Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5332: eager to perform

Chapter 5332 Eager to show off

He raised his head and stared back.

As the saying goes, use people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

He had already expected that something like this would happen, so he was not worried.

Didn't Han Mengting let herself pretend to be her boyfriend in the hope that she could help her deal with these suitors?

This is your own job, and you have to do it well.

What's more, since the other party's letter of challenge has been issued, he has no reason to back down, and then comes the following.

"A brat from the human race?"

"You are so courageous. You dare to take any idea of ​​our demon princess. I'm afraid you are impatient."

"I still advise you to think about this matter carefully and don't regret it in the future. There is no place for you to cry."

Lin Tiancheng didn't take Beiyuan's sarcasm to heart at all.

Isn't that just talking big words? Who can't do this kind of thing?

This means coming with your mouth.

Lin Tiancheng smiled calmly and said, "Do you still need to think about this matter clearly?"

"Anyone who is not blind can see that I am a perfect match for the princess. Why do you need to interrupt me here?"

"I would also like to advise you today. If you have some self-awareness, it's better not to do such a thing. It's embarrassing."

Beiyuan was shocked when he heard Lin Tiancheng's words.

He didn't expect this human kid to be so arrogant.

I also underestimated him.

But that's okay. Beiyuan was still worried that if this human boy was too weak, he wouldn't be able to show his strength well in front of the princess.

This seems to be a good thing.

Thinking of this, Beiyuan smiled and nodded.

"Very good. I hope you can be as confident as you are now when you are stepped on by me in the future."

"How can you be sure that you won't be stepped on by me one day?"

Lin Tiancheng was not polite to him and retorted immediately.

Han Mengting felt like she was watching two retarded people quarreling at this moment.

She tugged on Lin Tiancheng's sleeve and said impatiently: "Are you two done with this? If you want to quarrel, go somewhere else."

Beiyuan grew up with Han Mengting since childhood. He thought that the two were childhood sweethearts, a good marriage arranged by God.

So he is very confident about this matter.

What's more, regardless of the competition between the northern and southern factions, he personally still likes the princess very much.

So from the beginning, he was very angry when he saw Han Mengting holding the hand of this human boy.

He wished he could immediately go forward and kill this human boy.

He is just a boy from the human race. He has no identity, no background, no background. How could the princess fall in love with such a person?

Just as several people were confronting each other, a strange cry came from not far away.

There is a huge space in this void, and there are not many people there all year round.

This sound has been echoing in the void.

Very strange.

Everyone looked around and saw no sign of the Devouring Beast.

But they also felt energy coming from all directions, which was constantly gathering towards them.

Suddenly, everyone became nervous.

Beiyuan had already noticed that the Devouring Beast was nearby, so he immediately divided the men he brought with him into two teams.

One of the teams was going to deal with the Devouring Beast, and the other was naturally going to protect the princess.

They were not the only team sent by the demons to look for the Devouring Beast, but they were all still on their way.

Beiyuan led this team and was the one who took the lead.

It was just the sudden appearance of this devouring beast that caused this team of only a few dozen people to suddenly be thrown into disarray.

Beiyuan quickly comforted him: "Don't panic, everyone, the big troops will be here soon. Let's stabilize our position first!"

But before he finished speaking, the Devouring Beast stretched out his huge tentacles and struck at the crowd.

I don't know if it's because the Devouring Beast is too big to see his whole face clearly, or if it's because it's in the void to begin with.

No one can see the Devouring Beast at all.

But even so, the tentacles of this swallowing beast are very huge.

Like the trunk of a century-old tree.

What's even more terrifying is that the shape of this devouring beast looks very much like a slug.

He had no fixed shape and could change at any time, and even split into several tentacles in front of their eyes.

What's even more disgusting is that there seems to be a pile of very viscous liquid on its tentacles. This liquid looks like snot, which is very weird.

One of the more courageous people picked up a long knife and slashed at the tentacle.

But this is not only useless, but also traps oneself.

His entire body was surrounded by the Devouring Beast.

Just like that, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

After a while, the devouring beast spat out a corpse from its mouth.

It all happened so close to them.

Not to mention these elite soldiers, even Beiyuan began to be afraid at this moment.

Until now, their understanding of the Devouring Beast only remains in the past.

They thought this Devouring Beast just liked to devour souls.

Unexpectedly, it started to eat people now.

The viscous liquid on the surface of this devouring beast can catch its prey.

Not only that, it can also serve as a protective shield to help you defend yourself against foreign enemies.

What's even more disgusting is that this viscous liquid is also corrosive.

Once people touch him, they will be corroded quickly.

The general of Peking University once competed with this devouring beast.

At that time, his arm was also stained with this disgusting liquid, and soon his entire arm was corroded.

If he hadn't been decisive enough and knew the danger of this matter, he would have cut off his own arm with a knife.

He may not survive now.

Seeing that the situation was so bad, Beiyuan forced himself to calm down.

The princess is standing in front of him. If he is afraid at this moment, he will be embarrassed and will be looked down upon by the princess.

He would never let this happen to him.

"Quick, you guys, follow me and protect the princess!"

Suddenly, more than twenty elite troops stood in front of the princess.

But the tentacles of the devouring beast turned into a huge net and rushed towards the princess and others.

Seeing this, many disciples immediately stepped out of the formation, trying to resist this huge net.

This formation rushed from the ground to the sky, immediately piercing the giant web of the devouring beast.

Seeing that the speed of the tentacles falling has slowed down a lot, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But before they could be happy, the pierced tentacle returned to its original shape in an instant.

Lin Tiancheng looked at this scene in shock.

Could it be said that this devouring beast also has immortal blood?

If this is really the case, wouldn't he...

This devouring beast was more powerful than everyone imagined. Everyone was very alert and did not dare to relax at all.

After Beiyuan stabilized his mind, he immediately took out his weapon.

It's an excellent long gun.

Suddenly, a breath rushed into the sky, rushing towards the void with powerful murderous intent.

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