline has moved upward by a millimeter.

Shredded rake has taken a small step forward on the road to invincibility, which is really gratifying!

————The dividing line of Yakumo House——————

After talking about the changes in the Emiya family, it is natural to talk about the progress of the career.

After a month, the transformation of Yakumo House has progressed very smoothly. During this period, in addition to releasing the 18-ban works as usual, My Youth Love Story Really Has Problems and Your Lie in April , Naruto, Touhou series and Xingyue series and other normal promotion of works are also very successful.

The readers of Yakumo House are not dissatisfied because these works do not have the unique functions of the book. Even because of the normal release of the works, the number of users of Yakumo House has increased a lot, and Friends of Yakumo have also begun to I believe it turns out that Master Yakumo was not joking more than a month ago, and the other party really wanted to 'become a good person'.

Of course, the vast majority of people don't agree.

Grandpa Mo Yi originally wanted to gradually reduce the number of 18-ban works, but after receiving the blades that were piled up in the backyard, he still diligently updated them daily. After only one or two updates, he received a room full of blades. If I never draw again, wouldn't I have to send someone an anti-matter bomb?

This is no joke -

As the world's largest exporter of notebooks, 80% of the world's related products go to the hands of the masses through Yakumo House. During this period, science men, as one of the groups with the largest demand, almost I am 80% a loyal fan of Master Yakumo.

At night when machines roar and keyboard codes fly around, only Master Yakumo's notebooks can soothe their empty hearts. Without this spiritual food, how can they survive one lonely night after another?

Without Jin Ke La, or, uh, notebooks, how can science men still bother to stay in the laboratory and do experiments? Among them, there may be big bosses who are researching antimatter weapons. Because there are no updates, they mail them with dissatisfaction and resentment. An anti-matter bomb for Grandpa Mo Yi.

In the end, Grandpa Mo Yi had no choice but to keep updating the works in this sub-genre, as well as the works for all ages. Fortunately, Mo Yi is a membrane mage who masters the core technology. With the help of the law, he still completed all the tasks gracefully every day.

And because of his incredible update speed and constant high quality, he was nicknamed by friends of Yakumo as the flower of both culture and sports, the most powerful typewriter in history, the Gatling gun and a series of other things that made people happy when they heard it. A nickname that made Mo Yi want to hit someone.

Friends of Yakumo: I used to think that Master Yakumo on their team was too demanding, so they were very understanding. The opponent often used words like 'I'm so tired', 'My hair is falling out', 'My kidneys and liver are almost gone' These are the reasons to coo.

But this period of time proved that even if the amount of updates was doubled, the other party would have no problem. It was because they were too naive and were deceived by Master Yakumo, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Just Master Yakumo, just stay in the basement and become a hot weapon that can only eat, sleep and update!

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi ignored their delusions and even wanted to laugh a little.

When they get used to their high-intensity updates, then they will use the words go out to collect news, I have run out of manuscripts, went to the college entrance examination again, broke my hand because of the earthquake, cold and fever 100 degrees Celsius and Auntie came four times a month were the reasons why it was discontinued. They knew what a warrior of love was.

In general, under the leadership of Grandpa Mo Yi, the transformation strategy of Yakumo House has achieved the expected success at the current stage. I believe that in the near future, Yakumo House will not only be the world's number one eighteen The banned website has become a world-class cultural exchange platform.

Of course, Mo Yi's daily tasks are not only drawing notebooks and promoting notebook culture, but also various tasks issued by the system.

In order to earn faith and reactivate his godhead, Grandpa Mo Yi has always completed various tasks gracefully. However, many of them are large-scale chain tasks that cannot be completed in a short time.

For example, the mission of ‘I want to make you the most dazzling heroine’.

In order to complete this task, under the guidance of Grandpa Mo Yi, the game club established by An Yilun also gradually developed. Although the other party wanted to do it at first, turn Kato Megumi into the beautiful girl who is the best heroine. The game has become a game version of the story of Five Centimeters per Second full of Bai Xue flavor.

But everyone is addicted to it unknowingly and grows up.

Many new members have also been added, such as the black cat Wu Geng Liuli who has officially become Mo Yi's disciple, the useless angel Gabriel who is a game tester, and Bazett who has become the physical education teacher of Fuyuki High School.

During this period, the real heroine Kato Megumi also made many friends in the club activities full of twists and turns. Her charm value also increased significantly in the process, and she successfully became the game club's royal numerical pacer, referred to as a female programmer.

Well, actually there isn't much progress on this mission.

Grandpa Mo Yi thought that it would be easy to cultivate the other party into a dazzling heroine with his own abilities, but the fact is that the other party's aura of Akarin always shows no surprise no matter what mood he is in. With her pretty face, coupled with her calm and calm way of dealing with others, she clearly has a personality like a little princess that attracts much attention, but she was just treated as a passerby by the other party.

The result of Grandpa Mo Yi's past month is probably that his relationship has changed from a good friend's brother to a friend A.

It seems that it will take a lot of time to complete this task.

Another long-term task is to help Muse become an idol, and the progress of this task is actually good.

Ever since Mo Yi posted the MV of the other party's first performance on Yakumo House, the other party has become popular, always saying things like, 'Young lady, I'll lick it hard', 'My wife', 'Pull out the sword',' Strange comments like Mom, they flirted with me appeared in their MV, which made Muse and others very troubled.

Coupled with the various promotions of Yakumo House, they have become a new generation of otaku idols.

Of course, this is still far from enough. If your own strength is not up to par, no matter how popular you are, it will be in vain.

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