With his arms being hugged, Fang Yao directly smashed the back of his head into the bald man's chest.

"Creak!" The sound of bones breaking could be heard. A heart-wrenching pain came, and the baldy covered his chest as he sat on the ground.

At this moment, one of the other two lackeys was holding a brick while the other one was holding a saber. Fang Yao lifted his leg and kicked away the person holding the saber. He then threw out another punch, hitting the brick that was flying at him.

The remaining hooligans watched in astonishment as the brick was broken into two, while Fang Yao's hand was completely unharmed, without even the slightest feeling of pain.

"Oh, hell." That hooligan threw away the remaining half of the brick, turned around and ran while holding his head. Fang Yao did not chase after him.

When Fang Yao turned around, the other hooligans had already mixed in with each other and ran far away.

Fang Yao calmly replied, "I haven't even had my fill of fun, and you're already running away?"

"Master is so powerful, your disciple has lost face for you." At this moment, Zhi Ji struggled to stand up from the ground.

"Of course, if you can't even deal with these hooligans, how are you going to be your master?"

"Oh right, how did you offend those people? You're not messing around in the underworld, are you? " Fang Yao said.

"This, this ~ ~" Little Zhi stuttered, wanting to speak but at the same time hesitating. It seemed that there was something difficult to explain.

"If you really don't learn well and become a gangster, I will expel you from my sect."

"I didn't become a gangster, it's because ~ ~" Hearing that Fang Yao was going to expel him from the sect, Little Zhi became anxious.

"Then why did those hooligans hit you?" Seeing that Little Zhi seemed to have some hidden motive, Fang Yao decided to ask him for a reason.

"Because my dad had a lung disease and needed a lot of money for the operation, you know, our salary is only a few thousand yuan, not even enough for the surgery, so I borrowed a loan from Baldy."

I have no way of paying them back. Half a year ago, they were already urging me to pay them back, and a week ago, they were already trying to stop me. Today, they coincidentally caught me, so …

"So that's how it is. How much do you owe them?"

"One hundred and twenty thousand yuan."

"Have you thought about how to deal with it?"

"There's nothing we can do, otherwise we wouldn't have been beaten up by them. Fortunately, you came this time, Master."

"How about this, I have a card with one hundred and twenty thousand yuan inside. Take it and put it in first." At some point in time, Fang Yao had already taken out a Business Money card.

"This, this …" As Little Zhi received the card, he was so moved that tears were already flowing down his cheeks.

"Thank you so much, Master. You really are my new parents. I will pay you back when I have enough money." As he spoke, he bowed deeply.

"There's no need." However, Fang Yao pulled him back. "Hurry up and return the money. I still have to leave first."

As he watched the Jetta disappear into the distance, tears began to fall from his eyes. "Master, I will definitely repay you in the future."

Fang Yao went back first and swapped Jetta for his own silver-white sedan, which contained his own specialized equipment.

Not long after, the fully armed Fang Yao appeared on the rooftop of a tall building not far from the villa complex. At this moment, the guests of He family's villa had all dispersed.

"Eh, the experts inside are still here." Just a moment ago, Fang Yao once again sensed the aura of a powerhouse that had disappeared in a flash.

"After the banquet, those mercenaries should return to Yu Hua Manufacturing?" Fang Yao thought for a moment, "Don't tell me there's something strange about He family's villa? Protecting He Tian Yu's Wine Assembly is a fake, but what other things inside is real? "

"No, we have to go in and take a look, but the security is so tight, how do we get in?" Just as Fang Yao was worrying, he saw a Lincoln Gauze that was heading towards He family's villa.

"The chance has come." Like a ghost, Fang Yao disappeared from the top of the tall building. When he reappeared, he was already on the road, rapidly laying down a mine.

The mine was the size of a bowl and as thin as a book. It was designed for car bombing, and it was small, convenient and powerful. It was commonly used in the secret service.

After he was done, Fang Yao's figure disappeared again. Five seconds later, the Lincoln was flying over.

Boom!" A loud sound rang out as one of the wheels of the car was blasted away. The car skidded on the road for forty to fifty meters before finally stopping.

Fang Yao rushed to the back of He family's villa, took out a monitoring device similar to Big Brother and pulled out an antenna.

Panther was ambushed by a mine in the car, and he was sent to the hospital when he was injured. lynx and sparrows are left in the monitoring room to defend the villa, and everyone else will follow me there to protect Panther. "

Wolf: "Yes! "Boss."

Scorpion: "Yes!" "Boss."

"It seems like the one sitting inside the Lincoln Extension is indeed a big shot of the He family."

Back then, when Fang Yao saw the Lincoln that was extended and then saw the He clan's symbol on it, he knew that the person inside was a big shot of the He clan.

Fang Yao had once seen a similar car in the U.S. president's garage because the Lincoln Extender was not the same, it was anti-riot, anti-shock, and anti-gun.

Although he didn't know what kind of high ranking figure the He Family was, Fang Yao had successfully used him to lure out the mercenaries hidden in the villa.

Fang Yao took a look at the complicated routes in his surroundings and found the broadband access to the He family. Afterwards, he connected to his computer and successfully installed the Trojan Horse to block the webcam.

By this time, the He Clan's mercenaries had all been dispatched. Fang Yao entered the villa from the back, "Good boy, your surveillance is quite tight."

Where Fang Yao landed, there were at least five reports of him. It could be said that he was under surveillance from all directions without any dead angles. Even if a mosquito were to fly in, it would not escape the surveillance.

Fortunately, he had thought it through thoroughly. The cameras were now blinded and locked onto one screen for at least half an hour before they returned to normal.

However, there was something that gave Fang Yao an even greater headache. The He family villa was too big, so he didn't notice it from the outside. When he came over to take a look, it was at least the size of a football field for twenty people.

"With so many buildings, which one is the main focus of my search?"

Just as Fang Yao was feeling lost, an unremarkable three-storey building caught his attention. This was because this building was very simple and there were no patterns on it. It looked very ordinary, but it was the most solidly built building.

"This kind of building can be used to defend against beacons." Fang Yao thought to himself.

Fang Yao had a feeling that this building might be a place to store important things. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so sturdy.

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