Ultimate Master

Chapter 911

What a mess! Listen to me want to laugh, but endure! But have to admit, Qi mengyan this girl is really talented, casually, word ah tune ah out!

When we arrived in Shijiazhuang, it was already 12 o'clock at noon! From Shijiazhuang exit, the car gradually slowed down and drove straight into the city center. Sister Mei calls Qi mengyan: go to the Shunya hotel in front of you to eat some rice mats!

Seeing Chen Zeming's Honda stop in the parking lot of a mid-range hotel called Shunya Hotel, I followed suit and slowed down. Qi mengyan stroked her belly bluntly: "my belly is so hungry that I want to eat something!"

Typical of the tender! I smile to myself, I want to see your little success!

But to tell you the truth, the moment Qi mengyan got off the car, that light and beautiful movement, or I was not small earthquake shake. The sound of women's shoes polishing the floor makes people unable to help but associate. That charming behavior, that straight S-line figure, let people feel the beauty at a glance. And at the moment when she went out, the fragrance left behind revived my many thoughts of Cheng Ya Meng. I suddenly think foolishly: if the person who accompanies me to travel is not Qi mengyan but Cheng Yameng, how good it should be!

I can't miss ya Cheng! This kind of yearning, since the moment of seeing Cheng Yameng, has already sprouted, and continues to grow stronger. Every time I leave Yanjing, it's like a parting in life and death. How far away is the beloved? Do you have a chance to see her again? I'm always thinking, and I can't help but imagine all kinds of dangerous situations to scare myself. I know that it's not my fear of life and death, but my fear of losing Cheng Yameng and my precious confidant.

Sister Mei takes Chen Zeming's arm and goes into the hotel affectionately. After seeing this, Qi mengyan pauses for a moment and stretches one arm slightly. She took her arm and pretended to hold her arm.

When he asked for a box on the second floor, Chen Zeming randomly ordered a few home-made dishes. There was no big fish and meat, but only a few vegetable dishes with some characteristics. As for wine, Chen Zeming ordered four bottles of red wine to share with each other.

During the meal, Chen Zeming said, "take time to eat and find a place to live after dinner."

Sister Mei asked tentatively, "what about the afternoon? How about the afternoon?"

Chen Zeming chuckled indifferently and wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin: "go fishing with me this afternoon! After a while, Xiao Zhao will help me find out if there is a good fishing ground in the city or in the suburbs! "

Meijie Qiao eyebrow light wrinkling: "look, you are fascinated! Ignore the business

Chen Zeming said, "don't delay business! Only when you relax, can you work better. Is it, Xiao Zhao? " He threw the problem to me.

I faltered for a moment and echoed, "yes, yes! Mr. Chen is going fishing in the afternoon. He wants to take the opportunity to sort out his ideas. His ideas are clear and he can carry out his work better! "

Eyebrow elder sister laughs and complains: "you pour quite can give him cover!"

Chen Zeming shook the red wine glass and took a sip. After three rounds, he said: "don't you think that we are more like Kangxi's private visit?"

Qi mengyan first interposed: "like, like extremely! Emperor Kangxi, empress Yifei, and sandeki... " Qi mengyan pointed to one by one, and finally pointed to himself with his backhand, but he was embarrassed to speak.

Mei elder sister missed the opportunity to smile: "little peach red!"

People chuckled, and I secretly cried in my heart: how can I be compared to a son of virtue? You know, sandezi is a eunuch!

The metaphor of the dining room was taken seriously. Qi mengyan called me "sandezi" directly. I was very angry. But on second thought, who can blame this? The Kangxi master in the TV series brought two intimate male servants, a eunuch and a monk. If it is a metaphor, neither is appropriate.

After dinner, we drove northward and passed two intersections, and a three-star hotel came into view. Chen Zeming's car slowed down and drove into the parking lot of the hotel. I followed. After getting off the bus, we discussed and decided to set up camp in this hotel. But Qi mengyan seems to be dissatisfied with the hotel's quality. She purses her mouth and sucks lollipops to express her dissatisfaction.

When booking a room, sister Mei discusses with Chen Zeming, "how many rooms do you want?"

Chen Zeming said with a smile: "of course, there are two rooms! Try to concentrate. It's better to have a suite with four of us together! "

It's a pity that there are no extra Suites in the hotel, only some high-end single rooms are left. Sister Mei asked for two rooms. Qi mengyan pursed her mouth and asked, "sister Mei, how can we live?"

Sister Mei looked at me with a glance in her eyes, but she turned to Chen Zeming: "yes, how can I live in two rooms?"

Chen Zeming was a little impatient and said, "you can live as you want! What's wrong with a room for two? When you're out there, you don't have to pay so much attention to it! "

Qi mengyan wronged to stare red eyes, want to vent, but did not vent out.

