Tycoon's growth system

Chapter 553 I finally got the money back!

After confirming that the development of the factory was stable and the equipment was normal, Liu Xiaoxing drove back to the city in a luxury car.

When he arrived in the city, he suddenly received a call from the strange woman before, saying that he had found sufficient favorable evidence and he wanted to meet with him immediately to ask for the 10 million yuan.

How could Liu Xiaoxing let the other party be so arrogant?So he told the other party that if he wanted to get back the ten million, he had to ask for it according to his own time, and other rest periods were ignored.

After that, Liu Xiaoxing hung up the other party's phone, and after thinking about it, he pulled the other party's mobile phone number into the blacklist. He didn't want to be harassed all day long.

really!Just after Liu Xiaoxing finished speaking, the strange woman on the other end of the phone was so angry that she almost didn't break her mobile phone on the spot. If this mobile phone hadn't just been put on the market and cost him thousands of dollars, then he would be angry. Wanted to call again, only to hear that the other party was down!

You can still get through just now, but now it stops suddenly?Don't even think about it or know that it was pulled into the blacklist!

"I! @#……&" After the strange woman hung up the phone and cursed in spite of her image, she gritted her teeth helplessly and angrily and returned to the hotel. Tomorrow, she will find him at the time the other party said. .



Xiao Lingling felt that she was very, very unlucky this month. First, the millions invested in the stock market were stuck and couldn't get out. Then there was a problem with the company's accounting. The financial director absconded with money and the company lost a thousand dollars. Wanshiong, after finally raising 10 million, he didn't expect to accidentally hit someone else's account because of a sneeze, and then somehow he just clicked to confirm!

When she finally reacted, she hurriedly went to the bank staff to help collect the money, but she learned that she couldn't collect the money, so she could only give the other party's contact information!

Xiao Lingling was puzzled at that time!Why can't the people at the bank help themselves to recover?In fact, she didn't know Liu Xiaoxing's relationship in the capital. Who would dare to investigate his account casually?

In desperation, Xiao Lingling had to call Liu Xiaoxing, but she didn't expect that the other party was so arrogant that she had to ask herself to pursue it before she was willing to pay!I#%……&!Why is there such a person in this world who doesn't take pity and cherish jade?

After Xiao Lingling cursed in her heart, she hung up and prepared to use the law to help protect her rights!But I did not expect to wait for the legal notice for several days and did not give an accurate reply!So she immediately understood something!So he ran to Changnan alone!

But after she saw Liu Xiaoxing himself, she knew that the other party was more difficult and arrogant than she thought!There was really no other way, so she had to put her face down and begged the people working in the banking system to help herself prepare sufficient evidence!

After finally preparing sufficient evidence, the other party suddenly told him that he would only be able to look for him when he was free, otherwise he would not be refunded!

My#……&!Why are there people in this world who are more arrogant and domineering than the bank staff?!!

After Xiao Lingling scolded in the street depressed and disregarded her image, she returned to the hotel room to rest. The next day she hurriedly rushed to the entrance of Liu Xiaoxing's fitness club opened in the wealthy business district of the city center and waited. stand up.

After waiting for almost an hour at the entrance of the fitness club that was being renovated, Xiao Lingling, who couldn't help but want to scold her mother, finally ran over after seeing the belated figure of Liu Xiaoxing.

Before he could say hello, Liu Xiaoxing asked with a stern smile on his face: "Oh! Isn't this Ms. Xiao! You came so early? It seems that you are still quite enthusiastic about the ten million! This time you have enough. Is the evidence here?"

Xiao Lingling wanted to bite him after hearing Liu Xiaoxing’s yin and yang words, but she still tolerated the emotion, took a deep breath, and reluctantly squeezed a smile from her face and replied: "Mr. Liu, this The evidence I brought this time can definitely prove that I was the person who accidentally put the wrong money into your account! And I called a lawyer to come over!"

After Xiao Lingling said, she pointed to a man in a black suit standing under a big tree not far away to enjoy the cool.

Liu Xiaoxing glanced at the lawyer in the direction that Xiao Lingling was pointing, and suddenly felt that the lawyer was a little familiar, as if he had seen him nowhere.

The lawyer also happened to look at Liu Xiaoxing at this time. After seeing Liu Xiaoxing's face clearly, he was taken aback for a while, then hurried over and asked excitedly: "You...you are Mr. Liu, right?"

Lu Zhe had previously received Xiao Lingling's commission and saw the name "Liu Xiaoxing" mentioned in the document, and felt that something was faintly wrong, but he still guessed whether it was the same person.After all, the name "Liu Xiaoxing" is still called by many people.

But now he is surprised!He is a little scared!Thinking of the domineering situation that Liu Xiaoxing showed when he dealt with the bullies alone before, he knew that things were difficult to handle.

"Are you Lawyer Lu?" Liu Xiaoxing finally remembered that the identity of the man in front of him was the cowardly lawyer who presented him to the company.

"Do you know each other?" Xiao Lingling asked Liu Xiaoxing and Lu Zhe in surprise.

"Actually!" Liu Xiaoxing replied with a smile.

"If you know it, it would be better! I believe your friend will not lie to you! It will definitely prove my identity!" Xiao Lingling said with a smile, but although she said so, she couldn't help but worry in her heart. stand up.

Isn't this Lawyer Lu deliberately helping him to speak because he knows Liu Xiaoxing?Then the ten million will be even more difficult to recover!

Liu Xiaoxing seemed to see through Xiao Lingling's thoughts, and said with a smile: "Don't worry! I only have a purely acquaintance relationship with him! But if you can't convince me with the evidence, I will still not give you the 10 million. !"

Although Liu Xiaoxing spoke very solemnly, after seeing the certificate and information that Xiao Lingling had brought out, he did not continue to embarrass her.

After all, one embarrassment is enough, and if there are more, it will not be good!At that time, they will be completely offended. After all, the amount involved is too large. If the other party is not in a hurry, it is impossible to send so much money at once, and it will not come all the way. I asked myself for money!

"Okay! The money I have made people call your account! Don't be so careless next time, after all, there are not many people in this world who talk like me!" Liu Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Just you are good to talk? Really..." Xiao Lingling couldn't help but want to refute him when she thought of making things difficult for Liu Xiaoxing, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that the other party was right.

If it were for someone else, maybe when I learned that I had 10 million, I was afraid that I would take it out to spend a lot of money, or ran abroad to be chic!

After all, if there are ten million, what else is impossible for ordinary people to do?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lingling smiled embarrassedly and replied: "I'm sorry! I misunderstood you because I was too anxious!"

Liu Xiaoxing smiled and waved his hand, and said, "It's okay! But just don't pester me anymore, I'm actually very busy!"

"Who is entangled with you? Really!" Xiao Lingling gave the other person angrily and said: "Okay! This matter is over. To thank you for your help and trust, I will invite you to dinner at noon!"

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