What are you afraid of? Vice president Ning finished talking with Lin Feng and saw Zhao Jian at once. The fire in his heart came out again. He couldn't see that others were not villains without evidence.

"Zhao Jian, what did you say just now? Is this what you said about Lin Feng?" Vice President Ning stared at Zhao Jian with a very bad face.

Zhao Jian glanced at vice president Ning's face and was scared to death. He trembled a little and said, "vice president, it's... It's mine, isn't it..."

"I won't say anything. You can do it yourself." Vice President Ning's tone is very bad.

"Yes, I'm bad. I'll correct it..." Zhao Jian answered carefully for fear that vice president Ning would lose his temper again.

Lin Feng, it's all because of you. Wait for me. Wait until I go back and see what I want to do. Clean up you.

"Hello, vice president Ning. I haven't seen you for a long time." A voice came and pulled vice president Ning's mind back. After looking at the people, vice president Ning smiled. It turned out that he was the scientific research leader of the chemistry department, Professor Wang Bo.

Wang Bo is also a shareholder of a daily chemical product manufacturer. Someone told him about things here before. He was still trying to find a way when he came up. Because he knew very well that this kind of strong sticky chemical thing was the most difficult to remove. When he tried to find a way, he heard that the problem had been solved.

This surprised Wang Bo, especially the people in the school logistics department. It was said that the solution was still so simple and magical. Intuitively, it felt that this thing might be a new clue and a new product to open the current passive situation of his factory. So as soon as he heard the word, he immediately came to look for Lin Feng and asked all the way here.

"Professor Wang, I haven't seen you for a long time. What's up?" Vice President Ning also greeted with a smile.

"Nothing. Just find a man named Lin Feng, who has just solved the problem in the laboratory." Because he only heard from others on the phone before, he just knew that Lin Feng was a young man, so his eyes fell on Lin Feng and Qian Xiaomao.

"Oh, the Lin Feng you said is him." Vice President Ning smiled and introduced Lin Feng, but he wondered why Wang Bo would look for Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng..." when Wang Bo saw Lin Feng, his expression was also stiff. Although he learned from the phone that Lin Feng was very young on the way, seeing Lin Feng at the moment still made him feel very surprised, because it was too young. At least he is much younger than the students he took. If Lin Feng didn't look calm and have an extraordinary sense of indifference, he couldn't believe it.

"The problem in the laboratory... Was really solved by you?" Wang Bo came here to solve the problem as soon as possible. He knew someone was smoking down before he came, and specially asked his company's people to bring things as soon as possible, but even if his company's congratulations and equipment could not be solved so soon.

"I did it." Lin Feng nodded.

Upon hearing Lin Feng's words, Wang Bo's eyes showed surprise again, Then he said: "Well, I have studied this problem before, and the problem in our laboratory this time should be relatively serious. Even if a professional team has equipment, it will take a day or two to deal with it. In this process, the taste will intensify, and even toxic and harmful objects will be produced. This is a difficult problem for daily chemical products on the market. I'm curious... What do you use Is there any way to solve the problem in such a short time? "

Wang Bo asked carefully. You know, if the young man can solve it with a little chemical, as those people said, it is likely to produce a new super product. But this kind of thing is the most sensitive, especially when it comes to formula

If there is such a super product, it is enough to open the international market and make a great achievement in daily chemical products

Lin Feng looked at Wang Bo: "do you have a pen and paper?"

"Paper and pen..." Wang Bo was stunned, but what he thought at this time was how Lin Feng solved the problem of the chemical laboratory. He couldn't help nodding.

"Here, I'll write it down for you." Lin Feng casually stretched out his hand and asked Wang Bo to bring the paper and pen.

What... What? As soon as Wang Bo heard this, he immediately felt his heart accelerating. It seemed that he was going to spit out from his mouth. He couldn't believe his ears.

Did you hear me right, this... Did the young man say he wanted paper and pen, write it down for himself, and write down the formula?

How is this possible, recipe!

Didn't he know the value of this formula? He just wanted to confirm and understand it. He didn't expect that he could give the formula to himself. To know this formula, the security level of large companies may not be much worse than that of general state secret documents.

Because once this formula is confirmed and has the ability to dominate the global market, it is worth billions of dollars or even... Or more

Is he kidding himself?

Wang Bo looked at Lin Feng and found that Lin Feng didn't mean to joke at all.

It's not a joke, it's true, really?