I'm also a little embarrassed. Dare you, Chen Zeming deliberately made an opportunity to let me and Qi mengyan live in the same room? Ridiculous, but not ridiculous.Anyway, I can't afford to lose, so I didn't say anything, but my heart seemed to be blocked badly.

When the room was ready, the four of us went upstairs together. Under the guidance of the waiters, we entered each room and began to be simple and orderly.

Fortunately, there are two beds in the single room, so Qi mengyan is not too embarrassed. Her mouth is always pursed, like a pouting silver carp, looks very cute. She threw things on the bed at random and said angrily, "it's bad luck! This is an insult to miss Ben! "

I sat on the bed and asked her, "my miss Qi, who insulted you again?"

Qi mengyan frowned and said, "of course, it's Mr. Chen! Why, why don't you treat me as a woman and let me live in a room with you

I pinched my nose and said with a smile, "Mr. Chen is for safety. When you're away from home, why do you pay so much attention to it? "

Qi mengyan turned her eyes and seized a lollipop: "I wonder if Mr. Chen is deliberately setting you up? Well, I don't know what to do! Let me remind you that you are not allowed to think wildly at night, and not to -- "

I quickly interrupted her:" please, Miss Qi! I am a gentleman

Qi mengyan leaned over and hit her head on the bed. She said with a wry smile, "if there is a piece of tofu, I have to bump my head to death!"

I smile to myself, thinking: don't pretend, can't you? The reason why Chen Zeming arranged this way is to use the beauty trick for me. You are one of Chen Zeming's chess pieces, and have been secretly taking my army. It's a pity that you and Chen Zeming don't know. I've already thrown a gun back in the dark, and let you become a secret chess game of Zhao Yunlong and quietly return to Chen Zeming's army.

Qi mengyan sat on the bed shaking her body and sighed. I simply took off my shoes and socks and prepared to take a hot bath.

Just walked to the bathroom door, Qi mengyan stopped me: "what do you want to do?"

I don't look back: "take a bath, I'll try the water temperature first, and you'll wash it later!"

As soon as I spoke, I secretly regretted it, which just brought back Qi mengyan's sad past Before the reaction came over, Qi mengyan had already picked up the pillow and flew to me, scolding: "what are you trying to do! Be careful of the hot water drowning you, scalding you

The girl is really angry!

I twisted my body, quickly grabbed the pillow and threw it back: "if you damage something, you should pay for it. Pay attention to the order of the hotel."

Qi mengyan angrily hugged the pillow in front of her chest, glared at me and scolded: "I want to damage the public property, what's the matter? Can you control it? You! But I must warn you, you can't take this bath! "

I wryly smile: "don't make trouble, will you, my good political commissar, my dear comrade mengyan."

Qi mengyan raised his head and said, "who made trouble with you? Don't you remember what Mr. Chen told you? "

I asked, "what's up?"

Qi mengyan held out a slender finger and pointed to her forehead: "think for yourself. Anyway, it is Mr. Chen's key to tell you. If he blames you, it has nothing to do with me!"

I thought hard and suddenly realized!

Look at my memory. How can I forget Mr. Chen's instructions so quickly?

Helpless, I can only temporarily give up the idea of taking a bath, tidy up clothes, put on shoes and socks, ready to set out to step on!

I can't help but smile bitterly: dare you, is this going out to inspect the work?

But to tell you the truth, how can I step on Chen Zeming when I'm a stranger in Shijiazhuang?

Under the bitter smile, Qi mengyan suddenly approached me and said with a smile, "do you want me to go with you?"

I thought about it a little, but I didn't object: "if you want to go, I welcome you with both hands."

Qi mengyan sucked a lollipop and took my arm out of the room. After going out, I broke free from her bondage: "the door is not locked yet." Lock the door, quickly catch up with Qi mengyan and go downstairs.

In the lobby on the first floor, I looked at the waitress at the front desk and didn't know how to speak for a long time. But Qi mengyan, with a lollipop in her mouth, approached the waitress and looked at her with a condescending look. She raised her head and asked, "Hello, waiter, is there any good fishing spot around here?"

The waiter was asked dizzy, puzzled to ask: "what fishing point?"

Qi mengyan frowned: "it's the place to fish!"

"Are you going fishing?" said the waitress

Qi mengyan said impatiently, "if you ask me what you are doing with so many things, you just need to answer me, yes or no. If so, where exactly? "

"I don't know!" the waitress snorted

Qi mengyan's face turned blue, but she could not bear it. She turned to me and shrugged her shoulders, saying that she didn't ask. I lost no time to get close to Meng Yan and said, "let's go, find a taxi to ask, the taxi driver must know!"

Qi mengyan looked at me almost adoringly: "how could I not have thought of it?" Take a pat on your plump ass and follow me out.

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