"Why, you think what I said is false. Would you like to ask the Hui nationality with me?"

Purple Butterfly clothes asked with a slightly pathetic smile.

"Well, no, no, I believe what you say."

Ningluo waved his head again and again.

"You'd better believe it, or you'll go to my purple house and you won't have good fruit to eat."

"If you don't marry me, I'll be whipped to death, and you won't feel better“

"I die too?"

Ning Luo's eyes widened.

"You won't."

Purple Butterfly clothes shook his head.

"You will only be sentenced to palace punishment, be an unsound man, and then be a slave in the purple family forever."


It's better to die!

"Then... There's no way to have the best of both worlds. You won't be whipped and I won't be..."

Ningluo didn't mean to go on.



"As long as you can step into the land and cultivate yourself, my purple family will naturally take you. There is no way. On the contrary, they will be polite to you. I can marry you, and you don't need to divorce your wife."

"Still want to marry?"

"You can not marry. Marriage is only for my purple family. After all, anyone with a strong geographical environment is willing to win over. Sacrificing the happiness of a family member is nothing."

Purple Butterfly clothes explained.

"That's true. It's really a business without losing money to marry a strong man in his family."

Ning Luo nodded again and again.

Zijia put this operation on himself. If he had this choice, he would do the same. It's understandable.

"In fact, the land environment is not impossible."

"You mean you'd rather step into the land than marry me?"

Purple Butterfly clothes look gloomy.

"Miss Dieyi, you misunderstood. I just said that stepping into the land is not impossible for me. Maybe one day I will."

I stepped into the middle of the mysterious realm three years ago, and I was only half a realm away from the earth realm. If I hadn't suffered a plot and finally fell down, I might have stepped into the earth realm now.

Now, if you practice again and consolidate the foundation, you may be able to go to a higher level in a few years.

After all, my aunt expected herself to step into heaven.

"Before you even step into the Yellow territory, you face the earth territory and are not afraid of being laughed off?"

"I've never seen you so narcissistic."

"It's someone else's business to laugh. I just practice in a down-to-earth manner. If I don't even believe in myself, how can I make others believe that you can do it?"

Ning Luo chuckled.

"Miss Dieyi, I still said that about the misunderstanding between you and me. I can't divorce my wife for you, because the other side is the love of my life, and I won't abandon her. But I don't want you to be flogged, so I can only let you temporarily suffer some grievances and hide it. When I step into the land, I will personally come to the door to apologize and make compensation. "

"Before that, the three conditions I promised you are still valid. Do you think so?"

Looking directly at the purple butterfly clothes, Ning Luo said.

This is the biggest promise he can give. If it doesn't work, he doesn't know what to do.

"You never wanted to marry me from beginning to end?"

The eyes of Purple Butterfly clothes were filled with tears.

Admittedly, Ning Luo's promise and guarantee were very sincere, but she was still uncomfortable.

A person who has saved himself, a person who has been interdependent and close to each other for several days, but has no feelings for his children and girls. It has to be said that it is a very sad thing.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't think about that. It's not that you're not beautiful enough or that you're not considerate enough. In fact, in recent days, I've been thinking about how to take you to survive without thinking about anything else. As for what will happen in the future, I can't guarantee. Maybe I will like you, maybe not. I can't predict. "

"Although I know your answer is comforting, I still want to thank you. In fact, I didn't fall in love with you. I just accepted the family rules since I was a child and felt that my purple and conditions were good. You should marry me, but I didn't expect the reality to be cruel. "

With a bitter smile, "thank you for your care for days. Don't worry. I won't pester you in the future. We will abide by the previous agreement. All right, get down to business. "

Take a deep breath, purple butterfly clothes seem to see everything.

"Will heaven go?"

"Will you trouble you if you take me to the clan?"

Seeing that he was naked, he would be whipped to death. It was a big deal that day.

Isn't it a greater sin for purple butterfly to take herself.

"In fact, there is not only one key to the sitting place of Tianjing, so even if I don't take you, some other forces will go in. At that time, the treasures and opportunities inside will still not fall into my purple family's hands."

"What's more, my purple family is now competing with Tianyuan mountain. It's not very possible to free up their hands to sit in Tianjing. I'll take you in. Maybe you can help me get some treasures. It's also a great contribution to my purple family, isn't it? "

"That's the same thing. Let's start without delay."

Ningluo nodded.


After their discussion, they changed their previous route.

Under the guidance of Purple Butterfly clothes, he went to the direction of heaven and sitting on the earth.

Along the way, as we get closer and closer to the heaven, there are more and more big guys and practitioners who have never seen before.

It seems that the heaven has not really opened, and large-scale conflicts will break out at intervals, and bloody battles are everywhere in the whole Hengduan Mountain.

There were one-on-one, large-scale fighting, and blood flowed everywhere.

Ningluo and zidieyi shuttled carefully through the dense forest, bypassing waves of people with fear, and passed by the red blood ancestor during the period.

But the red blood ancestor didn't have time to pay attention to them at the moment. At the moment, he was entangled by two military people whose accomplishments were no less than his. He ran all over the sky in a panic.

Just when Ning Luo thought that purple butterfly clothes wanted him to go straight into the hinterland of heaven, the latter turned it around and went towards a remote tributary.

After climbing for two days, I finally stopped in front of a cliff at the top of this tributary.

"Cough, cough, butterfly clothes, are you sure this is really one of the entrances to the sitting place of heaven? This place doesn't look like the entrance anyway?"

In front of me was a dry cliff, with a shallow water depression below, full of dead branches and leaves, not even a swimming fish.

More importantly, many trees in the dense forest around have withered. Instead of any fairy breath, it feels like a kind of spirit has escaped.

This kind of place has nothing to do with Ning Luo's thought of heaven.

In his imagination, since it was a place of heaven, nature was full of aura, just like a fairyland.

There are many such places in Hengduanshan, and Ning Luo thinks there is a great opportunity.

Only this place really made him doubt.

"Who told you that the heaven must be the land of fairies outside? Can't the strong in heaven suck all the peripheral aura into the boundary? "

The purple butterfly clothes whitened Ning Luo's eyes and took a simple and unusual spirit card from his arms.

Ning Luoding looked at it and the pupil contracted directly.

What kind of key is this? It's very similar to the God of war order given to you by Lord God of war, isn't it?

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