Ultimate Master

Chapter 922

Chen Zeming, in Shijiazhuang and Langfang, has deliberately arranged the same room for us. Is it possible that he is deliberately investigating my determination? Although Qi mengyan can be regarded as the most beautiful woman, how can I easily touch the bottom line. What's more, Qi mengyan has a problem with me now. It's hard to avoid embarrassment when we live in the same room.

In the evening, we had dinner in groups. Of course, Chen Zeming and sister Mei were in a group, and Qi mengyan and I were in a group. Our group went to eat rice noodles, but did not expect to lead to some killing. Can you imagine what's going to come out of the rice noodle bowl?

Of course, it wasn't us who won the prize, but a fat girl at the next table. That fat girl is only in her twenties. She looks fashionable and upscale, like a rich second generation. A small white face flattered her, and the two were so close that all the diners were sour. There is no doubt that the greedy rich family's daughter, meets the smooth small white face son, their romance, is the disaster of all.

Romantic lovers, only romantic did not have a while, then caused a burst of screams! This scream, we thought that it was the two people who made a fuss, or who thought we were wrong!

When the little white face of the greasy noodles picked up only half of the earthworm from the rice noodle bowl of fat girl, the whole rice noodle shop was boiling! Fat girl pinched her throat, and her eyes boiled and vomited. The food scraps coming out of her mouth gave off a strong smell, which instantly filled the whole room.

Small white face son bravado ground calls rice noodles shop owner Niang, a clap table scolds: "you this rice noodles put how many days, how can there be this thing inside?"

Qi mengyan and I saw this scene, and immediately felt something in the throat in the upwelling, very uncomfortable. Qi mengyan frowned and took out a handkerchief to cover her mouth. She was nauseous. I try to control and control with a calm spirit.

All the customers who have eaten rice noodles in the whole rice noodle shop have responded. Some are eager to run to the bathroom, some in situ flow acid water. For a moment, the small white face son's crusade against the boss's wife attracted everyone's support. The boss's wife was scolded as a smelly sock and stayed in the same place. At this time, some people began to call to complain, and some people went directly to the boss's wife and slapped her in the face.

At this moment, I don't know who to sympathize with. Now, food safety is really a big problem. As far as food operators are concerned, it seems to be a kind of thrifty style to keep the rice noodles that can not be sold on the same day and sell them the next day. In fact, it is a trap for consumers. There are countless cases of eating all kinds of dirty things in the restaurant. Today, I was able to catch up with it once. I could only stand still and watch the development of the situation.

Qi mengyan is a clean person. Although she can't bear it, she still runs to the bathroom. She vomits a lot. Her five internal organs are rolling and her six bowels are overflowing.

She came back with her mouth covered, and joined the ranks of criticizing the landlady. I took her arm and said, "OK, the landlady is poor enough. Let's not make any more trouble!"

Qi mengyan said indignantly: "we make trouble? We are consumers! Eat a big earthworm in the rice noodles. Don't you see that big one? " Qi mengyan used her hand to draw, which made her feel sick again.

I had already controlled my nausea. I was described vividly by Qi mengyan. What happened just now was shown in my mind. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in my throat and my mouth was full of sour water. I rushed to the bathroom. Who would have thought that there were five or six diners waiting in line to vomit. Some of them directly scratched their throat and solved the problem at the door, splashing others all over. I took a deep breath and temporarily controlled it. When two people came out of the bathroom, I quickly got in and spat out the culprit in my stomach. That taste is no better than vomiting after drunk.

By the time I got out of the bathroom, washed my hands and mouthwash and returned to the hall, the scene was almost out of control. The owner's wife was surrounded in the center, and from time to time, a fierce man and a shrew would attack her. In particular, the protagonists of the two lovers played out all their eloquence, abusing and attacking. In order to show his manliness in front of his concubine, Xiaobai lian'er pinches his waist and theorizes with the boss's wife.

Qi mengyan also joined the attack team, but she didn't do it. It's the so-called beauty who doesn't do it.

I tried to persuade Qi mengyan to leave the rice noodle shop. But they are afraid that the diners are too heavy, so dial 110, which is at ease. After all, although the proprietress's practice does have the suspicion of cheating customers, it is not likely to be beaten and maimed.

