Tohsaka Rin: ······

You don't need to tell me, I know.

Feeling that she was being publicly executed, Miss Tosaka Rin pushed Mo Yi's hand away angrily, then buckled the seat belt again. After a few seconds, she said nonchalantly:


Why are you on the plane and sitting next to me?

After being teased by Mo Yi's grandpa, Tohsaka Rin accepted the fact that Mo Yi suddenly appeared next door to him, and said in his heart that it was abnormal if he didn't have all kinds of strange thoughts and feelings.

Didn't you just say that?

Mo Yi chuckled and said:

As long as I want to, there is nothing in Fuyuki City that can stop me.

I'm not worried about you flying to England alone, so I plan to accompany you there.

Well, Tohsaka Rin thought about it again. Did he really say such a thing when he was thinking about it just now?

It's only been a few minutes, why can't I remember anything?


Miss Tohsaka Rin wanted to get tired of her daily routine and say something like, Who needs my company? You are not mine. But when she opened her mouth, it became:

Do Illya and the others know?

It doesn't matter? This will take a lot of time.

It doesn't matter--

Mo Yi waved his hand and said nonchalantly:

We are good friends who can read books together.

When talking about good friends, Tohsaka Rin felt that the other person's smile was particularly obscene, like a punch, but he thought that the current situation was not suitable, so he held back.

Besides, as long as time travels back, as long as there is no necessary connection between the two sides, it won't be a difficult thing.


When Mo Yi casually said that only a magician could do this, Miss Tohsaka Rin felt very unhappy. She was like a wealthy person in the circle of friends around her. Today she was very happy again. It's like picking up a new car.

I hate these guys who show off in a casual tone.

At this time, the plane finally took off.


Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Tohsaka Rin speechlessly, his face suddenly turned pale, and he seemed to be about to vomit.

Rin, are you airsick?

Tohsaka Rin, who was about to break out in a cold sweat, looked at Mo Yi with a pale face and said:

It's my first time to fly. Why, it's so uncomfortable.

Mo Yi: ...

Well, don’t you have a little bit of Hercules in you?

Don’t you even know whether you are motion sick or not?

However, if you think about it for a moment, you will know that Rin Tosaka, as a traditional magician, is simply incompatible with modern technological products, and it does not seem to be incomprehensible that he will suffer from airsickness.

How about you look at the scenery outside the window to distract yourself?

Well, ugh——

It was okay not to look at it. As soon as she saw the building as big as an ant outside the window, behind the blue sky and white clouds, Miss Tosaka Rin's face turned even paler.

Flying is horrible.

It's obviously unreasonable to sit in an iron box and fly thousands of miles high in the sky.

Mo Yi, will we fall halfway through the flight?

Mo Yi: ...

My eldest lady, is it really okay for you to set the flag casually like this?


It's not magic, but it's science.

Seeing that the other party had turned into a salted fish that was about to die, Mo Yi couldn't continue teasing the other party, so he had to use scientific theoretical basis to convince the other party, saying:

According to statistics, among so many means of transportation, airplanes have the lowest accident rate. If someone takes a plane every day, it will take 3223 years to encounter an air crash, so your worries are unnecessary.


Miss Tohsaka Rin heard something terrible and muttered:

An accident only happens once every three thousand years. Sure enough, I won't even fly next time.

Mo Yi: What you said makes sense. I'm trying to comfort you. Why did it just change your tone and turn it into such a terrible thing?

Tohsaka Rin complained to Mo Yi unmotivated:

You know, probably other means of transportation, if something happens to an airplane, it's basically hopeless at an altitude of thousands of miles.

Even a magician can only resign himself to fate in this situation. How come someone still uses such a dangerous means of transportation?

Yes, what you said makes sense, and Mo Yi really couldn't find the words to refute it for a while.

Next time, I, Tohsaka Rin, will never fly again even if I swim back from the Atlantic Ocean.

————The dividing line between extremely poor game performance————

Finally alive!

Mo Yi looked at Miss Tosaka Rin speechlessly, who was still pale and top-heavy, and complained:

What's there to be afraid of?

Don't say that the plane falls easily. Even if it explodes in the sky, I will still protect you.

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