"Do you really want to help your elder to create a snack bar?" Sister Xiaoli did not answer Liu Xiaoxing's question clearly, but asked instead.

Sister Xiaoli’s rhetorical question gave Liu Xiaoxing a glimmer of hope, and she asked a little excitedly: "Is there really a way to solve it? I really want to help my elder to create a snack bar, of course! If the system is real If this is not allowed, or if the solution will cause you to be punished by Sister Xiaoli, then forget it!"

Seeing that Liu Xiaoxing was thinking about herself, Xiaoli's heart warmed, and then smiled and replied: "Don't worry, I won't be punished, it's just that I need to pay a certain business transfer fee!"

"It must be... how much?" Liu Xiaoxing was happy in his heart, but soon felt that the system would never let him take advantage of it, so he was still a little worried.In case this certain amount is several million gold coins, then it is not worth that much to sell yourself!

"I'm not very clear about this. There will be prompts only when I actually help you operate it. However, it is only a first-level business transfer and it will not be very expensive. Hyosung, you can rest assured!" Xiaoli replied with a smile.

"Oh! That's good!" Liu Xiaoxing sighed in relief immediately when he heard the words, and immediately turned a straight face, and said to Sister Xiaoli: "Then Sister Xiaoli, you start operating for me now, right?"

"Huh? Are you sure?" Sister Xiaoli asked worriedly, because this is something that can't be repented. Once it is transferred, the snack bar must be operated.

"Well! Certainly and definitely!" Liu Xiaoxing replied very firmly.

"Okay! I hope you don't regret it in the future!" Sister Xiaoli whispered, then smiled helplessly, and helped Liu Xiaoxing start the operation.

After about half a minute, a prompt message appeared in front of Liu Xiaoxing: "Whether you choose to transfer the store's business method?"

"Yes!" Liu Xiaoxing chose without hesitation.

"Please confirm the transfer method of the store!" After the prompt message box flickered in front of Liu Xiaoxing's eyes for more than ten seconds, it quickly turned into a floor plan for store transfer.

There are a variety of shop transfer methods on the map. After careful inspection, Liu Xiaoxing chose the first-level "electronic game hall" in the entertainment industry to transfer it to the first-level "snack bar" in the catering industry.

After his choice was over, the floor plan disappeared quickly, and the prompt message quickly flashed: "Please confirm and pay the transfer fee of 1,000 gold coins!"

"Nima! A thousand gold coins?" Although Liu Xiaoxing was mentally prepared, he still didn't expect the transfer fee to be so expensive. Although he said that he now has tens of thousands of gold coins, these thousand gold coins are also very important to him. Ah!You should know that the intermediate item [familiarity banner] is only three thousand gold coins a little more!

But now that I have decided to help Uncle Dog, and I am not short of gold coins, I gritted my teeth to confirm!

"The user has confirmed, the transfer begins... the transfer is complete... the store transfer begins... the store transfer is complete! Please confirm!"

Reminders kept flashing in front of Liu Xiaoxing's eyes, and it took five minutes for a reminder picture of specific information to appear.

Liu Xiaoxing checked carefully and then chose to confirm.After the confirmation, the prompt picture disappeared instantly, and at the same time, two contracts drawn up by the system appeared in Liu Xiaoxing's inventory.

One is the transfer contract of the shop, and the other is the purchase contract of the shop.

Liu Xiaoxing is 100% sure that as long as these two contracts are handed over to the owner of the lingerie shop, this newbie task [opening a shop] will be completed!

"Sister Xiaoli, thank you!" Liu Xiaoxing withdrew his gaze from the contract, then gratefully looked at Sister Xiaoli and said.

Sister Xiaoli slowly closed the laptop in her hand, and shook her head with a smile: "No thanks, you should help Hyosung, but I don't know that the transfer fee this time will be so high!"

When it comes to transfer fees, Liu Xiaoxing feels a bit painful. He thinks it may be related to the store's prime location in the commercial area, so even if it hurts, he can only bear it.

"Haha, it's okay, I will definitely earn it back anyway!" Liu Xiaoxing pretended to be indifferent, but he was not talking big, but he aimed at the great taste of Uncle Dog’s meat sandwiches. If the business is not hot, it will be true. There is no reason!

Ok!Even if some people don't like to eat rou jiamo, Uncle Dog still makes noodles!It's really impossible to get another [familiarity banner] and hang it at the door of the store!I do not believe that no one comes to patronize!

Opening a billiard room in this residential area of ​​Prodigy Bay is so popular!If he were to get a [familiarity banner] in a crowded business district, he would not dare to imagine the effect!

"Since the novice mission has been taken, Hyosung, is your next plan to complete the mission?" Seeing that Liu Xiaoxing doesn't care about the thousand gold coins, Sister Xiaoli smiled comfortedly, and then asked.

"Huh?" Liu Xiaoxing felt that Sister Xiaoli suddenly asked herself what should be the matter, so she asked curiously: "Is the finals about to begin?"

Sister Xiaoli glanced at Liu Xiaoxing appreciatively, nodded and replied: "Yeah! That's right! The final is about to begin at noon tomorrow! There is only one game! But it will last three full hours!"

"What kind of finals is it?" Liu Xiaoxing asked curiously, because there was a temporary problem with the three major rankings, so he was not sure whether the finals had changed.

"I heard that the method of the finals has changed, but I don't know exactly how it changed. It will be announced at noon tomorrow?" Sister Xiaoli shrugged and replied with a wry smile.

"Oh! That's it, then okay, I'll go online at noon tomorrow!" Liu Xiaoxing replied not very disappointed.

Because he had already guessed that the system would change the way of the finals, he was just a little curious.Because if you know the method in advance, you will be better prepared, and at the same time you will be able to plan your combat method.

But since you can't know, let's finish what we should do now.

After quitting the game "Super Tycoon", Liu Xiaoxing immediately called Zhao Yueyue and said that she would not be able to accompany her shopping and eating in the afternoon and evening, and then left the residence and went to the nearby billiard room to find the manager Ma Wencai. Went to Jiefang Road.

Fortunately, the shops on Jiefang Road are relatively late to get off work, especially those related to clothing, and will not close in the afternoon.

Once again, let the manager of the lingerie shop call out their boss to make an appointment at a nearby coffee shop.

"Boss Li, I'm very embarrassed. I forgot to save your phone number at noon. I have no choice but to trouble your staff again and call you out to meet! Didn't disturb you?" Liu Xiaoxing looked at the one sitting opposite him apologetically The middle-aged woman said.

"It's okay!" The middle-aged woman sitting across from Liu Xiaoxing, Li Yuanyang, the owner of the lingerie shop, smiled and shook her head, and then asked: "Mr. Liu, are you in such a hurry to ask me out, have you already decided? ?"

Li Yuanyang’s name is very good, and the meaning is very good, but her emotional experience is not as inseparable as the mandarin ducks. Since her business failed last year, her husband stole her savings and ran away with the mistress. Now, every day I am being collected by creditors, I have to transfer the underwear shop I have worked so hard to build!

It can be said that the discount underwear shop has injected a lot of her efforts!But even if she is reluctant, she only has this way to go!Friends who usually call themselves sister and Daomei immediately found an excuse to hang up when they heard that they had borrowed money. Later, they refused to even answer the phone, and they would deliberately not know each other when they met on the street.As for the relatives, it was worse than her own!How embarrassed to open this mouth?Now, what happened to her is like being bullied by a dog when a tiger falls to Pingyang, and she is smashed into a disaster!

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