Ultimate Master

Chapter 888-889

I couldn't help feeling sad at the thought.

When Cheng Ya Meng's phone rang suddenly, a sincere sense of guilt, again hit the heart. I was almost shocked. Seeing the word "Cheng Ya Meng" on the screen of my mobile phone, I couldn't bear to answer. I don't want to let Jin Xiaoling hear the ambiguity between us, which may be a kind of harm to her.

But I did!

With a complex mood, in front of Jin Xiaoling, she answered Cheng Yameng's phone call!

Cheng Yameng was almost silent for a moment. Then he asked, "what are you doing, Bruce Lee?"?

Little dragon? I had goose bumps all of a sudden: walking outside. It's cool.

Cheng Yameng asked: with whom?

I'll tell you the truth: with Jin Xiaoling, with Mr. Jin.

Cheng Ya Meng was stunned for a moment: how about walking with a beautiful woman?

I deliberately stimulated her: pretty good! Cheng Yameng, why did you suddenly think of calling me? Why, check my post!

Cheng Yameng mysterious tunnel: today learned a move, want to show off with you. Remember to come to pick me up tomorrow, I want you to see my 70-20 change!

I said: 72 changes? Why, you worship Monkey King as a teacher?

Cheng yamong said: remember, don't make breakfast tomorrow, let's eat together!

I thought to myself, what's wrong with Cheng Ya Meng today? It's so mysterious! After hanging up the phone, I couldn't help laughing and saying to myself: Seventy two changes, when did Cheng Yameng learn to do magic?

One side of Jin Xiaoling seems to be a little jealous, holding her arm tightly, and slightly embarrassed with a smile: "you said in front of Cheng Ya Meng that you were walking with me, wouldn't she be angry?"

I took a cigarette in my mouth and said with a smile: "our family Cheng Yameng has a big stomach! The more candid I am, the more tolerant she is

Jin Xiaoling sighed: "rare!"

After that, we kept silence for about 15 minutes. Jin Xiaoling was thoughtful and did not talk to each other. We just walk on aimlessly, the breeze is our only voice.

When I came back from the walk, it was already nine forty-five! Jin Xiaoling and I walked into the brigade headquarters side by side, where the lights were bright and quiet. All of a sudden, a scurry of footsteps came from the floor. I saw Xu Yanxin walking out with ten golden flowers.

As soon as I waved my hand to stop Xu Yanxin, I asked, "Deputy Li, why are you going so late?"

Xu Yanxin gave the command and stood down. He trotted to me and reported: "practice the night police! The security at night is the most important thing, so I took more time to take them to practice this! "

I nodded: "that hard you! You are very thoughtful

Xu Yanxin asked with a smile, "would you like to direct yourself?"

I said, "No. With you there, I can rest assured! Remember, don't play fatigue tactics. All of them are female comrades and can't bear it! "

Xu Yanxin said: "don't worry, Captain Zhao. I know it in my mind."

I said, "that's good!"

The moment I saw Jin Xiaoling back to my room, I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. I couldn't tell why this strange feeling came from.

Sitting on the sofa with Jin Xiaoling and watching TV for a while, I refused to be sleepy and went back to the room.

On QQ, I chatted with Cheng Yameng in online video for a while. My excited mood was lit up. I took the opportunity to cut several photos of Cheng Yameng and put them in a special folder for permanent preservation.

Cheng Yameng and I chatted online for more than an hour. At about 10:30, we finished our chat. With a beautiful vision, I went to take a hot bath, and then lay in bed, ready to see Duke Zhou.

Dan suddenly knocked at the door and asked if I needed a massage. I didn't refuse. I asked Dan Dan to help me step on my back and knead my waist. That kind of completely new feeling, let me experience the peak of comfort again.

At half past eleven, Dan Dan finished her wonderful work. I dragged my relaxed and happy body into my sleep. My dream stayed with me for one night, and the next day was the same as before. First, I did hundreds of push ups in my bedroom, and then I went out to practice early. Jin Xiaoling did not change this morning exercise habit. As usual, we ran, practiced boxing, and then went to Zhouji porridge shop to have porridge. After a process, it's about 7:30. Back at Haiming brigade headquarters, I washed up in a hurry, and then drove to meet Cheng Yameng. To a certain extent, it has become my unchangeable law to pick up Cheng Yameng every morning.

General Cheng downstairs, I stopped the car and dialed Cheng Yameng's phone. Cheng Yameng didn't answer it. He hung up directly. Within two minutes, she appeared in front of the car with her delicate, pattering steps.

How beautiful! She was dressed in black, like a magic girl, sexy, charming and charming. A sweet smile, as if absorbed all the beautiful brilliance of the world, so charming, so clear.

I got out of the car and opened the door for her and led her to the car like a princess.

Sitting in the car, she is still holding a bubble gum, gently spit bubbles, I look at her, suddenly feel beautiful.

