Tycoon's growth system

Chapter 642 I am so itchy, can you rub it for me?

In order to prevent Zhao Yue from thinking wildly, Liu Xiaoxing immediately called her after returning to reality from the game.

Zhao Yueyue, who was resting in the cozy nest rented by Liu Xiaoxing, was awakened by the phone, he subconsciously grabbed the phone and pressed the answer button, and said angrily: "Who? Wake me up early in the morning! I don't know this lady Are you resting? Really..."

"The more and more, it's me..." Liu Xiaoxing interrupted Zhao Yueyue's words dubiously. Listening to her tone, it seems that she has not woken up yet.

"Ah? It turned out to be Hyosung? Hehe... Honey, what are you doing when you call me?" The tone of voice that was very impatient and uncomfortable for the first second suddenly became a little gentle.

After Liu Xiaoxing heard this deliberately pretended gentle voice, he had a chill, and then said: "That's it, the company is going to promote an administrative manager, aren't you in charge of the personnel department? I want to hear your opinion. How about coming to the company if you are energetic now?"

Liu Xiaoxing's tone was a little apologetic. After all, she told her last night that she was so tired. Now she has to call her to the company before she has a good rest. It is indeed a bit sad.

However, Zhao Yueyue has become more understanding after going through the conflict in Shanghai. After hearing Liu Xiaoxing’s apologetic words, he guessed that the promotion of administrative manager in his mouth should be a more important and urgent matter. So I didn't make any excuses, and agreed without hesitation: "Okay, then I will come right now!"

Zhao Yueyue hung up the phone immediately after speaking. Although she said that she would come right away, as a beauty-loving girl, it took her almost half an hour to go out after she got up.

And Liu Xiaoxing in the office of the company waited for half an hour without seeing Zhao Yueyue coming, so she guessed that she was putting on makeup to delay the time, some dumbfounding shook his head, and then planned to skip Zhao Yueyue’s opinion first. Lin Zixia's own opinion is good.

But as soon as this idea emerged from his mind, the office door was knocked.

"Could it be that Zhao Yueyue came here? So soon? Without makeup?" Liu Xiaoxing was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted in the direction of the door: "Please come in!"

As a result, the person who came in was not Zhao Yueyue as Liu Xiaoxing had guessed, but Lin Zixia?Why did she come here suddenly?Did she know that I wanted to promote her to the administrative manager, so she came here to thank me?its not right!I remember not mentioning it to anyone?Could it be that the system reminded her?

Probably!Only the system can do such boring things!

But despite this, Liu Xiaoxing did not show the guess in his heart to his face, looking at Lin Zixia with a very flat expression and asking: "Is there anything to do with me? Zixia?"

Lin Zixia stood opposite Liu Xiaoxing somewhat restrainedly, and said weakly, "General Manager, I...I have something to tell you!"

"Haha, don't be so cautious, I'm not a cannibal tiger, sit down!" Liu Xiaoxing pointed to the sofa next to him, and then took the lead to sit down, and then saw Lin Zixia sitting on the opposite side in a tight-kept manner and asked dumbfounded Said: "Okay, what do you want to tell me?"

After Lin Zixia hesitated for dozens of seconds, her expression suddenly became very ashamed and said: "General Manager, I'm right... I'm sorry, I want to resign!"

"Ah?!" Before Liu Xiaoxing had time to ask the other party if she knew she was going to promote her to become an administrative manager, she suddenly told herself that she was resigning?What kind of trouble is this?

Liu Xiaoxing was taken aback for a moment and asked hurriedly: "Why?"

Lin Zixia was very ashamed to bury her head deeper: "No...no why!"

She is ashamed because Liu Xiaoxing once helped her and her family, and once vowed to work for Liu Xiaoxing's company forever, but now she suddenly resigned because of that matter, which made her conscience very uneasy.

