Back then, because Bi Chi did not directly kill my parents, he did not receive any prohibited punishment. However, my grandfather was implicated, his spirit energy retreated, his body became weaker and weaker, and it was even possible that his lifespan was shortened. I do not have any feelings for the Bian Family, but I cannot ignore my grandfather. Nangong Jin really hated him, he hated Bi Chi to the core and even though Bi Chi did not care about his brotherly feelings, he could not tell his grandfather, he hated him a lot.

"Your ancestors were really interesting." Shui Qinan praised.

"What do you mean?" Nangong Jin looked at Shui Qinan in puzzlement.

Shui Qinan kindly explained to him: "It's just that I can't kill him, and didn't say I can't beat him up.

"Logically speaking, it should be possible." Nangong Jin seemed to understand the meaning behind Shui Qinan's words. After all, the prohibition against killing people only, if one did not die, then he would not receive any form of punishment.

Back then, he had used the forbidden technique because this was the only way to prevent it from backlash on his grandfather. Therefore, even if it was successful, he would still be willing to lose half of his lifespan. Thinking about it, he was really too stupid.

"Then we'll have to find some fighters to beat them up. It doesn't need to be too serious, it's fine as long as Bi Yu is halved. That Bi Chi your grandfather should be cleaning up. If your grandfather is soft-hearted, you can find thugs every half month and beat them up until they're half dead. Then, you can take a few pills from me to keep them alive. After all, it's meaningless for people to die here. " Shui Qinan smiled meaningfully.

"What about the contents of this bottle?" Nangong Jin did not realise that he had already started to habitually seek for Shui Qinan's opinion.

Shui Qinan pointed outside the room and said: "Go outside and wait. I'll clean up this thing."

Nangong Jin was stunned once, was he supposed to go guard the door? Could Shui Qinan really take care of the baby inside this blue and white porcelain bottle? The baby had already been raised for many days already, so its power was great.

"Why do you want me to invite you out?" Shui Qinan said indifferently.

Nangong Jin looked at Shui Qinan's calm face, and did not panic at all. Nangong Jin had calmed down and told himself to trust Shui Qinan. What he needed to do now was to not cause trouble for Shui Qinan and let her take care of the baby. Nangong Jin walked out of the room and stood in the courtyard as he cast a barrier around the room, preventing people who wanted to come here to find him.

Seeing that Nangong Jin had gone out, Shui Qinan picked up the Jade Flute at her waist and started playing.

The inside of the blue and white porcelain bottle immediately changed, a noisy and red black color slowly rose, the Jade Flute's cry became even more urgent, as though the Jade Flute saw the black mist and was extremely excited.

"Break!" Shui Qinan thought about the baby whose divine sense had exposed the blue and white porcelain bottle earlier. Shui Qinan immediately felt her stomach turn, and she chanted an incantation. She broke the blue and white porcelain bottle, and the blue and white porcelain bottle immediately shattered into pieces.

A package of flesh and blood shaped like a baby floated in the air, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

A small hand emerged from the baby's flesh, then another. It opened its only eyes and looked at Shui Qinan as it giggled, as if it had seen something interesting.

Shui Qinan could not help but stop her playing and take the Jade Flute in his hands.

Blood dripped from the flesh, but none of it fell to the ground as it floated in the air. As if it had encountered some sort of difficulty, the meat bag wriggled and wrote with great difficulty. In the end, it stretched out its two tiny feet and slowly approached Shui Qinan, step by step, in midair.

"Chirp!" The Jade Flute in Shui Qinan's hand released a white light that flew towards the baby.

The baby's body instantly changed, it started to swell, its only eyes were filled with blood and hatred, staring straight at Shui Qinan, as though it wanted to tear him to shreds.

Shui Qinan's head started to hurt violently, the power of the flesh bag was truly unreasonable. She was considered one of the few experts in the Holy Sky Continent, but was unable to suppress the power of the flesh bundle in the slightest. It had been a while since Shui Qinan last had any strength left to suppress her, and for a moment, she didn't know how to break this flesh.

No wonder Nangong Jin said that there was no way to remove it, and only wanted to admit defeat? Shui Qinan's eyes turned sharp. No way, there was no such thing as admitting defeat in her dictionary!

The Hundred Transformations Jade Flute seemed to have felt its master's aura suddenly become sharp and fierce. It emitted a black ray from the Jade Flute and gradually enveloped the entire room with its black Qi. The Jade Flute then emitted a faint green light.

The infant in the flesh bag looked at the Jade Flute and extended his bloody hand to touch it. The Jade Flute let out a cry, scaring the flesh bag, and in the next moment, Shui Qinan also realized that after the Jade Flute's cry, the headache she felt disappeared.

With a flip of her hand, Shui Qinan made a complicated seal, covering the body of the flesh bag. The cyan colored light coiled around the flesh bag, and with a light "Tighten" from Shui Qinan, the cyan colored light turned into vines that wrapped around the flesh bag bit by bit.

With a blood-curdling screech, the shape of the baby gradually revealed itself. It opened its mouth to bite the vine, and with a kacha sound, the vine was snapped apart. And Shui Qinan's body seemed to have been bitten by someone. The baby looked at Shui Qinan, her one and only eye seemed to be filled with pride.

"Damn it." Shui Qinan was defeated.

Just as the Jade Flute broke free from Shui Qinan's grasp and flew away like a baby, the baby retreated step by step. For some reason, Shui Qinan felt that this baby seemed to be afraid of the Jade Flute, not daring to let the Jade Flute get too close to it.

A sigh came out from the Jade Flute's body, it was a sound that seemed to come from ancient times. Shui Qinan's mind shook, she had clearly heard this voice before, but she could not recall a single thing.

"This is my battlefield. Master, you just need to watch." Shui Qinan was startled. Zi Luo had said that she and the Hundred Transformations Jade Flute's master were once demon girls, and the Hundred Transformations Jade Flute had long been cultivated into human form. Just that, to save the demon woman from dispersing her cultivation, was she going to regain her human form?

"Don't be afraid, this thing is just perfect for me to replenish." The Jade Flute spoke gently as if she was comforting Shui Qinan. It did not sound like Nangong Jin's gentleness, nor did it sound like Hou Qingyu's gentleness.

Shui Qinan retreated a few steps, as expected, she was still too weak. Although she had barely met any opponents in terms of Holy Sky Continent, she was still unable to withstand a single blow from someone as powerful as this infant. In these past few days, she had truly been a little negligent in her cultivation, Shui Qinan thought calmly.

The Jade Flute in front of her was emitting an azure-green light and the warm breath that was like a spring breeze scared the baby so much that he retreated step by step. Waves of screams came out and he was unable to move at all.

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