Qi mengyan has been covering her mouth with her hand, constantly whining and criticizing the crimes of the rice noodle shop. As for the so-called balance of yin and Yang, I said to Qi mengyan: "forget about Meng Yan'er, don't be so indignant. It's not easy for ordinary people to open a small shop, and the food is not what the landlady expected. It's not easy to survive in the cracks of this city! "

Qi mengyan angrily said: "are you still defending her? This kind of unscrupulous businessman who makes money deserves to be beaten and scolded, and deserves it! "

I said, "this society is not as simple as you think. If her family is as well fed as you are, will she still use the remaining rice noodles? People, it's not easy to live, especially ordinary people. "Qi mengyan still insists on his own opinion: "it is also harmful to nature!"

After returning to the hotel, Chen Zeming and sister Mei have not come back. Qi mengyan and I had no appetite after such a "catastrophe".

Qi mengyan in the wash room crazy brush teeth gargle, also do not know how many times, she pinched the throat out of the eyes, would like to spit out the intestines and stomach to calculate the death. Yes, it's a terrible thing for a woman to have a habit of cleanliness. It's easy to see Qi mengyan's actions.

She sat down, her face still livid. She took the initiative to drink a cup of tea. I couldn't help shaking my head and persuading her to say, "yes, the dream swallow is not so exaggerated. Qi mengyan put out her hand to stop my words: "don't mention the word earthworm, I can't stand it..." it was another nausea.

I said with a bitter smile: "I didn't mention it, you did! You are also a specially trained person, in the palace and the base, do you forget? Living in the wild, I've eaten more dirty things than this. What's more, it's not you who get it, it's the fat girl. "

Qi mengyan choked her throat and said, "different! The best way to survive in the wild is to eat a piece of raw fish and some wild grass roots. That's a special case! "

"I said with a smile:" then we are sharing weal and woe. After this catastrophe, we'd better not go to the small shop. I'll go out and buy two bags of instant noodles later, and we'll cook them

Qi mengyan said, "don't do it! I have almost no confidence in anything now! I'll go out and buy an electric cooker and cook by myself

Obviously, her heart, has left a shadow.

An hour later, Chen Zeming and sister Mei come back. It seems that they are very happy to eat. We sat together and went back to the room.

But as the saying goes, people are iron, rice is steel, a meal does not eat hungry panic. At 7:30 p.m., Qi mengyan and I started to make trouble one after another, but we went out to buy some food. At this time, it was the season of corn fragrance. Qi mengyan simply bought a dozen fresh corn cobs at one go, and then bought an electric rice cooker and went back to the hotel to cook and eat.

The smell of corn filled the whole room.

Qi mengyan's face was tense for several hours. At last, she felt a smile. After smelling it deeply, she sighed: "it's really fragrant!"

I echoed: "it's very fragrant! I'm so hungry, all of them. "

Qi mengyan turned to look at me and chuckled: "I didn't expect that we should be reduced to this level!"

I quickly corrected: "this is not degradation, this is a return to nature."

Maybe it's because we went through the rice noodle shop together. Qi mengyan's attitude towards me has changed dramatically. All of a sudden, we are like a pair of best friends who share weal and woe, looking forward to that pot of delicious food.

Looking at Qi mengyan that lovely look forward to, I can't help but want to laugh. At this time, she was like a little girl waiting for snacks, full of childlike innocence. The smell of corn cobs was getting stronger and stronger. Just as we turned off the power and were ready to open the lid of the pot, someone rang the doorbell.

As soon as she entered the hotel, she asked, "did you use the hotel's power to cook?"

Qi mengyan and I were stunned one after another. Qi mengyan didn't deny it and asked, "how do you know? Do you have surveillance in your room? "

The waiter said, "no security monitoring. It's our monitoring that the energy consumption in your room is abnormal. It's such a big smell of corn, you -- "she obviously saw the rice cooker sitting next to the power supply:" you're cooking corn, aren't you? "

Qi mengyan said: "yes, what's the matter?"

The waiter said, "cooking is not allowed in the hotel! It's also for your personal safety. "

Qi mengyan said, "OK, I know! No more cooking

In order to prevent unnecessary trouble, I echoed: "never cook! Do you want one? " I lost no time in making a joke.

The waiter was obviously skeptical of what we said and then stressed, "this is not a small matter! To tell you the truth, there was a fire in the hotel last year. At that time, two people were seriously injured. Since then, our hotel has been strict with the management of electricity. I hope you can cooperate. This is also responsible for your life safety. "

Qi mengyan was a little impatient and said, "OK, OK, we know!"

The waiter finally walks away. Qi mengyan can't wait to lift the lid of the pot and smell the aroma of cooked corn happily.

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