Although the look on Lin Zixia's face looked very ashamed, Liu Xiaoxing still caught a trace of panic from her expression, so he smiled calmly and asked: "Okay, don't be nervous. I am indeed your boss in the company, but I am out I’m your brother after the company, now you tell your brother, why are you resigning? Tell the truth!"

When Lin Zixia heard the words, her heart suddenly tightened, and she wanted to say, "I...I..."

"What am I? Is something wrong with your home? It doesn't matter! You tell me, if I can help, I will definitely help you! You have to treat the company as a family, not a stranger Place, we are all your family, don’t hold your heart on anything you have!"

"I..." Lin Zixia opened her mouth hesitantly, then closed it again and shook her head suddenly, and said, "I can't say!"

"Why can't you say it?" Liu Xiaoxing asked a little depressed, and at the same time muttered in his heart: "Could this be the difficulty of the damn system task, right? Laozi's theme has not been expressed yet, but this little Nizi suddenly I'm going to resign, is this playing me?!"

"General manager, please don't ask? Will you let me resign?" Lin Zixia looked at Liu Xiaoxing with a hint of pleading expression.

Seeing Lin Zixia's pleading appearance, Liu Xiaoxing couldn't bear to continue to ask questions, but it doesn't mean that he will agree to the other party's resignation: "This resignation is necessary for the exact reason! If you still regard me as the general manager Manager, if you still consider people here as friends and family, you can give me a reasonable reason!"

Lin Zixia opened her mouth, but she didn't spit out a single word. Instead, she sighed and shook her head again.

Seeing Lin Zixia, who is usually timid and weak, behave so firm at this moment, it really surprised Liu Xiaoxing. He wanted to know what made her so firm?

In order to clarify this reason and to complete the system task, Liu Xiaoxing was even more unable to let her resign, but after seeing her so determined, she really didn’t know how to persuade her, so she waved her hand and said: Let me think about it? You should go back to your job first, even if you are going to resign, you have to stand for the last minute!"

"Hyoxing, what post did you say? Zixia is not a soldier!" Just as Liu Xiaoxing finished speaking, Zhao Yueyue walked in from outside the office and asked curiously.

Fortunately, Zhao Yueyue did not hear the previous dialogue between Lin Zixia and Liu Xiaoxing, otherwise, Liu Xiaoxing would be indistinguishable.

But even so, Liu Xiaoxing saw Zhao Yueyue suddenly appear in front of him to ask this question, it really shocked his heart, and hurriedly put on a natural expression and explained: "Oh! That's it! Lin Zixia is planning to take a few days off with me, I have to think about it first!"

"It turns out to be like this? Zixia is such a good girl. If you ask for leave, let him rest. What else are you thinking about?" Zhao Yueyue is such a kind and somewhat second person. In her eyes, as long as she can see People who are pleasing to the eye will help her speak nice things.

"You are responsible for asking for leave, okay, and you have to get your consent! Besides, asking for leave as soon as the new company opens, this affects a bit badly!" Liu Xiaoxing looked at Zhao Yueyue. He shook his head dumbfounded and explained.

After listening to Liu Xiaoxing’s explanation, Zhao Yueyue immediately thought about it, and then nodded in enlightenment: “Yes, it’s really not easy to ask for leave now!”

After all, Zhao Yueyue said apologetically to Lin Zixia: "Sister Zixia, sorry, I have to let you work for a few days first, but if there is something urgent at home, I can also let you rest. , It’s just that you have to write me a request for leave!"

When it comes to Zhao Yueyue's work, her personality has changed, becoming a little more rigorous.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Xiaoxing is relieved to let her stay in the personnel department. If this is not the case, I am afraid that all the employees will take vacation and travel the next day.

Although Lin Zixia was cowardly, it didn't mean she was stupid. Seeing that Liu Xiaoxing hadn't said the real reason, she guessed that there must be a reason he didn't say, so she nodded and left the office in cooperation.

After Lin Zixia left the office, Zhao Yueyue immediately leaned to Liu Xiaoxing's side, and said sadly: "My dear, people still have some pain there now, please help me rub it!"

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