Tycoon's growth system

Chapter 318 Extortion

If you dare to make trouble in Brother Hyosung's shop, no matter what the reason, those guys will be out of luck.

Before Liu Xiaoxing came back, the blue girls were still a little worried about whether they would be able to resist. Now that Liu Xiaoxing came back, they immediately seemed to have the backbone. The worried expression immediately faded from their faces, and then they looked at the troublemakers. There was a trace of pity in his eyes.

Liu Xiaoxing walked over quickly and saw Ma Wencai next to the troublemakers, with a smile on her face and saying good things.

Depending on the situation, the main responsibility for the trouble is really on the waiter?Otherwise, how could Ma Wencai speak so without confidence?

Liu Xiaoxing wanted to figure it out, so she frowned and walked to Ma Wencai's side and asked in a low voice, "What happened? These guys are deliberately making trouble?"

Ma Wencai turned her head to see Liu Xiaoxing talking to herself, and her expression immediately revealed a hint of surprise, but she quickly shook her head with a wry smile, and rebuked herself: "No, they didn't mean to make trouble, but there was a waiter just now. They are so angry when they accidentally spill tea on the guests."

Liu Xiaoxing frowned even more tightly when he heard this. Is it really the responsibility of the waiter?This is a little difficult to deal with, after all, this is my first time as a boss, and I have no experience with such things.

However, the other party has been clamoring for the boss to come out, if he shrinks his head, I am afraid that it will make all the employees who do things for themselves chill.

"I'm the owner of this shop, do you have anything to do with me?" Liu Xiaoxing walked out from behind Ma Wencai, greeted a young man who clamored the most, took a look at him, and then asked knowingly. .

This young man who clamored the most was the customer who was accidentally scalded by the waiter with tea. Otherwise, his arrogance would not be so great. After hearing Liu Xiaoxing’s knowing question, he suddenly became even more unhappy, and tried hard. The table beside the pat stood up from the seat, ready to curse.

But after standing up, he realized that he was half a head shorter than the opponent, and his body was much thinner than the opponent. He almost swallowed the dirty words from his mouth, and then took a step back timidly. He shouted: "You are their boss? Very good! Still more kind! Do you know what your employees did?!"

Liu Xiaoxing pretended to be silly with a smile on his face, shook his head, and replied with a gentle tone: "I don't know!"

"Huh!" After hearing Liu Xiaoxing's answer, the young man immediately snorted angrily, and then said angrily: "Your employee accidentally burned my thigh when pouring tea for me just now, you said What should I do?"

As soon as Liu Xiaoxing heard this tone, he knew that the other party was about to squander the money, and his frowning brows stretched out immediately. He smiled and asked without a smile: "I don't know what you want this guest?

As long as it is a problem that can be solved with money, it is not a serious problem. If the other party only asks for one or two hundred yuan for medical expenses, then give it to him. After all, if you are really scalded, go to a large hospital. It really costs one or two hundred yuan.

But if the other lion asks for thousands of compensations!

"Humph!" Liu Xiaoxing hummed coldly in his heart. He would let the other party know why the flowers are so red!He will hit the opponent and the damage he received is indeed worthy of the amount of blackmailed medical expenses.

This young man is a rogue who often wanders in the nearby streets. Unlike Tao brothers and others who are organized and disciplined, they will not often bully ordinary people. After all, bullying will not bring any benefits to themselves. And it may be dealt with by gang rules.

And this young man, this rogue is different. He usually idles and does nothing, specializes in nibbling the old, and often cheats and blackmails some ordinary people who are timid or weak or don't want to cause trouble.

Even though the people from the police station have been arrested and educated many times, it can’t change his habit of this. In addition, the broken things he has done are not very serious. Over time, the residents around here don’t bother to call the police. They just met him. Immediately hide away.

Today he was wandering on the street with a few friends and friends and suddenly heard that Liu Xiaoxing’s billiard room was opened. He immediately became interested in extortion. So he took a few friends and friends to come here immediately to "wait for an opportunity to act", and finally found She got the chance and tripped the waiter deliberately, letting the hot tea in her hands spill on her trouser legs.

I have to say that this young man is relatively "professional", and he can actually endure the pain of being scalded by boiling water in order to be able to blackmail a little money to spend.

If you put a bit of "professional" energy to do business, it will be more difficult to think of no one!

"This guest, do you have any plans?" Liu Xiaoxing asked impatiently when he saw that the young man curled his brows and stared at him for two or three minutes and hadn't said a word.

"For the sake of your boss's good attitude, you can compensate me a little for medical expenses!" After being scalded by boiling water, this young man intended to blackmail two thousand yuan, because almost all the people who opened shops around here Older people who don't want to cause trouble will basically hesitate for a while. If they are intimidated by themselves, they will take out the money obediently.

But now the young man has some worries, and even quietly retreats in his heart.

It’s okay to let him frighten some old bosses who don’t want to cause trouble or are timid, but now a young man is standing in front of him. If it is tough, not only will the frightening be useless, it will even make the other party anxious. It would be bad if you call the police to catch your group and "train".

Liu Xiaoxing had already guessed that the other party would smash the medical expenses, a joking appeared at the corner of his mouth, nodded and asked: "Okay! How much do you want me to compensate for the medical expenses?"

"Huh?" The young man didn't expect Liu Xiaoxing to speak so well. He nodded in agreement without thinking. He was taken aback for a moment. Then he thought Liu Xiaoxing was a timid person, and he immediately gave him the slightest worry in his heart. Dispelled, and then arrogantly said loudly: "Then just give me three thousand yuan! You also know that the current hospitals are getting more and more cheating. Anything you do will be hundreds or hundreds of oceans, or else How can doctors be licensed robbers?"

"Haha!" When Liu Xiaoxing heard the other lion's mouth open for three thousand yuan, he was instantly mad and laughed, and then his plain tone suddenly turned cold: "A small burn costs three thousand yuan, don't you think Want more?"

Liu Xiaoxing guessed that the other party must have seen his previous reaction weaker, and thought that he was a soft persimmon and could handle it at will?

Seeing that Liu Xiaoxing’s tone suddenly turned cold, the young man suddenly became tougher towards himself. He was taken aback for a moment, and then the slightest worries that had been dispelled instantly "resurrected" in his heart, but in order to blackmail a little more money. When he came to Huahua, he was not immediately frightened by Liu Xiaoxing’s tone and attitude, but instead became bolder, and his tone became more arrogant: “It seems that your big boss has no sincerity at all! Which hospital is not an idea now. Trying to slaughter the patient’s money? I want you three thousand yuan to be considered cheap for you. If you change to someone else, at least five thousand yuan will be difficult!"

"Five thousand yuan? Huh!" Liu Xiaoxing was amused by the other party's words again. "If you want five thousand yuan, I can guarantee that you can't stand and walk out from here, believe it or not?"

The cold and sharp eyes quickly passed the youth's face, causing a chill in his heart, and his body could not help shaking.

Especially after seeing the gloomy expression on Liu Xiaoxing’s face, I felt even more uncontrollable in fear, and the courage that had been so strong also immediately dissipated more than half, and he compromised: "Then...then two thousand yuan. Okay, this is the least. I don't even want your nutrition loss fee. If it is less, I guess I can't afford to stay in hospital!"

After hearing the other party's words of compromise, Liu Xiaoxing suddenly couldn't laugh or cry!A small burn actually needs to be hospitalized?Why don't you want your own nutrition loss fee?It’s a big slap, and it’s been burned across a piece of pants. At this level, this guy is embarrassed to say the words "nutrition loss fee"?

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