"No tow man, master Yang. The car owner drove to our store in person." Xiao Tang immediately told master Yang the truth, and then asked, "how long do you think it will take to repair this car?"

"What? The car has been hit like this. Can you drive into our store by yourself? Are you kidding? It's absolutely impossible!" Master Yang stared at Xiao Tang and said that Xiao Tang was a good child. Why did he talk nonsense today? The car can't even catch fire. How can you drive to the store? Who believes it?

"Master Yang, what I said is true. The owner is resting in the store." Xiao Tang recognized the meaning of master Yang's words and quickly explained it.

"My master said that impossible is impossible. Who is my master? In the car shop in Tianhai City, if others can't fix it, my master can fix it. In Tianhai City, I can find several better ones than my master? My master is an authority, and the car shop in Tianhai city knows it!" One of master Yang's disciples said on the side. He has followed master for several years. He doesn't believe that cars can still drive like this? Is he an immortal?

"The car is like this. Who can drive him here? Even my master said it was impossible. How could it be brought by yourself? Don't laugh with us, Tang!" Another disciple of master Yang doesn't believe that the car came by himself. Even master can't. how can anyone else do it? Who is master? He is one of the most skilled people in Tianhai city. What even master denies is impossible.

"Master Yang, the owner of this car came by himself. Now his people are still resting in the store!" Xiao Tang was worried when he saw master Yang that they didn't believe Lin Feng had brought the car. Lin Feng was still waiting there. If the delay was long and people picked up problems, he would be embarrassed.

"Well, you go and invite the owner out. I'll ask some questions face to face." Seeing Xiao Tang like this, master Yang can't believe it or not. The owner of the car came by himself. Now he really wants to see what kind of person can drive a broken car into the store. Without saying anything else, this person must be a divine man. Otherwise, normal people can't do it. At least he can't do it without tools.

"Well, I'll ask Mr. Lin out." Xiao Tang can't help it. Master Yang is famous for his stubborn temper, but his technology is very good. All car stores in Tianhai city are famous. Any kind of car can be repaired. It's the backbone of the store. He can't afford to provoke himself. He can only do it according to master Yang's words.

When I first entered the door, I met Wang Kun, the sales manager. Xiao Tang turned his mind and thought that it was not good for me to invite Mr. Lin. in case I lost my job, manager Wang would be better.

"Manager Wang, wait a minute." Xiao Tang hurriedly greeted Wang Kun and shouted.

"Xiao Tang, what's up?" Wang Kun asked. He was very willing to help Tang.

"Manager Wang, Mr. Lin, who bought the car with Euro Cash last time, came. The car broke down and stopped at the door. Master Yang asked me to ask Mr. Lin out and ask him some things face to face. You said... What should I do?" Xiao Tang directly told manager Wang what happened, because she really didn't want to tell Lin Feng that if someone else's car broke down and sent it, you must fix it. When does the owner have to come forward? What else do you need this 4S shop for?

"Why is master Yang like this? Forget it. You're busy. Go. I'll go to Mr. Lin." Wang Kun also wondered very much. Master Yang is not like this at ordinary times. Why is it like this today? It's not uncomfortable for the store, but he also knows master Yang's character. Think about it, he'd better deal with it himself to avoid any dissatisfaction.

"Well, thank you, manager Wang. If you're free in the evening, I'll invite you to dinner. Then I'll pick up Miss Ding's repaired car." Xiao Tang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, manager Wang helped, otherwise he would be really worried.

"Mr. Lin, where are they?" Wang Kun asked.

"VIP lounge"

"OK, you pick up the car. I'll go to Mr. Lin." Wang Kun finished and walked directly to the VIP lounge.

"Dong Dong Dong." Wang Kun tapped three times, then gently pushed open the glass door and came in.

"Hello, Mr. Lin and Miss Ding." Wang Kun asked very politely, and then continued: "Mr. Lin, there is an accident now. Our maintenance staff, master Yang, wants to find out something. Would you like to go out and have a look?"

"What's the problem?" Lin Feng recognized the manager because he bought the car last time.

