Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 1134: Water in the sand

These pieces of jigsaw puzzles, they have become people, living people, and they are even talking quietly...

To be precise, it is a four-piece puzzle: Lin Yu, Lin Xi, Hailey, and Avril Lavigne...

Okay, just four of them.

What's even more amazing is that the fine sand on the jigsaw puzzle has become clear now... Ivey looked at it, surprised and delighted...

This sand is the sand on the sand table. Of course, it is not the sand table in the "Battlestar", but the sand table in Lin Mingmei's spiritual world.

Ivey hadn't seen it before, but when he saw this thing, such thoughts naturally appeared in his mind.

But what should I do?

Ivey's hand stroked the sand subconsciously...

Huh, you can touch and master?

I haven't done it before. I don't feel that way?

He groped the fine sand carefully and studied slowly...

Fortunately, he knows that he has had similar experiences before, knowing that this kind of world time is stagnant, otherwise he will have to die in a hurry.

The fine sand slipped in the hands, half dry and half wet...a strange difference, and a little simpler.

The dryness and the wetness represent the degree to which different sands are soaked by the soul and breath of life...

Ivey secretly complained about it. Fortunately, it's not black and white, otherwise it's so mixed together, that would be really sad.

He carefully observed the difference between each grain of sand. Hey, it’s weird, it’s no different from this slate...well, the same kind of love, that is, it is also the soul stone. No, to be precise, it should be " "Soul of the Sand", is probably the "son" of the Soul Stone, Ivey is secretly funny, his own serious cranky thinking, well, no consequences.

However, since it is the soul stone, then... Ivey will hold the sand tightly, and as the sand flows, the willpower in the sea of ​​consciousness vibrates suddenly, sucking the sand of the soul into the sea of ​​consciousness... well, it really succeeded. After all, it is the son of Soul Stone..., um, haha.

"Hey, did you find out? Why is there something missing here?"

"I don't know, my head is a little dizzy, lend me a little strength..."

"We are all one, we are all one person, what are we talking about whether to borrow or not...no!"

"Hey, do you want to be so realistic?"

"That must be, we are just a person in name right now, but the difference is already very big."

"Yeah, those same basics are gone."

"It's also just right to see yourself clearly and see how you are different from others. The most important thing is, what is the difference between us..."

"Agree, those who agree can no longer agree. In this situation, it is just right to remove the differences between us and compare them. What are the advantages and disadvantages of everyone. If I am really inferior to you, then I will die."

"Actually, my opinion is different from yours. I think it doesn't matter whether you are strong or not, what your potential is, or even your temperament..."

"Oh, then, aren't we indistinguishable? Let's fit together now, and all problems will be solved."

"No, you didn't understand what I meant. These are not our essential differences, or the most precious thing in my opinion, it should be experience..."

"Experience, yes, everyone’s experience will be different, even if it’s twins together, everyone sees the problem from a different perspective, and everyone’s'experience' is different. I agree that experience is very important, but the most important thing is not to mention Right?"

"Everyone has different opinions. Seek common ground while reserving differences?"

"We have nothing in common now, so shall we save the differences?"

"Let's put it this way, let's bring up some unacceptable ones, and merge the rest again, how about?"

"No one cares about me, well, I will continue with your question. If I can keep my memory, I don't really care."

"It doesn't matter to me that I can retain my abilities..."

"After you think about it, if you only retain your ability, maybe you are just a tool man..."

"Then add temperament, right?"

"This formulation is good and important, but it's a bit too much, because almost everyone wants to retain their temperament, because... these are the external manifestations of a person..."

"External manifestation? Isn't that appearance?"

"Is there any big difference between our looks? To be humble, they are all evil spirits. Of course, the beautiful appearance of Lin Ming is more beautiful, but beauty is very personal and subjective. Maybe someone I think I’m more beautiful than her. Well, that’s not the most important thing. I mean, if I choose appearance, I can accept the appearance of any one of us... Of course, if it’s based on the best of everyone, create To create a perfect image of a woman, I even raised my hands and feet in favor of... Actually, it's the same sentence, as long as mine... Oh..."

"what happened?"

"Don't be surprised."

"Enemy attack?"

"It's not an enemy attack, but it seems someone caught me!"

"Damn, isn't this more intolerable than an enemy attack?"

"Who is so bold?"

"Damn it, I haven't started yet."

"No, ah, that, don't make trouble!"

"Hey, everyone, pay attention, it seems that something has really changed..."

"I feel better, the existence that makes us uncomfortable is weakening..."

"what happened?"

"Look, the sand on the sand table is decreasing..."

"These wonders, no, even ordinary plants and trees are reducing their breath? What's the matter?"

"I also want to know what is going on?"

"This piece of sand message board ~www.ltnovel.com~ hasn't been updated for a long time, Ivey, is it looking for a new girl outside?"

"Your focus is a bit crooked, but I think that guy did everything just now."

Ivey didn’t know what to say. He looked at the girls on the puzzle, with their mouths one and the other closed. Although he still couldn’t hear what they were saying and couldn’t see their expressions clearly, they were hazy, and he felt like seeing the sun. Up.

It seems that the direction of my efforts is right, but what about Lin Mingmei? Wouldn't it break her plan?

Ivey was desperately scouring the sand, and the sand in the sea, the wet parts, were pattering, slowly seeping out a flesh and blood made of water... That faint shadow appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and was caught in the sea of ​​consciousness. The breath of the soul is infected, and there is a feeling of awakening...

She seemed to slowly open her eyes, wanting to see where it is...

Hey, why is it different from what you think?

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