Ultimate Master

Chapter 841

Meijie stopped, then said: "Japan has taken a comprehensive offensive war, through a series of means, poisoned the Chinese people. On the surface, the pedantic Chinese people hate the atrocities of little Japanese, but they still consume Japanese products from beginning to end and indirectly support Japan's economy. Japanese products, from cars to fish hooks and thread, have become the favorite products of Chinese consumers. Japan's commodity brands are far more familiar than their own. In fact, these are Japan's plans to soften the Chinese. Twenty years ago, when Yasunari Okamura was in power, he proposed to the Japanese Prime Minister to invest 20 billion yen to establish a "Japanese puppet army" training base in China and to cultivate anti ZF forces in the mainland of China. As soon as the opportunity is ripe, Japan can easily subvert China. This "Japanese puppet army training base" is the embryonic form of Tianhe Group. At that time, the Japanese Prime Minister considered many factors and did not approve it. This matter had been stranded until the late 1980s and the early 1990s, when a senior Japanese official was looking at the state agenda, he found this proposal by Okamura. He immediately consulted with him and re entered Cambodia. Due to better preparation, more sufficient reasons, and the joint recommendation of several people, the Japanese Prime Minister agreed to Okamura's plan, which he personally implemented. In this way, Japan began to invest a lot of money into China. At that time, it was the upsurge of reform and opening up. It was easy for them to invest and set up enterprises in China. Because the business elites brought by Okamura Dashen were the best in Japan, and they practiced in China. Therefore, the development of these Japanese enterprises is very fast, and then formed a group operation. Among these groups, the most worthy of mentioning is the Qi group, which is the Qi family group of Qi Guangren, Qi mengyan's father! "

I'm not surprised to hear that. Sister Mei seemed to be surprised and was stunned for a moment.

"So Qi Guangren and Qi mengyan are both authentic Japanese?" I asked

Sister Mei nodded: "good! However, as soon as Qi Guangren entered China, he acquired Chinese nationality. His original name was Gongben Guangren and his name was changed to Qi Guangren. In fact, he began to start business in China in the 1970s, and Okamura Dasheng just used his carrier. With the gradual profits of Japanese enterprises in China, they are becoming more and more powerful. Okamura Dasheng began to plan for the next step. In the 1990s, China's security industry began to rise, showing an irregular development, which was relatively chaotic on the whole. Okamura Dasheng suddenly born a bold idea, that is to prepare for the establishment of a security company. He has a unique strategic vision and believes that with the development of China's security industry, the demand for security personnel in China will be increasing. This is an important opportunity to cultivate Anti China armed forces. By then, it will not be long before China will need millions of security personnel, and the total number of security personnel will be several times more than that of the Chinese army. Therefore, Tianlong security company officially opened the curtain

Hearing this, I couldn't help asking, "how did Dagang village choose Mr. Chen?"

Sister Mei sighed and said: "Chen Zeming was once the director of Security Department of a Japanese enterprise. After passing the tests on him, Yasheng Okamura officially began to conspire with him. Moreover, Chen Zeming did not live up to his expectations and gave full play to his talents when running Tianlong security company. With the help of ZF and talents, Tianlong security company is growing rapidly, which is far beyond the imagination of Okamura Dasheng. Of course, it needs money to bribe ZF senior officials and attract talents. Tianlong security company didn't make money at all in the early stage, instead, it invested money in it. In order to make up for the shortage of funds, Okamura Dasheng transferred several Japanese industries to Chen Zeming's hand, and became a group with Chen Zeming's Tianlong security company. The existence of the group is to provide financial assistance for Tianlong security company. At the same time, Qi's group also contributes tens of billions to Tianlong's great cause every year. In addition, many Japanese enterprises in other cities in China are reserve forces. In this way, a large network has blossomed in China. After several years of development, relying on the support of ZF, Tianlong security company continues to grow, annexes small companies, and competes with big security companies. It is like a killed horse, creating miracles in gallop. Up to now, Tianlong security company has developed into a group security industry leader with hundreds of thousands of employees, reaching the peak in terms of personnel quality and capital strength. "

As a matter of fact, I know something about what sister Mei said, but it is the first time that I have come into contact with the history of Tianhe Group. It's very clear that the whole experience and the group's development are well organized.