"In fact, there's nothing. We don't understand the maintenance. Master Yang wants you to go out and understand the situation. If it's convenient, please go out and have a look, so that the car can be repaired quickly, right?" Wang Kun continued to explain.

"Then go out and have a look. There's nothing wrong anyway." Lin Feng doesn't want to argue about anything. Being convenient with others is convenient with himself.

Ding Waner didn't want to be alone. She naturally got up and followed Lin Feng out.

Wang Kun walked at the end, thinking about what to say later. Don't let master Yang accidentally offend these two big customers.

When he came near the broken car, Wang Kun took two steps and introduced Lin Feng and master Yang: "master Yang, this is the owner, Mr. Lin Fenglin. Mr. Lin, this is master Yang, the most experienced maintenance personnel here, and he just insisted on seeing you."

"Are you the one who opened it?" Master Yang was even more surprised when he saw that the owner was a young man. How could he have such good technology when he was so young? At first, I thought I was an old man. How could I be a young man in his 20s?

"Yes, what's the problem?" Lin Feng is very strange. What does master Yang really want to do?

"How did the car look like this?" Master Yang feels very distressed. How did the car become like this in less than a month?


"You're really kidding. I naturally know it's a collision, but I don't think it's a collision, so I'd like to know what's going on." Master Yang naturally knew it was a collision. He was puzzled because he knew it, because he had already seen that the car was definitely not like this after one collision.

Hearing what master Yang said, Lin Feng also smiled and nodded: "it's nothing. There was a little accident. A car deliberately blocked the road. I can only hit a way out."

what? Hit a car in the way? Isn't it nothing? Are you willing to crash a car that hasn't been a month like this?

Hearing Lin Feng's explanation, master Yang was very speechless and directly defined Lin Feng as a rich dandy with no money. If he wasn't such a person, how could he take the initiative to crash? Who would crash a new car like this?

"Mr. Lin, I want to know how you drove it here?" Master Yang finally couldn't help asking the question in his heart, because he couldn't start the fire just now, which also gave him a headache. He didn't find the reason for it for a long time. What's more, how did Lin Feng drive a car that couldn't start the fire to the 4S store?

"Adjusted a little and drove normally." Lin Feng said casually.

Master Yang was stubborn. He immediately argued, "it's impossible to drive this car by himself."

Master Yang is very sure, so he didn't believe what Xiao Tang said just now. When Lin Feng said this, he obviously doubted his car repair skills, and he was a little anxious.

"What if I can catch fire?"

"Impossible. Although the engine is not damaged, it is absolutely impossible to drive away in this case." Master Yang has been working for nearly 20 years and has just checked it carefully, so he has absolute confidence and confidence.

"Don't say it's impossible. What if I catch fire?" Lin Feng asked.

"I fix it for free!" Master Yang's face is a little red now. He has some fame in the car repair shop in the city. He still has some confidence. He has seen the impossible. Can he do it as a young man? Joke!

"OK, you just watch me start it." Lin Feng dropped a word and went directly to the car.

Xiao Tang was also surprised. He had no chance to interrupt. After all, Lin Feng was a guest.

But master Yang is also very authoritative in the store. Even in this store, he has some dry stocks. He is an absolute technical authority. The most important thing is that he can't interrupt at all.

Ding Waner looked at it with a smile in her eyes, because he had seen too many magical things about Lin Feng. Especially when Lin Feng repaired the car, she was still in the car. She knew that master Yang would lose.

Lin Feng easily opened the front hood under the attention of the people, and his body leaned down slightly. He got up in less than a minute. It seemed to others that he just did it twice.

"Boom..." when Lin Feng then walked into the car, the car had started at one time.

Start... Start.

It really started. At this moment, master Yang's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it was true. How could it be? I've just read it carefully. If I can't do it without replacing many parts, how can he really start it? This... It's impossible!

All of a sudden, everyone present was shocked speechless

Xiao Tang and the several repairmen who just came over were also stunned. Who is master Yang? After decades of work in the car repair industry, he can be said to be the authority of the whole Tianhai city in terms of technology. He has decided that he can't do it, but he was denied by Mr. Lin. what can a young man in his 20s do that master Yang can't do?

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