Xiao You heard the familiar voice and slowly raised his head. The moment he saw Shui Qinan, he couldn't conceal the excitement and grievance in his eyes; he could only call out "mother" and no matter what, he said those words. He reached out to first hug Shui Qinan, but unfortunately, his two small hands were completely covered in blood scabs.

Shui Qinan looked at the four chains that had pierced through his limbs, and she almost could not breathe.

Resisting her tears, she said to Little You, "Xiao You, endure a little pain. Mother will help you undo the chain."

Xiao You crawled on the ground and cried softly. A ray of white light condensed in Shui Qinan's hand and shot all of them towards the ropes, only to see those ropes being corroded by the white light and turning into ashes in an instant.

Shui Qinan carried the child on the ground, and told him that his limbs were in no condition at all. He wanted to help heal the child, and then ask him who had tortured him to such an extent.

It was only when she hugged him that she realized the child was skinny and light.

Shui Qinan was preparing to leave with Xiao You, but she did not expect Yin Huaqing to suddenly appear in front of him. He looked anxious, and said to Shui Qinan: "Qi Nan, let go of that child!"

Shui Qinan did not understand the meaning behind Yin Huaqing's words, but the child beside him suddenly had a change of expression. A pair of originally pure brown eyes turned black in an instant, and the hostility in his eyes grew even more intense, before Shui Qinan could even put him down, he was bitten on the shoulder by the child.

The sharp teeth pierced deep into her bones, causing Shui Qinan to feel pain as her arm loosened. She took in a breath of cold air, the pain causing her face to turn pale white.

Shui Qinan's body suddenly lost all of its strength, after staggering a few times, she fell heavily onto the ground. But the child still did not let go, biting even deeper into the wound.

For a moment, blood gushed out from his shoulder, making him look extremely terrifying.

When Yin Huaqing saw this, his eyes released a ruthless light. A ball of spirit energy condensed in his palm, and with all his might, the spirit energy attacked the child, but it did not cause him any harm. He only turned to look at Yin Huaqing, and then turned into a black light, and disappeared in front of them.

Yin Huaqing carried Shui Qinan who was on the ground, her lips turned purple, and she had already turned into a state where she was about to die. Yin Huaqing didn't dare to hesitate, and carried her as he began to search for the exit to the illusion world.

That's right, this was an illusion. That white halo had drawn everyone into their own inner demons, causing them to die from the things they were afraid of. However, no one was able to sense that they were inside the trap.

In reality, it was not that this illusion was invulnerable, but that everyone had lost the ability to differentiate them when they were in a hurry. It was just like Shui Qinan, who was unable to make a judgement after seeing Xiao You being injured.

She was injured in the second floor of the palace within the illusion. When Yin Huaqing wanted to carry her, he felt that there was a crack in the illusion, which was why he was able to leave so quickly.

Now, he was still able to quickly discover the crack, and enter through Shui Qinan's heart demon. He was also able to smoothly bring her out.

When Yin Huaqing appeared in front of Hua Yan and Yi Yi, who were carrying the dying Shui Qinan, the two of them were immediately shocked. They never thought that the illusory realm would actually injure Shui Qinan to such an extent, and on her right shoulder, fresh blood had already dyed half of her clothes red.

Hua Yan covered his mouth: "What happened to her? They actually suffered such heavy injuries! "

After thinking for a moment, Yi Yi said, "The things in her heart demon are very easy to identify. How could she be so easily fooled? What exactly did she see? "

Yin Huaqing said indifferently: "It's because I'm concerned that it's chaotic."

After saying that, he carried Shui Qinan and placed him on the ground.

He conjured a bed, and placed Shui Qinan who had been carrying her all this time on the bed. He carefully ripped off the clothes on her shoulder, and a large portion of the clothes stuck to the wound, making it difficult to pull them off.

He instructed Hua Yan and He Yi, "You guys go ahead and look for his first. I'll look for his after I treat his."

Hua Yan and Yi Yi nodded, and scattered. They believed that with Yin Huaqing's power, he would be able to save Shui Qiyue.

When he finally managed to throw the wet clothes on the ground, the wound was still bleeding profusely.

Yin Huaqing took out a pill and fed it to Shui Qinan. The blood had lost its hostility and gradually stopped bleeding.

Yin Huaqing then used his spirit energy to treat her wounds. After half an hour, her complexion had already improved.

That evil aura was too powerful, with just that bite, he was able to instantly kill others, and Shui Qinan being able to hold on till now, was not easy.

He washed Shui Qinan's shoulder clean. Seeing her complexion slowly turn red, he relaxed his heart and sat on the side of her bed, waiting for her to wake up.

When Shui Qinan slowly woke up, she saw that Yin Huaqing was staring at him without blinking.

Shui Qinan wanted to sit up, but he was stopped by him, "Don't move, your injuries are not fully healed yet. You need to rest."

Shui Qinan looked at the man in front of her and couldn't help but feel that she was familiar with him, but she was Shui Qinan and shouldn't have feelings for others. She no longer looked at Yin Huaqing's handsome face and moved his face away.

However, he accidentally touched the wound which Yin Huaqing was already bandaging.

She looked at her bare shoulder and frowned. The wound on it had already been dissolved by him, and it was also tightly bandaged.

She glanced at Yin Huaqing and said softly, "Thank you."

Yin Huaqing looked at her without batting an eyelid and said with concern, "Next time, don't be so impulsive. Take out your surroundings clearly and analyze them carefully. Then, you won't be in danger like you did today."

How could Shui Qinan not know this? However, she, who had not seen Xiao You for a long time, had her reason corroded by her thoughts and worries. That was why she was harmed by the baleful aura and Yin Huaqing knew how smart Shui Qinan was, but he was still very worried, because he would appear in this situation again.

He was truly very worried.

She glanced at the bed she was on, then looked around. Obviously, this was still within the palace.

Shui Qinan's wound was quickly healing, and when it was completely healed, she said to Yin Huaqing, "I'm fine, I can go move again."

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