
Sajo Ayaka, who was complaining about the injustice of heaven, suddenly felt that the pores on her body stood up in an instant, as if she was being stared at by a hunter like a tiger, and her body was shaking uncontrollably.

Run away, run away quickly——

Otherwise, you will die!

The brain kept telling Sajo Ayaka about this upcoming reality.

And Sajo Ayaka also took action instantly and ran away.

Ah wu——

After discovering that the prey suddenly started running, the demon wolf in the dark no longer cared about hiding its figure, surrounded and killed it secretly, roared directly, and chased after it like a group riot.

What kind of monster is this!

Sajo Ayaka burst out with unprecedented speed. When she looked back, she found that the things chasing her behind were actually wolves.

This is too exaggerated!

Why are there such unscientific things as wolves in Tokyo?

But no matter how she complained, the wolves behind her were getting closer and closer.

After all, it is impossible for humans to outrun wolves, especially those living in cities who have long lost the ability to survive in the wild.


Sajo Ayaka, who was running like crazy, suddenly stopped there.

His eyes widened, and a strong stinging sensation came from his chest, as if he couldn't understand what was happening.

He looked down and saw a bright red sharp weapon passing through his back and out of his chest.

This, this is-

Little girl, maybe this is the most appropriate ending for you.

I don't know anything, the pain will stop soon.

A young man's voice came from behind and said:

There's nothing I can do about it. I don't want to attack a little girl who doesn't know anything, but this is the master's order after all.

It's better to die in my hands than to be eaten by wolves. This is the only thing I can do for you.


The bright red weapon on her chest was pulled out from behind, and Sajo Ayaka lost her last support. As all the strength and warmth in her body drained from her chest, she could no longer control herself and fell directly to the ground.

Am I going to die?

Sister, sister——

No matter how much Sajo Ayaka muttered in her heart, she still couldn't change her brain that was gradually losing consciousness.

However, after falling to the ground, she instead saw a pack of wolves surrounding her, looking at her with hungry and greedy eyes, and a tall man looking at her with slightly pity and helplessness.

Because of the gradual loss of consciousness, the opponent's appearance could not be clearly seen. The only thing that could be seen clearly was the bright red spear in the opponent's hand.

It was a little crooked, so he didn't die immediately?

Cu Chulainn looked at Sajo Ayaka who fell to the ground with blood pouring from the corner of her mouth, and helplessly laughed at himself:

Is your accuracy a little off because of your hesitation?

Looking at the opponent's painful look, Cu Chulainn was thinking whether to let the opponent die gradually like this, or to give the opponent a last hit and inflict pain.

As for leaving directly, that’s definitely not possible!

If he leaves, those wolves who dare not move because of his aura will not let go of such fat meat.

It's so cold, sister.

Suddenly, a hot feeling came from her cold chest, and then in her hazy vision, a golden figure instantly appeared,

Is this the summoning of heroic spirits?

Realizing that something was wrong, the old dog who could also become Cu Chulainn's Lily, Yoo Wang-chan, quickly took out his spear and struck the sand Ayaka on the ground!

The golden heroic spirit also fully appeared at the critical moment, and the invisible long sword in his hand quickly and accurately blocked the incoming spear.

Does this unfolding give you a sense of déjà vu?

Chapter 373: Wang Jiang, I will draw a notebook for your master

Bang, bang, bang...

Although the last hit was blocked and his mission was blocked, Cu Chulainn's mood became excited.

It is really against the honor of a warrior to slaughter an unarmed person, let alone a son of a demigod like Wang Jiang.

Now I saw that the opponent summoned a hero before dying, and the unknown heroic spirit was able to perfectly block his own blow. At a glance, I knew he was a fighting servant.

This is just what he wanted!

After being blocked from the attack, Cu Chulainn did not fade away. Instead, he used the ability to reposition himself, adjusted his center of gravity in an instant, and shot the cursed spear in his hand like a poisonous snake at the blond hero in full silver armor.

The blond heroic spirit did not disappoint Cu Chulainn. He swung the invisible sword in his hand quickly, effectively and accurately neutralizing his attack. Moreover, because the two men's attack speed was extremely fast, it was far beyond the level that humans could observe.

Sajo Ayaka, who was dying, could not see the details of the fight between the two. The only thing that felt the fierce battle between the two was the sound of the two weapons colliding and the huge partial pressure generated by the fight.


Feeling that his Master's condition was not good, the blond heroic spirit was naturally not in the mood to test Cu Chulainn Manman. The magic power in his body boiled. Driven by the burst of magic power, the invisible sword in his hand exploded with a speed far exceeding the previous one. With such strength, a horizontal slash sent Cu Chulainn's slash flying away with his spear in front of him.

With such speed, strength, and proficient skills, you are a Saber!

Cu Chulainn, who was knocked out, said loudly with a happy and excited smile on his face:

It's just that, as the strongest Saber class, it's too despicable for you to hide the sword in your hand!

After just a brief confrontation, Cu Chulainn felt that the opponent was powerful enough to fight a demigod like himself.

It’s really tricky, and it’s really good!

Protecting the intelligence of heroic spirits themselves is basic common sense in the Holy Grail War.

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