Professor Wang, what's the matter today? Vice President Ning was puzzled when he saw Wang Bo's abnormal reaction, because he didn't expect that Lin Feng's solution to the small problem of the chemical laboratory would be related to a series of daily chemical products worth billions of dollars.

I don't know what Wang Bo thinks, but I feel that Wang Bo's reaction is very strange.

Cut! Zhao Jian sneered in his heart. Professor Wang was really making a fuss about opening the sewer. As for this.

Zhao Jian opened his mouth and really wanted to say to Wang Bo, don't worry, I'll let him clean up your sewer in the future. However, seeing Chen Yun and vice president Ning on the side, he hesitated to think about the embarrassing thing just now. He still held back.

Chen Yun is also very strange. He said in his heart what happened to Professor Wang today. You should know that Professor Wang's identity in academia and society is extraordinary. He is also very detached in school. What happened to Lin Feng today? Lin Feng just asked him why he was so impolite.

Because at this time, Wang Bo's mouth opened, his eyes widened, and his expression was very shocked.

"Ah... Good, good..." after Wang Bo was stunned for a while, he nodded again and again, hurriedly took out a small notepad and a valuable pen from his body and gave it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took it and didn't stop at all. He wrote quickly

When he configured it himself, it was very casual and simple, but he really had to write it down and tell others. He should pay attention to many details. However, Lin Feng wrote it quickly. After a while, a chemical formula appeared in Wang Bo's hand.

Wang Bo is also one of the authoritative figures in this field. He knew the value of this thing at a glance, and the whole person was stunned.

Because the prototype of this thing is really too common. It feels similar to some things they are studying, but only a small modification has been made on this thing, which is an idea they have never thought of.

It is this change that will have such a miraculous effect.

Talent, no, genius!!

Only geniuses can think of this method and wonderful changes. It's amazing. The value of this formula is too important. It's enough to spend millions of dollars to hire a group of international top special forces and mercenaries to guard day and night, but now it's in their own hands.

Wang Bo's hands trembled when he looked at the formula. Although he hasn't done the experiment yet, he is 80% sure that he can affirm the value of the formula.

"Lin... Lin Feng, in addition to working in the school, I also have my own enterprise. If you can join our enterprise as the chief researcher, you can mention any conditions, and I promise to give you a certain share of the company after the product is listed." We must not miss it or delay it. Wang Bo has directly dug up a corner in front of vice president Ning and Chen Yun.

How can such a genius just be in the school logistics office? It's just an international joke.

"Thank you." Lin Feng said with a faint smile, "I like it here very much. I don't want to go anywhere else."

"I can give you five percent of the shares, five percent. If other products come out in the future, it can be increased accordingly." Wang Bo thought he didn't understand. Did he think he was talking nonsense, so he just said the numbers directly.

Percent... Five... Five!!

This time, even vice president Ning took a breath. Wang Bo's enterprise is not a small enterprise. It is an enterprise with an output value of more than 1 billion. Even if it has a certain popularity in the country, it has a 5% share. God, Wang Bo is crazy.

Wang Bo's story is not a secret. Chen Yun and Zhao Jian both know it. They are completely stupid.

Are you fucking kidding? Acting?

A top professor in the field of chemistry in a school invited a young guy from the Logistics Department of the school to join in and offered a 5% share, which is too... Too difficult for people to understand and believe.

What and what!

Zhao Jian now has a feeling that he is going to collapse. The world is too crazy. Lengmei comes to find this boy. He can solve any problems. Now Wang bogang is crazy and generally invites him to join him.

Even playing games and opening cheating devices are not so excessive. There is no such thing.

Zhao Jian was so angry that he didn't dare to do so in his dreams and fantasies, but it happened right now. What's this with? What's this.

Crazy, I'm really going crazy. Now he's going to get angry when he looks at Lin Feng.

Is the world really crazy? How did it happen? How did it happen.

First, vice president Ning wanted to change his job. Now this Wang Bo went too far. He even... Invited him to join and gave him shares directly. It's too much.

"Sorry, I don't want to change my job yet." Lin Feng simply replied, as if he had just rejected vice president Ning, without any hesitation.


He refused. Zhao Jian had the impulse to strangle Lin Feng. He refused again.

Don't he know that the scale of Wang Bo's enterprise, with 5% shares, can't eat all his life. He's rich, noble and glorious. Who's still working here as a staff of a small logistics office or a teacher.

He let go of the opportunity to take a direct step to the sky.

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