Ultimate Master

Chapter 379

Zhang yabing said: "I don't think it's that simple! Dad, you just heard Shi Yun's one-sided words. Why do you conclude that Zhao Yunlong offended Shi Yun?"

Zhang biekun said: "the final conclusion fart! That son of a bitch all admitted it!"

Zhang yabing was stunned: "what, Zhao Yunlong admitted it?"

Zhang biekun said: "no! I have to break the boy's leg and cut off the boy's -", but the words behind it didn't come out. Maybe it was Zhang biekun who found it difficult to say it. So he changed the topic and said, "OK, I have my own discretion. What should you do? Don't plead with that bastard again. Whoever pleads with him is slapping my face!" Zhang biekun's big hand A wave, want to let Zhang yabing and others out.

Zhang yabing was about to argue again when Zhang biekun's mobile phone rang suddenly.

Zhang biekun was connected, and there came a young man's voice: brother Zhang, you are right to infer that we met Zhao Yunlong in Xinyuan teahouse!

Zhang biekun's hands trembled, and a trace of tension appeared on his face, which may be mixed with a special excitement. Zhang biekun said eagerly: did you catch him?

That way: not yet. He is now trapped in the car, our people surrounded him, I think he can not escape. No, I'll tell you about it.

Don't take it lightly. Zhao Yunlong has two brushes. In this way, you should stabilize him first, and I will send some more people here.

That way: OK, brother Zhang. Don't worry. He is a turtle in a jar and can't run.

Zhang biekun scolded: let him run away, I'll break your dog's leg! Watch it, I'll send someone to go there immediately!

after hanging up the phone, Zhang biekun's face showed a strange light smile. Although it was not easy to be detected, it lit up his dark and colorless cheek instantly.

Zhang yabing and others of course heard the clues on the phone. Zhang yabing couldn't help but feel anxious and wanted to continue to persuade his father, but he was pushed aside by his father and scolded her: "yabing, I tell you, don't do useless work. Now it's useless for Laozi Tianwang to ask for mercy. If you don't teach Zhao Yunlong a lesson, your father will not be able to see people!"

Zhang biekun's present attitude and meaning Taste, Zhang yabing and other people's all dissuade, are equivalent to useless.

But Dan Dan is more rational. She took Zhang yabing's arm, said a few words in her ear, and then called on Zhang Yayi and left the office.

Zhang biekun quickly called kuizi and Zhou Ge in and gave them the most severe task in the shortest language.

This time, Zhang Bikun used 300 people for the sake of a man he hated to kill!

moreover, Zhang Bikun contacted the National Security Bureau at the same time. Almost in a flash, the National Security Bureau and some local police stations even became the accomplices of Zhang biekun in this big chase.

To be exact, when those evil people approached slowly, I had a feeling of helplessness that I had never felt before, overflowing in my heart, extremely clear.

Of course, I don't know what's going on behind this, and I don't think that a chase will rise to that frightening level.

I watched everything outside the car intently. Although I had become a turtle in the urn of villains, I had to try my best to get out of danger. I had no other choice.

As the villains approached step by step, I could clearly see that they were all holding the guy, and their movements were very slow. Obviously, they had a plan in mind, and they thought that there was no possibility for me to escape -

in fact, it was.

I'm not monkey king. I don't have all-round skills. Therefore, I can't compete with these well prepared villains by myself. My only hope now is to escape.

If I escape, even if I win; if I can't, I can only wait for a miracle.

When the first villain was about to get close to the door, I opened the door suddenly with the help of static brake and lightning speed. The huge force of the door pushed the villain out several meters away.

Almost in an instant, I rushed out of the car, a spinning kick in the air, and kicked another villain five meters away.

The reaction ability of these villains is not weak. Seeing this, they quickly turned back and started a huge encirclement on me.

I'm like a bird trapped in a cage. Unless I break the cage, I'll never have a day.

A fierce fight is inevitable.

At this time, the middle-aged man should take the initiative to catch the moustache.

