Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 1166: The death of Jianmu

"Yes, but after crossing the dimension, it's probably a short time."

"Well, when that guy is boring, he often has some weird theories that we are amazed at. For example, he said, "One flower, one world, one leaf is the Tathagata. Let's not talk about what the Tathagata is, let's discuss... the world, billion Wan Weichen, maybe a tiny magic factor that we can't see with the naked eye, there may be countless worlds hidden in it... In his view, this is the charm of dimensions, and these tiny dusts are indistinguishable by us humans. It’s not an instant, not an instant... It’s just one tens of thousands of these, perhaps in an indeterminate time. The **** of that world, in our opinion, is not as long as a bug... …What do you think?"

"Yeah, thinking about it this way, this person's life is really boring."

"What about the existence higher than us? Seeing that we are also a small dust?"

"Almost, different dimensions naturally lead to different horizons, and they are not comparable."

"If the doll goes on like this, the existence that is higher than us, from the perspective of the higher existence, may it be just a dust?"

"Yeah, stop talking, my head is all messed up."

"Actually, I am not confused, but mentally collapsed, and suddenly feel that all efforts are meaningless..."

"No, I still want to work harder and take a look at the wider world..."

"What is behind the wider world? The wider world?"

"It's meaningless to think like this. Sometimes you need a broad vision, so that you have a higher ambition. You don't have to fight hard for a dead mouse. Sometimes you need to be down-to-earth, so that you can walk more firmly. This is also dialectical. Look, now, one side is the distant future, and the other side is looking at the feet, what do you think?"

"Sister Haili, you would really persuade people, or else, let's vote for you as the leader of the four of us?"

"Then what are the four of us? The Four Heavenly Kings, the Four Little Flowers, or the Gang of Four?"

"You guy always sings the opposite, so are you opposed?"

"No, I agree. It may be the so-called weak group to keep warm in this way, but who is not the weak in life? Strength is only relative."

"Well, we are in front of many mages, no, it should be said that the high-end combat power of the Law God Continent is also top-notch, but on this'Space Fortress', the strength is the lowest, which is simply unacceptable."

"Yes, life is like this ups and downs..."

"Hey, you have enough, too much poisonous chicken soup."

"Hey, I'm fighting poison with poison. Which one of us has gone through all kinds of hardships, everyone is a determined person, and I don't need to drink chicken soup?"

"Well, everyone works hard. We must create this piece of gold so that our strength can go further."

"What I care more about is not strength, but vision. I just hope to see more clearly, know the world, no, know all the existence, what is it!"

"Your words are a bit arrogant, but you can raise your breath."

"Okay, how is the test result?"

"Ah, this piece of construction wood is dead? Look, what's the matter?"

It's really strange. For something like Jianmu, it hardly picks the growth environment and can always live. It is not easy to kill it. It is known for its vitality. Therefore, in such a control experiment, various growth environments are simulated. Although it is just a small slice sample on the built wood, it is not so easy to die... Aishuwu

"Look, the Jianmu in this magma is just a little scorched in the contact part, but the whole Jianmu is still alive..."

"This strong acid and strong alkali environment is only interesting... It is actually reduced to half living in strong acid and half living in strong alkali, and the two are quite distinct. Come and see..."

The slices of this built wood have grown into small saplings. After all, the soil itself is specially added with nutrients because of strong acid or alkali... As a result, the nutrients are absorbed, and the slim saplings are half red and half blue, just like ice and fire. Chongtian, but the red and blue canine teeth are intertwined, and the middle is not flat. Probably after some struggle, a dynamic balance is formed on the tree body, even spiraling, which is quite interesting.

Some other small tree saplings are also swaying in the wind. Of course, they will not grow into real wood. After all, there may only be one side of the world to build wood, unless a special environment is created... For example, like these One of the Jianmu branches is cultivated and sent out of this world, cruising around the periphery, and finally waiting for alchemy and sorting, and finally forming combat power.

A few people moved the lotus step lightly and came to this small dead tree seedling...

"what 's wrong?"

Yes, it’s not particularly strange to die. Although this guy is very strong, there may still be some factor that contributed to his discomfort... It’s just how he died after growing from a slice to a small sapling, There may be something special or the key to solving problems.

"Check the environment..."

The growth environment is not a glass bottle, then a petri dish, various nutrients, in a laboratory...

After all, no one knows the consequences of Jianmu’s growth, whether it will overturn the laboratory, whether it will affect other experimental materials, and it must be suitable for Jianmu’s growth...

Fortunately, in this world, their space is quite abundant.

A few people stopped by the Heishui pond surrounded by earth and rocks, some of them covered their noses.


"The environment is really terrible."

"No, this is actually a nutrient solution specially arranged by me. I had high hopes for it at the beginning, hoping to find a new way to cultivate wood... , I don’t know how it became like this~www.ltnovel.com~ so this is not sewage?"

"Yes, it's actually a nutrient solution."

"alright, you win."

"Well, what are the ingredients of the nutrient solution?"

"Look at it, my own exclusive recipe..."

A few people covered their faces, well, Lin and your exclusive formula, it must be very powerful.

As a result, Haley handed over a piece of paper with various ingredients on it.

It's different from what other people think. It's all organic matter or minerals, and of course there are some natural treasures.

"It's strange, these things seem to be OK on the surface?"

"It is possible that something has changed in our planting process..."

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