Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 1151: Earth fire water wind

"I am working on the structure of the world. We can first use our common parts to synthesize a shared small world. This world has a part of our power. Together, it can also be used as a test field to cross the river by feeling the stones."

"That guy likes to say that best."

"Since everyone agrees, let's start."

"This will be our common foundation, so set it in the middle?"

"What is our respective world?"

"Probably the imperial water and wind structure?"

"In fact, I prefer gold, wood, water, fire and earth."

"But we only have four people?"

"Lin Mingmei can be absorbed."

"No, she is too strong, above us. If she also comes in, it will easily create a situation of one subject and four servants."

"Who do you say is a servant? Get out!"

"Don't be angry, it's totally meaningless. We must abandon our useless emotions. Here, everything depends on strength to speak. Otherwise, the more you talk, the more people you lose."

Is your world structure ready to be completed?

"Wait a minute, you can all say that the woods on my side are too big and need to be remodeled.

"It doesn't matter, the woods are also a kind of wind vane, and your sky is big enough. It just changes from static to motion, speeding up the flow of the wind, and creating more elements...Apply the wind to each of their worldviews. "

"Yes, I mean that too. Actually, many worlds, such as water, fire, and earth, are compatible with wind... Of course, you don’t need to transform. I mean, the wood world is not a pure world. Created by the two worlds of earth and water."

"You are mainly concerned with the use of energy, especially the two phenomena of cold and heat... When applying the elements of the air element, the wind is formed. In our world, everyone will work together..."

"Okay, do this first, are you ready?"

"Well, get ready for the shock."

"Four worlds are attacking together, will the momentum be a bit too big?"

"That is also necessary. If you combine two by two first, and then two by two, it will cause the structure to be too fragmented... It is a pity that we have fewer people. If there are more people, it will probably make the small world stable."

"The main structure of Earth, Fire, Water and Wind is already available."

"I'm thinking, should Lin Mingmei be the fifth element?"

"Well, it is very likely that we also went to her soul world at the beginning, sacrificing so much life energy, and strengthening with so much cosmic will, so that the life in her world flourished."

"Hey, I said you guys, stop chatting, concentrate and prepare for the impact."

Rumble! Rumble!

A huge sound came from the soul world in the Sea of ​​Knowledge, and the expressions of several people were instantly sluggish. I rely on it, is it so painful? 110 e-books

Life is always accompanied by pain and happiness, and it is even necessary to learn to have fun while suffering.

I originally thought about whether this small world of "shared" souls is spliced ​​together by a few people, but now I know if it is not, it is a kind of complete tolerance of you, me and me... It’s like putting many people together. The meat is broken into minced meat and mixed together, which is difficult to distinguish.

The earth (foundation), flame (energy), water (source of life), wind (flow and exchange)... these few elements that make up the world are all in place. Of course, they are actually far from a perfect and peak world. Life and soul, that is, the love contained in the fifth element...

Perfect love, this is what Lin Mingmei is pursuing. At this time, several people are feeling perfect. Although there are still some incompleteness, they have been moving towards perfection.

It’s just that the world still has a lot of subjectivity for the creators. Moreover, they are a kind of fusion world, so Shang had to make a compromise with each other, even one. People also have various ideas.

At this time, the four soul worlds overlap towards a central store, and the four of them are like a pyramid structure. Three people form a face and four people form a space body. For some unspeakable reason, several people seem to have made up their minds not to let others in, and try to seal the world as far as possible.

In the middle, at the intersection of the four soul worlds, a spherical world was born, which was not their original intention. In the Fashen Continent, people's consciousness is still a place where the sky is round, and the earth is boundless... But now, a convergent sphere is there, making them big for a while.

"How does this thing live?"

"Forget it, just treat you like a house."

"Do you want to live in it?"

"It's okay to live on the surface, just like the planets we visit in this universe..."

"I always think these things are out of the ordinary. Living on them always feels unreliable."

"In fact, our concept is too old-fashioned. I have to say that this design is still very clever."

"The most important point, we have no other choice, right?"

"Blame you, why do you have to exclude others?"

"Let's not talk about the lofty and great topic that human nature is selfish. Even you, didn't you just participate? From what stand do you accuse us?"

"But, I just think this thing is too ugly, it has nothing to do with perfection"

"Follow him, he did it by himself anyway, no matter how ugly you have to stick to it, even crying..."

"At the critical moment, just concentrate a little bit, if you don't want to be uglier."

"Is it done according to the standards of the planet?"

"It can't be completely like that~www.ltnovel.com~ We are all geniuses. If you learn from others like this, you will be laughed at?"

"It's not the problem, I think, since we created it, it's better to add some new things, which is to increase the added value of our world?"

"Yes, don’t forget our original intention to create a perfect world. Therefore, we should have everything we have in the world. We have to have everything that is not in the world, and we have to increase the potential for development, and Comfortable environment, powerful force...Anyway, the world is full of dangers and fighting all the time, so we must ensure safety and a comfortable home after the battle, and at the same time extend this concept to The scope of the entire world."

"Sister Haili, what you said is really good, so you are responsible for it?"

"Yes, you are a technical nerd."

"Why don't I feel like I am complimenting me? Well, there is not much time. You still need to complete your own. After all, you still know more about your world."

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