Tycoon's growth system

Chapter 693: The One Who Pays Is So Arrogant?

"Boy, who are you? The tone is so arrogant?" A staff member who was playing cards on the computer immediately stood up from his position and gave Liu Xiaoxing a fierce look.

Liu Xiaoxing completely ignored this person's inquiry and shouted again: "For the last time, hand over your supervisor!"

"Boy, are you fucking here to find the fault?" The disregarded staff member immediately rushed to Liu Xiaoxing, staring at him with fiery eyes, and there was a posture that he would do something if the other party dared to ignore him.

Everyone who works in this place is not good, and almost everyone has a bad temper. Especially after seeing Liu Xiaoxing’s arrogant attitude, he has a desire to beat Liu Xiaoxing. It's not for the sake of the impact to endure the words of not making a move.

But after hearing that staff member's second question, Liu Xiaoxing still ignored him, snorted coldly, and looked completely disdainful!

"Fuck! Beat him!" The staff member who had been ignored twice in a row finally couldn't help it. Originally, he was in a bad mood after losing a card game. Now he has been ignored twice, causing his backlog of anger to burst out immediately. , After a loud shout, he rushed towards Liu Xiaoxing.

"Cut!" Liu Xiaoxing glanced at the opponent disdainfully, and easily avoided the opponent's pounce with a light shake, then kicked towards the opponent's abdomen.

"Bang!~~~" So the staff member who had been ignored twice in a row tragically crashed into a bookshelf, screamed in pain and fainted on the ground.

After seeing this scene, other staff members who were eager to move immediately suppressed their inner anger and stayed where they did not dare to do anything to Liu Xiaoxing.

At this time, the supervisor Liu Xiaoxing wanted to meet finally appeared.

"What happened? Why is it so noisy?" The supervisor who heard the movement walked down from the office on the third floor and was taken aback when he saw the sight of the office lobby, then glanced at the crowd and asked angrily.

"Are you the supervisor here?" Liu Xiaoxing asked, turning to the big fat man who came down from the third floor.

"You fucking..."

"Pop!" The director of the street security management department, who was as fat as a pig, before he could finish his words, his plump cheek was shaken by the slap.

"Puff!--" Not only that, his front teeth were punched out, mixed with blood and vomited to the ground a few meters away.

The fat-eared supervisor did not expect that the other party would dare to hit him. After a while, he recovered and shouted angrily: "You fucking dare to hit Laozi? You have a fucking seed, I will let him Go to hell!"

While talking, the fat-eared supervisor went to his cell phone to call someone over.

"It's just looking for death!" Liu Xiaoxing snorted coldly, then grabbed the opponent's mobile phone and smashed it on the ground into fragments.

"What do you...what do you want?" The fat-eared supervisor gave Liu Xiaoxing a frightened look, then hurriedly turned his head and shouted at the employees who were frightened and dumbfounded: "What the hell are you doing? Hurry up and call the police! No! Hurry up and take this bastard first..."

"Plap!" Another loud applause came out, and a few more teeth came out of the fat-eared supervisor's mouth.

"I'm damn your mother!" The fat-headed supervisor was finally beaten out of reason, his brain and fat intestines were all filled with anger, clenched his fists and rushed towards Liu Xiaoxing, there is a kind of desperate Posture.

But with his size and speed, in Liu Xiaoxing’s eyes, he was almost as big and bulky as a snail. Before the big fat man could get close to him, Liu Xiaoxing had already kicked the big fat one. He flew out and knocked over several desks one after another.

This scene immediately frightened those employees standing nearby, and immediately took out their mobile phones and started calling 110 to report to the police.

But Liu Xiaoxing didn't care at all, and walked slowly to the big fat supervisor who was kicked on the ground. He looked at him with a smile and asked, "I heard you have a lot of rights in this area?"

"Boy, I warn you that it's best to kowtow to Lao Tzu and apologize immediately, otherwise, Lao Tzu must make you better than dead!" The big fat director thought Liu Xiaoxing was still a little afraid of his identity, so he threatened.

It is a pity that this threat caused Liu Xiaoxing to pay attention to severely teach him: "Really? It is better to die than to live!"

Liu Xiaoxing said, drew a dagger and shook it in front of the big fat man’s supervisor, then stepped on his wrist with one foot, and then slowly dropped the sharp dagger on his wrist, gently Swipe it!

Just a very light stroke, the big fat supervisor's wrist cracked a bloody mouth!

"You...what do you want? You...you want to kill me? You...you can't kill me!" After looking at the blood gurgling from his wrist, the big fat director finally panicked. His face was almost squeezed into a twist.

But at this time, the big fat supervisor couldn't bring up any strength at all, so he had to pin his hopes on those employees again: "What are you still doing in the same place? Come and save Laozi! Come and save Laozi! "

"Which one of you dares to take a step forward, he is your end!" Liu Xiaoxing turned his head and glanced at the crowd, then held a sharp dagger and thrust it into the big fat supervisor's thigh.

"Ah!~~~" The big fat director suddenly uttered a scream like killing a pig, scared the employees who originally wanted to come to rescue him immediately did not dare to act rashly.

"Hey! Fatty man, now I want to see what else you can do?" Liu Xiaoxing pulled the dagger from the thigh of the big fat man in charge, and then immediately thrust it into the other leg. Once he didn't simply plug it in, but locked the big fat man's hamstring and broke his hamstring immediately.

"Puff!" A blood arrow shot out from the fat man's ankle, and then the scream of the fat man came out again, but the scream stopped halfway through and it hurt. Fainted.

"Hey! Do you think you fainted?" Liu Xiaoxing sneered, then held a dagger and pierced the sole of the fat man's foot, and the fat man who had just passed out woke up again.

The next is a very cruel picture. The big fat supervisor was tortured by Liu Xiaoxing and fainted and passed out. Both soles of his feet were pierced, and his hands and feet were broken, even a layer of meat on his stomach. All were shaved off.

The cruel scenes made the employees who were still staying in the office hall really unbearable. The courageous directly fainted, and the courageous immediately fled this hell-like place!

Then...the harsh police sirens came out from all around, and Liu Xiaoxing let go of the big fat supervisor. After randomly taking out a piece of tissue from a desk and wiping the blood stains on the dagger, it shook his head. Leaving the street security management department.

As soon as he walked out of it, Liu Xiaoxing faced the muzzle of countless black holes.

"Do you all want to die?" Liu Xiaoxing glanced at the police present. There were probably only about a dozen people. If he mobilized all his strength to solve it, it would take ten seconds at most!But he didn't want to kill in this place. It seemed that he didn't want to be pointed at so many guns.

Fortunately, one of the policemen had seen Liu Xiaoxing, so he quickly asked the others to retract the pistol, and then stepped forward to a position about five meters across from Liu Xiaoxing, looked at him and asked, "You are a friend of Sister Mu's. Is it Mr. Liu Xiaoxing?"

"Do you know me?" Liu Xiaoxing was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the handsome policeman in front of him and asked.

"Hello, Mr. Liu, may I ask... What are you doing inside?" The young and handsome policeman breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Liu Xiaoxing's rhetorical question, and then asked seriously, as if he were doing business.

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