"I have to admire Chen Zeming's social skills, especially when dealing with ZF officials. He's just scheming and winning thousands of miles. Many senior officials in China were dragged into the water by him and restrained by him. Chen Zeming also used various channels to attract talents. Tianhe is an elite organization with hundreds of team members and unique skills. Tianhe organization is equivalent to a special team, which performs some difficult tasks. While they are looking for opportunities to create a state, they are cultivating a wider sphere of influence. Today, Tianhe Group has reached its heyday, and its assets are so rich that it has laid a solid foundation for the development of Tianhe Group and the plan of Okamura Dasheng. Using Chen Zeming, Yasheng Okamura subdivided the goal of Japan's subversion of China into more than ten specific contents, and achieved unexpected results. What I am most worried about now is that one day, Tianhe Group will be full of soldiers. On that day, the fate of China will be in danger! "I tried to say: "I also know something. Tianhe Group will eventually cultivate all its security personnel into an armed force to counterattack ZF. It would be unthinkable for tens of millions of people to take up arms. That would be dozens of times more terrifying than the original war of aggression against China! "

Sister Mei nodded solemnly: "yes! That's what I'm worried about

I said, "sister Mei, it seems that we need to wait for a chance. It's just that Chen Zeming doesn't completely believe anyone. He never disclosed the establishment of Tianlong Group outside the capital. "

"This is what I always want to get! As long as we get the organizational structure of Tianlong Group, we can take advantage of the opportunity to completely annihilate Tianhe Group according to local conditions. But Chen Zeming is so cunning that I don't even know what's fishy in it. "

I said, "sister Mei, do you know something about my experiences in Okamura?"

"I heard that! You don't have to worry about it. Generally, these big people are acting weird

I said: "Qiao Ling and I were insulted and abused by the staff every day in Okamura. Although the Tianhe Group was founded by Yasheng Okamura, the Japanese never take Chinese people seriously, including Chen Zeming! "

Sister Mei gently shook her head: "you are wrong! Yasheng Okamura has great respect for Chen Zeming. A lot of times, he's just pretending. However, I always feel that Mr. Okamura's coming this time seems to be brewing some variables. "

I said, "very likely! Sister Mei, what will happen if we seize this opportunity and take the opportunity to control Yasheng Okamura? "

Sister Mei still shook her head: "it's not that simple! There is no shortcut for us to take. Only when we try our best to dig out the organizational structure of Tianhe Group and understand all their forces in the country can we implement armed control. Otherwise, whether it is to control Yasheng Okamura or Chen Zeming, they will be alarmed and even make them carry out the ultimate plan in advance. In that case, China will inevitably encounter a major disaster. "

I said, "but even if we keep trying, we wait for the opportunity. The day and the group become more and more mature, they will eventually launch a large-scale uprising to subvert ZF. At that time, the disaster facing the country will not be more serious? "

Sister Mei nodded: "yes. But we have no other choice. We will try to break down the organizational structure of Tianhe Group within three months, otherwise, if we continue to delay like this, it will certainly lead to disaster. I'm looking for you this time to discuss with you. Is there any way I can get the organizational structure of Tianlong Group from Chen Zeming? "

I said with a wry smile: "this problem has been bothering me. When I first entered Tianlong company, director Cheng gave me an instruction to crack the three-step plan, but now it seems that the three-step plan has become insignificant and has no use value. As for the organizational structure, I really can't get in the way. Unless, unless Chen Zeming can trust me completely

Sister Mei sighed: "it's hard! Even he and I are alert, not to mention you. We can only give him a catalyst! "

I asked, "how?"

"I have a bold idea! We try to make Chen Zeming seriously ill or seriously injured, so that he does not have more energy to take care of the Tianhe branch outside the capital, but many things have to be dealt with. He is very likely to find a trustworthy person to entrust his work to! If this person is you or sun Yumin, you may be exposed to the specific structure of Tianhe Group! "

I thought for a moment, but not without worry: "I'm afraid it's very difficult to do this. Moreover, once we miss the game, we'll lose all of them."

Eyebrow elder sister nodded: "yes, very risky, so, do not use until you have to."

I said, "can't we do something about Chen Zeming's computer and written materials? He must have a record of the organizational structure of Tianhe Group. "

Sister Mei shook her head: "it's hard! You don't know, Chen Zeming is actually a computer expert. He can see his computer when it has been moved by others. What's more, in front of his desk, there are hidden monitoring devices everywhere, which are hard to get close to. Even if you get close, it's hard to find any clues. "

I tried again and said, "can we consider beating around the Bush? As vice president of Tianhe Group, Zhao Shilin should know something about it? "

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