Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 1206: 5-corner covenant

"I understand that this is really hopeless."

"We are all ourselves, and we are very confident of ourselves, but no matter how confident we are, we are desperate for the hopeless, no victor's ending, and some dissatisfaction arises."

"Since the dissatisfaction with ourselves is designed, there must be sufficient reasons, but in the beginning, why should we have our own consciousness and our own ideas?"

"Yes, think about it this way, we are all living people, not puppets, not tools, and not the material for some people to achieve themselves!"

"The reason why we can sit here and talk to you is because you, like us, are actually just materials, perhaps more advanced materials than us, but the essence is still the same."

"Lin Yu, let's talk about this. She is a little bit special, because she has experienced her own demise and was born with herself twice. Okay, I've been a little bit around, but there is no way, but we all understand."

"Actually, it doesn’t feel good to die. I still feel like I’m dead. I die and die again. This kind of pain... Well, I didn’t. Because of this, I was more resistant. After all, it’s poisonous. The cake made people feel more vigilant, always worried that I would be tempted to eat it, and always worried that I could not help it before starving to death...Anyway, it is more worrying than poisonous shit."

"Hehe, very interesting metaphor, but I understand you."

"We can sit here and talk because we have a common foundation, that is, you are also one of the materials and will eventually die out. I have experience with this... twice." Lin Yu stared directly at Lin seriously Akemi.

"Well, I believe you, and I know, this is not a good experience. Of course, on the other hand, some people express envy, this can greatly enhance the strength, of course, this is not us."

"Improved the strength greatly? After the improvement, the strength is the same as you who have not experienced pain. Is this a preferential treatment or punishment for me?"

"I don't know. To be honest, I don't know much more than you."

"Then what do you know?"

"I know how to improve your strength and make you stronger than others."

"Does this other person include you?"

Lin Mingmei just smiled, did not speak.

"This world is really unfair!" Avril started to fight the injustice. Here, many people have a stand and clearly distinguish themselves. Even if they are a whole externally, everyone can be subdivided and subdivided. .

"You finally realized the nature of this world." There was no sarcasm, and Lin Mingmei was so flat and straightforward, but it was easy to get Avril Lavigne so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Weir is indeed still a bit immature. Let's ignore her. Let's put it this way, everyone acts for their own interests. We choose to talk at this time. There is no meaning to force the palace. After all, no matter what, you, me, all Not out of our scope. I am confident that I still have some understanding of myself, we are not afraid of life and death, but only seek fairness... Although there are too many unfairness, but deep in my heart, there are still such small demands "Lin Xi's words seemed very real.

"Well, I also have a little thought in my heart," Hailey was silent for a long time, and finally said, "I like my own emotions, anger, sorrow and joy, cherish my past experience, and value my emotions most, of course, and that Research on magic that cannot be given up..."

"Some will be lost, some will be transferred, some will be pieced together, everything will evolve towards the most'perfect' aspect, this is the result of natural selection, and this'nature' is actually the black forest of the universe, so it is not We are looking forward to being as beautiful as we are, and of course we can’t tolerate our little willfulness. Although we have a greater advantage over others, we are not qualified for willfulness. You know, because we are not too willful, we have more than others. Big advantage."

Avril Lavigne stood up:

"We can't even satisfy the most basic demands, so what else can we talk about? Go."

"Wait, Weier," Hailey called to her, "Our experience is actually very good, but even this experience does not reflect the warmth of the world. Sometimes, it is not our choice. It's the reality that forces us to choose... I'm probably a little more rational than you. Therefore, I think it is not a good thing for everyone to resist this way..."

"It's not necessarily a bad thing." Lin Mingmei said flatly, maintaining her usual iceberg beauty, which is not pleasing.

"Hey, is it so arrogant? Our sister Haili has repeatedly helped you round the stage~www.ltnovel.com~ You are going to tear down the stage everywhere, it is also very interesting."

"Yeah, let's retreat a little bit, then you go in a little bit, what is this called? Going in?"

"You think too much. We are not negotiating because there is nothing to talk about. I can't give a single bit here because this is the bottom line. Therefore, there is no room and room for negotiation. I think we sit Here, it is probably to increase mutual understanding, after all, it will last a long time before disappearing, entangled together."

It seems that Lin Mingmei has not said such a long story, but Lin Mingmei is still a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, she has nothing to hide in front of her.

Time passed by in silence.

At this time, everyone finally realized the reality, there was no room for negotiation, and Avril Lavigne's performances were also shown to the blind.

As a result, she sat down on a corner of the table with droopy eyebrows. At this moment, several people finally formed the shape of a five-pointed star, but the corner of Lin Mingmei seemed to be a little brighter.

"Your world needs to be strengthened. At present..." Lin Mingmei glanced deeply, "It's still too weak."

"Hey, you, oh..." Avril patted the table. Originally, an ordinary table could not help being slapped by a four-dimensional mage of her level, even if it was the likes of steel, it would collapse with a palm, but this...

It hurts!

"Has it been strengthened to this point?" Hailey frowned.

Of course it wasn't that Lin Mingmei deliberately played some tricks in front of them, after all, Lin Mingmei was about to become a crystal person now, the real iceberg beauty, all over her body was cold.

Still calm and calm, it is this life and death that is indifferent, not accepting you to do it, and then the confidence and grace that I have done, it simply exudes an existence that is more pervasive than the cold on the iceberg.

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