Student Mo Yi, since we're here, hurry up and sit down.

Having said this, Weber showed a rare gloating smile on his lips.

Because, at this moment, all the seats in the classroom are occupied.

Theoretically, a wealthy organization like Clock Tower would not be able to run out of tables. Such a situation would naturally be a good thing done by male magicians who wanted to get a look from Grandpa Mo Yi.

Male Magician No. 3 smiled proudly in his heart:

Huntanmoyi, don't think that just because you are strong, you can do whatever you want. I am different from those pedantic magicians who only use magic to solve problems.

A brain is a good thing, and I just happen to have it——

As a magician, what I am best at is not magic, but the wisdom of pursuing truth!

I have hidden the tables and stools in the classroom. Now, what should you do?

Is there no other way? Just stand there obediently like a defeated dog, wallowing in the painful choice of whether to stand and listen to the lecture or go out to find a desk or stool that doesn't exist. I'm so indifferent!

Obviously, Male Magician No. 3 is very confident in his conspiracy.

But, how could such a little trick be put into Mo Yi's eyes?

The simplest way is to use projection magic to project tables and stools. Others may not be able to project something that is usable and has long lasting power. For Mo Yi, this is the simplest thing.

However, as a man who was determined to become a clock tower and could never surpass the legend, how could Grandpa Mo Yi adopt such an unreasonable method.

Classmate Mo Yi——

Here, I still have a lot of space here.

No, I'm slim, so come to my place!

Tch, Mo Yijun, just sit on my lap.

In an instant, the classroom was buzzing with excitement. Several female magicians shyly invited Mo Yi to come sit with them and carry forward the helpful spirit of the magician era. The scene was very lively.

“Damn(〃> dishes<)!!”

Male Magician No. 3 was confused. His face was distorted by endless jealousy, and he could only roar helplessly in his heart:

Why did it become like this?!

Obviously I am the handsomest, richest man in the class, and my family has the best mining business. Why have I never been treated like this?!

Recalling in his mind the women who would automatically come to him when they took out the keys to a luxury car or revealed a multi-million-level gemstone watch, Male Magician No. 3 felt that the self-confidence he had built up over a long period of time was shaken to the ground in an instant. broken.

Is there no woman in this world who only likes me as a person, not money or status?

I don’t believe there is true love in this world! !

However, the scene in front of her of Grandpa Mo Yi being invited by many girls to sit with her constantly told her that love without material conditions existed.

For a time, this wise male magician fell into thinking about the world-level philosophical question of 'what is love' and couldn't extricate himself. Perhaps when he wakes up, he will find that only love between the same sex is the only true love. Love.

Damn vixen——

Miss Tohsaka Rin moved half of the stools she was sitting on, but she was afraid of being too obvious, so she thought about it and did it a little bit more, and that was almost it.

If the other person comes over, I will reluctantly sit in a class with him.

However, when she thought about what lines to use in response to Mo Yi's approach, she found that countless shameless vixens were throwing invitations to Grandpa Mo Yi, which was simply shameless and dirty.

At this time, Tohsaka Rin looked up at Luvia and found that the other party seemed to be struggling, but the next second there was a look of decision on her face, as if she was about to say something to Mo Yi who was closer to her.

As for what to say, after what she has experienced in the past two weeks, Miss Tosaka Rin, no need to guess, knows what this most hateful vixen wants to do? !

No, for the sake of Sakura, we must not let the other party succeed.

She doesn't believe that Grandpa Mo Yi, who specializes in drawing notebooks, is a gentleman, and Luvia is a vixen drooling all over the floor. Now, isn't it like dry wood meets fire, or Zhu Zhishan meets Sister Pomegranate? Got it?

Thinking of this, Tohsaka Rin's whole body tensed up. As long as Luvia dares to take action, she will make trouble at the same time. This is mine and my sister's!

Thank you everyone——

However, Grandpa Mo Yi felt the kind eyes of Miss Tohsaka Rin and refused:

I've found the best location, don't worry.

Having said that, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly walked to the closed window, then pushed open the window and stood on the window sill. Under the fallen leaves and the slightly warm sunlight, Mo Yi, who was sitting on the window in a pose similar to JOJO, seemed to Wearing a golden coat, he is as otherworldly as an immortal.

Mo Yi, who put the textbook on his knees and supported his chin with one hand, looked at Weber and chuckled:

The scenery here is unique——

Teacher, you can go to class.

In an instant, except for Weber and some die-hards, both the female magicians and the male magicians who had been resentful before began to feel their hearts beating, and an uncontrollable voice murmured in their minds. Author:

Oops, this is a heart-pounding feeling——

This damn man is so handsome——

Illya: Isn’t it a matter of course that magical girls can fly?

Meiyou: No! According to aerodynamics and related mechanical theories - it is impossible for humans to fly! !

Chapter 366: But if you really want to, it’s not impossible

Naturally, Clock Tower's courses are not as busy as ordinary colleges and universities. Almost all of them are optional courses. The attitude of both the instructor and Clock Tower is that of 'come or leave if you like'.

In the entire Clock Tower, except for Webb, all the teachers saw that the time was about the same and left immediately, regardless of whether they got to the point.

How is teaching students as important as your own magic research?

Therefore, Mo Yi and Miss Tohsaka Rin do not have much study time every day.

Hey, why are you so busy walking?

The corners of Miss Tohsaka Rin's mouth twitched slightly, but because there were many people around, she kept walking on the road in an elegant yet chic posture.

When Miss Tohsaka Rin and Mo Yi walked out of the clock tower one after another and came to the ordinary people's activity area, Tohsaka Rin finally no longer had to endure the pain in his body and let out a painful cry like a kitten. song.

But because Grandpa Mo Yi was walking behind her, he couldn't see her pain.

After realizing that she wasted her expression, Miss Tohsaka Rin turned back dissatisfied, stared at Mo Yi with a charming expression, and said loudly:

Do you want to wait for that guy Luvia?

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