Thinking of this, I burst into a cold sweat.

I patted my head and complained about my recklessness. Then I quickly rode a bicycle and gave a few instructions to Qi mengyan and her sisters, and then I went on the road in a hurry.

Qi mengyan and her sister kept swearing after me, but it didn't work. Now, I have no way out.

I can't ignore Cheng's safety.

On my bike, I judged where Cheng Yameng might go, and at the same time increased my horsepower and headed north along the highway.

I wonder in my heart, where will Cheng Ya dream go?

Train station. More likely. She may be ready to take a bus back to Beijing

However, when I got to the railway station, I did not find the shadow of Cheng Yameng after searching for several circles. When I came out of the railway station, I went to the bus station again, which ended in disappointment.

Did she have any danger?

I don't dare to think further While I resented my recklessness in my heart, I speeded up to find a public phone booth, opened the phone book in my mobile phone, found Cheng Yameng's mobile phone number, dialed --------

anxiously waiting for the other party's voice, but what I heard was only a series of "Dudu Du" sounds.

Redial again, it's still the case. I dialed six times in a row, but it's always the case. Either no one answers, or prompts the other party not to answer temporarily.

My heart is upset, is Cheng Yameng deliberately do not want to pick up, or she really what happened?

What can I do if something happens to her?

In this way, I searched all over the county and city. I even kept turning five or six times, but I never found the shadow of Cheng Yameng. The phone has been called several times, either unanswered or temporarily inconvenient for the other party to answer.

Helpless, I just with a heavy heart, riding back home


Where is Cheng yamong now?

To be exact, she came to the county, and she never left.

It's not that she doesn't want to leave, but she has no choice but to stay.

After leaving the Zhao family, Cheng Yameng got on the bus to the county seat in tears. He stopped at the railway station and asked the staff. Only then did he know that there was no train to Yanjing today. Cheng Yameng then rushed to the bus station, which was the same.

However, she had no choice but to stay in the county for one night, and then set out to return to Beijing the next day.

After he opened his room, Cheng Yameng could no longer contain his pain. His tears of sadness immediately surrounded his whole cheek.

Love's betrayal, let her feel that life is actually such a step Weijian, changeable world, changeable people

But at this time, who will wipe the endless tears?

He opened Kun's bag and took out a stack of photos, including photos of himself and Zhao Yunlong, as well as a single photo of Zhao Yunlong. Looking at the handsome officer with extraordinary temperament in the Colonel's uniform, Cheng Yameng can't believe that the heartless man he met in Zhao's family just now is his former lover. How could he, who is so lofty in his heart, become this way in a few short months? What did he do wrong and he wanted to treat himself like this? At the beginning, Cheng Yameng felt that there must be something wrong with this. This is also the reason why she has been looking for Zhao Yunlong for months. She wants to see her beloved with her own eyes, and she wants her beloved to tell the truth about it She went through thousands of risks and painstakingly searched for hundreds of security companies in Yanjing, but she was disappointed -

later, Cheng Yameng suddenly thought of Zhao Yunlong's hometown. She thought that maybe Zhao's uncle and aunt knew where Zhao Yunlong was, so she took the train to Zhao Yunlong's hometown with excitement. She remembers that last year, she and Zhao Yunlong spent a lot of happy time in his hometown

However, the human nature is changeable, and she will not expect to meet Zhao Yunlong, who has not been seen for a long time before she enters the gate.

Love is still, handsome, brilliant, heroic.

But what he didn't expect was that he was accompanied by another woman.

She didn't know who the girl was, but she thought she was beautiful, with the same temperament and appearance as herself. What's more, she's famous brand all over her body, and she can tell she's a lady at a glance.

Only then did Cheng Ya Meng realize that the person she had always loved had changed his heart!

he no longer loved her and cared about her any more. Everything became a memory of tormenting himself.

She's not vulnerable, but she can't accept the facts. She was deeply stung to see her committed lover standing with other girls.

But she was a little more sober.

She seems to have found her own shadow in the girl with a lollipop in her mouth. Her manner and manner, her posture with a lollipop in her mouth, and her beautiful appearance, are not the copies of Cheng Yameng?Looking at the photos of Zhao Yunlong and thinking about the past, Cheng Yameng burst out a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth.

But in this bitter smile, there are tears that are really painful.

