Tycoon's growth system

Chapter 327: The Little Nine Nine in Grandpa's Heart

"Hello, grandpa, this is the Moutai I just bought from a store outside. I hope you will always like it!"

After walking into the living room with Zhao Yueyue in his arms, Liu Xiaoxing immediately carried a bottle of Moutai bought in the tobacco and liquor store outside, worth about five or six thousand, to Zhao Yueyue's grandfather.

"Who is your grandmother..." Zhao Yueyue's grandfather wanted to mock Liu Xiaoxing, but suddenly he heard his wife cough heavily behind him, and the face of Zhao Yueyue, the granddaughter standing next to Liu Xiaoxing, suddenly appeared. There was something wrong, so the tone immediately eased a lot, and then he nodded his head expressionlessly and pointed to the coffee table and said: "Put it on here! I'll be a fool... You have to accompany the old man for a few drinks. Okay!"

When Liu Xiaoxing went to buy Moutai, he was worried that the other party would borrow the wine to teach him, but he had to buy it because he knew that Zhao Yueyue's grandfather loved it.

Now that the lid of the wine has not been opened yet, Zhao Yueyue’s grandfather can’t wait to give the order, Liu Xiaoxing had to smile bitterly, and bit the bullet and agreed: "Okay! The younger generation must respect you, old man! "

"Heh! Toast or not is the second thing. As long as I am happy with the old man, I can promise you to write off the previous thing!" Grandma Zhao Yueyue took the Moutai on the coffee table and took a closer look. It looked like After the wine was really drunk, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he said to Liu Xiaoxing very refreshingly.

"Really?!" Liu Xiaoxing exclaimed, some of them couldn't believe what he had heard: "The old man is serious about this, and I will never regret it?!"

As long as she can make Zhao Yueyue her grandfather, this stubborn old man no longer cares about the previous things, and if he is willing to write off a sum of money, how about a drink with him?What if you missed the top three rankings of "Super Tycoon"?Compared with my own happiness, everything in this damn is floating clouds!

"It's definitely not a joke! Old man, I'm the one who talks! As long as you accompany the old man, I will drink enough and be happy! Don't say that you write off the previous things, even if you let me help you get married more and more, it is not impossible!" Zhao Yueyue’s grandfather is like an old fox, squinting his eyes when he speaks, and a sly look quickly flashes from his expression, and he smiles disdainfully: "Hehe! Want to let me ignore the predecessors? Just look at you. Does the brat have that ability? When I was in the research institute, who didn't know my nickname was Jiu Xian?"

Seeing Zhao Yueyue and her grandfather's confident expression quickly flashed a trace of cunning, Liu Xiaoxing's heart immediately felt uneasy, but even so, he could only bite his teeth and bite his scalp.

Moreover, Liu Xiaoxing's drink volume is not bad. After all, he was not in vain for so many years. "Okay! Then it's a deal!"

"A word is settled!" Zhao Yueyue's grandfather smiled weirdly and responded.

At this time, Zhao Yueyue’s grandmother came over and saw his wife and Liu Xiaoxing talking and laughing, and the hanging heart slowly let go, and then curiously asked: "What are you talking about? Is it a deal?"

Zhao Yueyue’s grandfather was thinking about how to drink Liu Xiaoxing’s wine when he was going to eat. He was suddenly patted on the shoulder by his wife and asked about it. Suddenly, it was as if he had been discovered when he was a thief, and he was shaking with a guilty conscience. Tilted his head and smiled dryly, "Heh, heh! No...nothing! Just chat, right? Liu Xiaoxing, more and more!"

In order to prevent his wife from discovering that he planned to teach Liu Xiaoxing with wine at the dinner table, he was stopped, so he was cunning and treacherous, and immediately pulled Zhao Yueyue and Liu Xiaoxing into the water.

"Yes, grandma, grandpa and I are just chatting casually, haha!" Of course Liu Xiaoxing knows what the cunning old man's conspiracy is, but since he can do what he says, it doesn't matter if he cooperates with him to lie.

The more Zhao Yue sees that her beloved doesn’t matter anymore, she feels more relieved, so she also helped her grandfather with a lie and smiled: "Hehe, this is the secret of the three of us! Grandma!"

"Okay, okay, this is your secret, okay, but now hurry up and wash your hands, the last dish will be out soon!" Zhao Yueyue's grandma looked at Zhao Yueyue and Liu Xiaoxing helplessly and very pleased. With a glance, smiled.

Then he glanced at his wife’s expression from the corner of his eye. Seeing that his wife’s expression was a little unnatural, a trace of doubt arose in his heart, but he didn’t ask, but turned around and walked back into the kitchen to get the last dish. , Is also Zhao Yueyue's favorite dish.

"Wow! It's braised pig's feet!" After asking about the scent wafting out of the kitchen, Zhao Yueyue's eyes suddenly shined, and with an exclamation, he rushed into the kitchen as quickly as a wild cat that found its prey. .

Upon seeing this, Liu Xiaoxing couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and then walked into the kitchen unhurriedly to wash his hands.

As for Zhao Yueyue's grandfather, his eyes rolled around, and then he stood up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen with Moutai. When he passed the dining table, he immediately put the Moutai on it, and then opened the wine on purpose. Cover, let a burst of mellow wine smell from the bottle.

When asked about the smell of wine, Grandpa Zhao Yueyue's eyes immediately flashed a sly light, and he looked at Liu Xiaoxing who was carefully rubbing his hands on the side of the sink and said secretly: "Boy, kid! You took the initiative to deliver this! I can’t blame the old man for a while for a while! If I’m the blame, I’ll blame you for being indifferent and trying to compete with the "Jiu Xian"? Huh!"

Zhao Yueyue's grandfather snorted coldly in his heart, and his expression was full of confidence, thinking that it would not take long before he could get Liu Xiaoxing down and make him embarrassed.

However, although his abacus is good, he has overlooked a very important point. That is the reason why he can be called a wine fairy many years ago. Apart from being able to drink, his physical fitness is much better than now. !

After Liu Xiaoxing and Zhao Yueyue had washed their hands and sat on the edge of the dinner table, Zhao Yueyue's grandfather slowly left the position to wash his hands, and his wife took the opportunity to get to him and asked in a low voice: " Old man, don’t you still hate Hyosung, do you?"

"I hate a junior? Haha, how could it be possible?" Zhao Yueyue's grandfather was washing his hands. After being asked by his wife suddenly, he acted suddenly, then smiled unnaturally, and replied.

"Really? Don't you really hate others?" Grandma looked at her wife in disbelief, and asked with some emphasis.

Grandpa's expression became even more unnatural. He quickly washed his hands and wiped them with a towel, then shook his head and smiled dryly: "Heh...hehe! Old lady, you have thought about it, you have thought about it! What you said before, I will again It's not that I didn't listen to it. Besides, people are my saviors. How can I hold my hate?"

"Oh? Do you really think that? You are not lying to me, are you?"

Zhao Yueyue's grandma still looked at his wife in disbelief. After all, she had lived with her wife for so many years, and through the subtle reaction of her expression, she could tell whether the other party was lying.

The reason she asked like that was just to remind her wife that even if she really hates Liu Xiaoxing and really wants to retaliate against Liu Xiaoxing, she must have a degree, especially in front of Zhao Yueyue, her granddaughter is even more in front of her. It should be controlled.

"Oh! I really didn't lie to you, I promise that I won't hate that kid, but it's impossible for me to dispel the idea of ​​teaching him! This is just to see how that kid's character is!" Grandpa knew that he couldn't lie to the boss. After all, he had been together for so many years, so he simply confessed his thoughts.

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