Zhu Er wanted to go over, but she realized that she seemed to be blocked by an invisible air, making him unable to get near to her. Shui Qinan also shook her head towards Zhu Er, signalling her not to get near to him.

Zhu Er stood in her original position in frustration, but her gaze was focused on Shui Qinan, not relaxing for a moment. If she found out that Shui Qinan was not at all alright, she would risk her life to rush to the center of the formation, thinking of all the ways to destroy this Blood Sea Formation.

Shui Qinan looked at the droplets of blood that seemed to be within reach, but in the end, she still stopped in her tracks. She pulled out the Jade Flute at her waist and placed it in front of her with the flute.

With just this one action, Shui Qinan felt the pressure on her body lighten by a lot. With the Jade Flute in her hands, it felt different, and Shui Qinan's confidence had increased by quite a bit as well. She took another step forward, then brought the Jade Flute to her lips and lightly blew out a single sound.

As Zhu Er watched from the side, she was shocked. Shui Qinan's Jade Flute was not simple, so even though Shui Qinan still looked relaxed on the outside, Zhu Er knew that she had already done her best. But you must definitely destroy the Blood Sea Formation safely and smoothly! " Zhu Er prayed in her heart.

With the help of the Jade Flute, Shui Qinan finally walked to the array core of the Blood Sea Formation. That bright red bead of blood was suspended above the array core, carrying a dense smell of blood.

The Jade Flute in her hands suddenly became restless as well, and she began to spontaneously beat it, producing buzzing sounds. "What's going on?" Zhu Er was so shocked that her mouth was wide opened! A pair of bright and beautiful eyes adorably stared at him. Shui Qinan was also a little surprised, but she quickly calmed down.

She saw a faint red color appear from the eye of the formation, and then all of them slowly flowed into the blood droplets. The droplets suspended above the formation, after absorbing the faint red blood droplets, appeared even more round and even more scarlet.

"I really did not expect that after the Blood Sea Formation was improved on, it was used to recover the blood droplets!" No matter how Shui Qinan looked at the round and scarlet pearl in the air, she felt that it was very evil. This evil being had recovered through the Blood Sea Formation, it gave Shui Qinan a very strange feeling when she looked at it, and it even felt a chill on her back.

She no longer dared to release any flames. She only relied on the melody of the flute to clash with the blood in the air. However, as the flute's sound rang out, Shui Qiannan was surprised to discover that the flute was emitting a black fog that was shooting out droplets of blood into the air. However, she and Zhu'er were both dumbstruck as they watched the black fog and droplets of blood clashing in the air.

Although the black mist was thin, it still continued to flow out from the Jade Flute like a big net, covering the blood droplets one by one. The blood droplets were not willing to be weak, the red glow in the air became even brighter, and the red blood stains at the eye of the formation were no longer gushing towards the blood droplets, but directly clashing with the black mist in the air.

Shui Qinan could not help but wrinkle her nose. Even Zhu Er, who could not see the drop of blood at all, had started to frown due to the smell of blood in the air.

Although she couldn't see the drop of blood, she could see the black mist in the air. She could see the black mist rising up, converging, and then transforming into various shapes, as if it was devouring something.

The blood droplets suspended above the eye of the formation were suppressed by the black fog until they seemed to gradually land on the mountain below, and the blood droplets seemed to be conscious, as if they understood that this was a critical period for recovery. They were completely entangled by the black fog, and if they were even engulfed, it would be the end.

Although the blood droplets struggled desperately, in the end, they could not avoid the fate of being bound by the black dragon. Gradually, they fell to the bottom of the mountain and were completely suppressed. Zhu Er, who was at the side, saw that Shui Qinan had finally relaxed her eyebrows and heaved a sigh of relief.

Shui Qinan frowned, she was deeply immersed in the array, the blood Qi in the air was increasing. Some of the blood energy had already gathered into blood droplets. Shui Qinan's expression was cold and detached. Who knew how many innocent girls refined these drops of blood! Just for the sake of a second prince of Asura Realm, he had to sacrifice her blood to an entire city's girl.

"Could it be that the life of this Asura Realm Prince is not the life of these commoners?" A trace of anger flashed through Shui Qinan's heart. She lightly rotated her hand, and streaks of silver light floated out from her fingers, wanting to destroy these drops of blood.

However, he did not expect his blood energy to gather so quickly, and the number of blood drops to increase rapidly. The silver light dissipated after piercing through a few drops of blood. Shui Qinan didn't mind this at all, and retrieved his Jade Flute from her Cosmos Sack. His right index finger lightly brushed against the Jade Flute and a layer of faint silver light immediately enveloped it. Shui Qinan lightly blew up the raindrop …

Although the Jade Flute was beautiful, when it was blown out, it gave off a feeling of transcendence. Following the sound of the tune, the Jade Flute released a strand of black air. The black gas in the air agilely dashed towards the blood droplets. The droplets of blood seemed to have smelled danger and scattered in all directions, trying to escape. Shui Qinan increased the speed of her flute, causing more and more black Qi to float out from the Jade Flute.

The black Qi seemed to have a tacit understanding with each other. A few wisps of black Qi quickly wrapped themselves around a drop of blood and killed it. A few drops of blood were broken and emitted a young girl's scream. A few larger drops of blood transformed into a scene of a young girl begging for mercy. Shui Qinan's face was cold and indifferent, he continued to control the Jade Flute in his hands.

"The number of blood droplets continued to decrease, and the black gas gained the upper hand." Who exactly is this woman!? " Gong Minghua who was lying in ambush beside had a sinister look. Although these blood drops would not cause any fundamental damage to the formation, a little bit of the essence of the flesh was still better! Blood droplets were killed by Shui Qinan, causing him to nearly split her steel teeth into pieces.

"How can such an expert appear with such a tiny Holy Sky Continent!? This woman must be a cultivator from the outside world! " The number of blood drops continued to decrease. If this continued, the foundations of the formation would be affected.

Gong Minghua decided to sneak attack Shui Qinan when he was unprepared. He took out a willow leaf shaped fragment from his bosom. The last time Yue Rongzixing attacked Zhu Er, she also used this kind of Willow Leaf Fragment. It was just that Yue Rongzixing's shard was silver, while Gong Minghua's shined with a strange black light.

Gong Minghua flung his right wrist, and the broken pieces flew towards Shui Qinan like arrows. Shui Qinan was playing the flute, she did not have time to take out the whip from her waist to block, "Jiu Xiao." Shui Qinan's expression did not change as she faintly spat out these two words.

A small pagoda emerged from her Cosmic Bag. It had nine floors, and was none other than the Nine Heavens Pagoda. The moment the fragments hit the small pagoda, they instantly shattered. Gong Ming Hua's pupils constricted. To have such a treasure, this woman must have a great background. It's very likely that she's …

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