Yes, there are tens of thousands of kinds of beauty in the world, but the beauty of Cheng Ya Meng is a collection of all the definitions of beauty. I never feel bored with her, because every day, every moment, she presents me with fresh beauty.Start the car, drive out the door, I can't help but look at her sexy dress, break the silence: "this is your 72 changes?"

Cheng Yameng said with a smile, "no! I haven't started to change yet

I asked, "when did it start to change?"

Cheng Yameng said in an unfathomable way: "the highest state is to respond to changes with invariance."

I'm speechless.

Driving to the boundary of Haiming, Cheng Yameng proposed to have breakfast. I suddenly realized that Cheng Yameng had told me to have breakfast with me yesterday. But I went to Zhouji congee shop with Jin Xiaoling in advance and had porridge!

In this case, although the stomach is full of porridge, but also still have to beat the face of fat, accompany Cheng Yameng to breakfast.

Cheng Ya Meng chose a soybean milk shop and asked for two bowls of hot fresh soybean milk! I took a perfunctory SIP and my tongue was almost burnt. Cheng Yameng giggled and suddenly asked me, "do you want to drink bean curd?"

I was stunned: "do you have any? It seems that this soybean milk shop doesn't sell bean curd

Cheng Ya dream strange smile: "you don't like to drink tofu brain, hee hee, tofu brain will come soon!"

When I was wondering, I saw Cheng Yameng take a delicate hand to touch the soybean milk on my mouth, caressing for a while, and I kept saying: Heaven, earth, bean curd, come out soon --

I was puzzled and amused. I looked at Cheng Yameng in amazement and couldn't help reaching out and touching her head: "no fever. What's the matter with you today, God?"

Cheng Yameng covered the soybean milk with his hand and said mysteriously, "I'll make you bean curd brain!"

"Don't make a fuss!" I said in a sweat

At this time, Cheng Yameng incarnated as an innocent and lovely little girl. She laughed innocently: "look at me seventy-two changes! Change, change

In this way, after a few minutes, Cheng Yameng took his hand from the mouth of the soya milk cup, reached for the cup, and said, "wait a moment, a cup of delicious tofu brain will be available soon!"

Not to mention, I was surprised to find that the soybean milk in her cup began to solidify gradually! What's going on?

Cheng Ya dreamt that I had doubts on my face, and even more he laughed with pride: "how, I'm good! Exerting internal skill, soybean milk into bean curd brain, change! Look at my seventy-two changes

It's rare that Cheng Ya Meng is like an innocent child today, or a princess in a fairy tale, naughty, lovely and lively. I couldn't bear to interrupt her childishness. I just watched her quietly and continued to appreciate her so-called "72 changes.".

After a while, the soya milk in Cheng Yameng's Cup almost completely solidified, just like bean curd!

She handed over the soymilk Cup: "eat, tofu brain changed out!"

I looked at the white and tender solid in the glass with astonishment. I couldn't imagine that just now I was still a cup of steaming soybean milk, but now it turned into a glass of crystal white and tender bean curd! Did I cross it? Or are you dreaming?

I picked up the cup and shook it. "How did it change?" I asked

Cheng Yameng sold a pass: "don't tell me! Are you not satisfied? "

I held out my thumb and said, "yes! Tell me, how? "

Cheng Yameng tut tunnel: "you eat it first, I'll tell you!"

I was slightly stunned and said, "OK, no problem!" I picked up the soymilk cup and poured the bean curd into my stomach. It was warm but slightly sour.

But to tell you the truth, it's a bit hard to make tofu without seasoning. But at the thought that it was Cheng Yameng's, out of curiosity and worship, I swallowed bean curd into my stomach, and then stared at Cheng Yameng for an answer.

Cheng Yameng picked up a napkin to wipe the bean curd crumbs at the corner of his mouth for me, and said mysteriously with a smile: "is it delicious?"

I shook my head: "not too delicious! No seasoning, no chili oil! "

Cheng Yameng said mysteriously with a smile, "do you want to know how I turned soybean milk into bean curd?"

I firmly said: "yes, very much! Is this magic? "

Cheng Yameng said: "who can do magic under your Zhao Yunlong's eyelids? Your eyes are so thief! To tell you the truth, this is a chemical reaction! "

I was stunned: "what, chemical reaction? You added chemicals to it? "

Cheng Yameng said with a smile: "it's frightening! Haven't you heard of tofu with inner fat? I just add a little bit of inner fat powder in soybean milk, it becomes bean curd brain! If you add more, it will be tofu! Ha ha, we just learned this move yesterday. If we want to eat bean curd, we don't have to go out and buy it. We grind our own soymilk and make our own tofu brain! "

I don't understand to ask: "inside fat powder? Do you mean that if you add some inner fat powder to soy milk, it will turn into bean curd

Cheng Yameng nodded: "how, do not believe?"

I said, "incredible! So, what is the inner fat powder? "

Cheng yamong said: "glucose made Well, it's a kind of food additive! A kilogram of internal fat powder can point out countless tons of bean curdI asked: "point? How exaggerated is it to turn a stone into gold? "

Cheng Yameng said, "that's not true! I think it's amazing

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