She may have been tortured by the sudden reality, a little insane. Looking at the familiar and strange Zhao Yunlong in the photo, she began to talk to herself: Zhao Yunlong, do you really forget me? Do you really forget the days when we were together? You said you would love me all my life. You said you would let me be the happiest woman in the world. You also said that we would still be lovers and husband and wife in the next life But did you do it? Maybe you'll never be able to Do you still remember the days when we worked together? In fact, at that time, my greatest joy was to be with you. I like to help you wash clothes and socks. Although my mouth is tough, I'm willing to help you do it. Have you really forgotten the comrade in arms, colleague and girlfriend who mended and washed your socks? Have you forgotten the scene of us playing on the side of the Yellow River together? Have you forgotten that we overcame all kinds of difficulties and went to my home to work for my father? Do you forget that when we get up early and do morning exercises together, you always like to leave me behind Have you forgotten

Talking to myself, like crying.

Can't help but tears gush wildly again and again, invading her not fragile heart.

She was a strong girl. A few years ago, a girl who was originally thin, resolutely joined the army and participated in the devil training of the special security bureau for many times. She grew up to be the only female guard in the special security bureau. Is she fragile?

No! She did what most seven foot men couldn't do.

But in terms of feelings, why is she so vulnerable?

Because she loves him so much!

six years have passed since Handong received the army in 2001. In the past six years, there have been too many wonderful stories between her and him. Once, she loved him and he did not dare to speak. However, although they never broke through each other, they always had a good understanding. Later, they fell in love, love in full swing, love sincere. They will love the interpretation of the extraordinary perfect and brilliant, become a special security bureau of a pair of the most enviable lovers. But at this moment, the past is no longer good, there is only pain, only memories.

Who will comfort the affectionate and kind Cheng Ya Meng? Who will sweep the grave for the sudden fall of love?

Two crystal tears, quietly fall, fall on the photo of Cheng Ya Meng. The crystal tears form a beautiful concave lens, magnifying the man in the photo and magnifying her unforgettable love for that time.

She thought it was time to draw a full stop.

Even this full stop needs to be written at the cost of blood; even if this love is doomed to be unforgettable for life.

Cheng Yameng picked up a photo, cluttered and shredded.

The debris fell to the ground, like her heart which had been broken by reality.

To tear up the photos by hand is like destroying the evidence of Acacia. However, the familiar figure, not on the photo, is still clear, leaping in the heart.

After tearing the photo, Cheng Yameng, in a state of confusion, combs his hair in front of the mirror on the wall.

She remembers that Zhao Yunlong used to stand behind her and touch her hair with his hand when he was dressing. Sometimes he would lie down and smell the fragrance on her hair.

But now, hair fragrance is still, Yi people are no longer there.

Cheng Yameng spread her hair and looked at herself in the mirror quietly. All she could feel was still memories.

All of a sudden, the mirror hanging on the wall, perhaps because the nail was out of repair for a long time, loosened and suddenly sank

When Cheng Ya Meng reacts and reaches out to pick it up, the mirror has fallen on the ground and turned into pieces.

She sighed, wondering if this is a sign of broken love? I didn't reach out to touch the mirror, but suddenly it fell down

Not naturally, inspired by the broken mirror, she wrote a song in her heart, which is called & lt; edge in the mirror & gt;, which can be regarded as a memorial of her love with Zhao Yunlong: the edge in the mirror is illusory, and Mo Dao is not connected with each other; she still talks about love yesterday, but today it is different from each other. The dream in the mirror is not a fate, why can't you touch your face again. I have tears in the mirror, love to the end is just an illusion, dare to ask the sea and clouds, the moon is still round, broken mirror, who will appreciate my face again

She is really a talented person, very sensitive to things. Just the broken mirror made her create this eternal quatrain named & lt; edge in the mirror & gt.

This random song, after modification in the future, has become a household name love song.

Of course, that's after.

However, immersed in grief, Cheng Yameng never thought that danger was coming quietly

At about eleven o'clock in the evening, she lay in bed with tears in her eyes, remembering everything that had happened, and could not sleep for a long time.

At about twelve o'clock, she heard something moving in the corridor. At first, she thought that it was the tenants passing by in the corridor. But sensitive, she judged that there should be three or four visitors from the sound of the footsteps, and the footsteps stopped suddenly in front of her own door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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