Moustache's voice had a strong Hunan accent. He put his hands in his pocket and said: "boy, it's in our hands today. You're doomed. Or obediently follow us, this is your smart choice. You are grey (not) often stupid, knowing that there are axes (Tigers) in the mountains, and incline to axes (Tigers) for mountain travel. If you don't treat you well, it will appear that Huige is too stingy As he said what he thought was profound and extraordinary, he lit a cigarette in his mouth and looked confident.I sarcastically said to him, "you are just a dog that Zhang biekun found. I don't believe you can stop me. Zhao Yunlong!" at this time, I felt like a hero dying for justice. I pinched my nose and filled my chest with righteousness. I also strengthened myself with strong language.

With a wave of his hand, dozens of brothers rushed forward like wolves.

Each of them held a shining dagger in their hands, which was so dazzling and frightening.

I had no choice but to fight!

I yelled in my heart and waved my fists and feet to meet the enemy's invasion.

Three times in a row, I hit the wrist of the top three villains. Three white lights flashed across and fell to the ground. The three men also leaned back and almost fell to the ground.

It can be seen that these people are all with Kung Fu. Although some of them are uneven, I can judge that although these people are not extreme masters with special training, they are at least fierce generals who have served in the army and trained for several years in catching enemy fist. If you let them deal with ordinary people, one against three, it is absolutely not a problem.

Their attacks were like waves, and I could not help but feel more and more difficult to resolve the tide of aggression. After all, the enemy is numerous, and I have only one.

But I had to admire my imagination. For a moment, I had the leisure to think in my heart wittily: if only I were a thousand handed Avalokitesvara, wouldn't it be a piece of cake to deal with these dozens of armed villains?

But this kind of imagination is only a flash across the brain, I have to do, or face.

Almost within three minutes, I have quickly put down seven or eight villains. Due to the frequency and quick response, my physical strength is losing dramatically. If I have to cope with all these villains, I will be exhausted even if I don't get hurt.

The battle is still going on fiercely, a bit like the scenes in martial arts novels, but also some scenes in movies. But in reality, as a living person, I have a deep feeling that I can't do what I want.

The sword light and fist shadow, like lightning, twinkled around me one after another. I was struggling to cope with the reaction ability of several times more than ordinary people. When the enemy was outnumbered, I could only defend and wait for the opportunity to attack. It's not that I don't want to attack, it's that I can't make room for it. The weapons of the villains formed a huge encirclement around me, and the encirclement became bigger and stronger. At first, I was able to deal with the damage, but with their more and more tacit cooperation, I had no chance to fight back.

This must be the case when heroes fight on the battlefield. Taking the enemy's first rank among thousands of troops is just a legend in novels and movies. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what I'm facing is not ordinary people. They're all with Kung Fu. Their offensive cooperation is more and more tacit.

In the midst of a barrage of bullets, it is inevitable that those who are more cautious and capable will also have a lack of knowledge. When I dodge the attack of villains, I hesitated a little, and was stabbed in my arm by a dagger. I felt a chill on my arm, and the blood soaked into my sleeve.

I covered my hands and felt that it did not hurt my muscles and bones, so it did not affect my vigilance and combat ability. Bleeding is not a rare thing for me. I would like to offer blood to regulate the hematopoietic function of bone marrow. At this moment, I can only comfort myself in this way!

I raised my vigilance. In the face of these evil spirits, I accelerated my defense However, it is not easy to take the initiative in the face of dozens of people under pressure. I'm not monkey king, nor the invincible. I don't have magic, and I don't have evil martial arts. I can only calmly respond and look for opportunities to fight back.

But in fact, in the face of so many opponents, does counterattack really work?

At this time, these war strategies can not play a role at all. Because I didn't have a chance to get close to moustache, I fought dozens of armed villains with bare hands, and the difficulty was conceivable.

To be sure, at this moment, I don't expect any miracle. Before that, I always thought that Tianhe organization had planned this plot. They would help me through the difficulties secretly, rescue me and draw me in when I was most in danger. However, I realized later that I was just a piece of chess that Tianhe organization tried to use. Although they had tried their best to me, they could not afford to use such a large Anti China clique. Because some of them are resources and some are breakthroughs. I don't believe that Zhao Yunlong is the only one they are trying to get. I just vaguely think that they have been secretly eyeing countless "Zhao Yunlong", countless pieces of chess pieces, and losing one. What's the harm?

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