Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 1384: Invisible enemy

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Ivey especially likes that kind of emotion: the young man's blood does not admit defeat... I will not bow my head! Of course, he did not have the consciousness of being a great man of the country and the people, but he often imagined that he would use a finger to stamp a wicked person on the face!

Now, with two fingers, he gently pinched the tip of the claw. Not entirely out of the consideration of installing 13, the main thing is, this is the most convenient, this is his best strategy so far. In fact, he was far from showing such a calm and calm, magic is too late to use, the crisis is imminent, of course, he can still rely on Lin Mingmei, but...

From the corner of Ivey's eyes, he has seen more dark and evil shadows, like thousands of horses attacking and killing in the rising smoke.

咚咚咚! The sound of dong dong's footsteps has become a drum for the advancement of thousands of troops. He now relies on Lin Mingmei, which means that he will bring greater defensive pressure on Lin Mingmei, and it also means that they are in absolute In the passive strategy... long-term defense must be lost. If you are not careful, even a master like Lin Mingmei will probably be injured, right?

Boom boom boom!

Not only the sound of footsteps, there seems to be some faint thunder in the sky, coming from far and near. Of course, the pressure this brings to Ivey is far less than the sound of footsteps... The sound of footsteps is like a mountain. Slowly moving forward, and the owner of the mountain is an unimaginable opponent.

Boom boom boom!

Well, this enemy is also very strong. Ivey felt a burst of impetuous heart, and his blood was trembling. His body was too exhausted and weak. Maybe he was cursed?

Lin Mingmei trembled, and then the right hand radiated light, the milky white light, like the most beautiful face in the morning light, the wings of an angel, the white Hebi, or the one with strong protection...Oh, Ivey It is forbidden to think about it anymore, because the light has already enveloped him.

"Leave me alone, I'm fine, take care of yourself."

Ai Weiqiang continued to finish saying this, and then swiped the knife again! More organizational structures are exposed... Oh, it’s very interesting. This is indeed a very good experiment. Now some basic data has been recorded in my soul through the magic chip in the sea, and I want to forget it. Can't do it.

He looked up, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

The enemies around seemed to pause for a while. They seemed to know everything. After that, they should not kill this person. Although it is a bit difficult, the secrets here must not be leaked out. They must not be known to the outside, let alone let. Heaven's insight, otherwise...

It seems that a certain kind of ritual has been obtained. A black light is formed in the air, and the end of the black light turns into a sharp claw. This sharp claw is between Ivey’s **** at this time, and it is not far from Ivey’s carotid artery. The distance of a coin. Ivey feels that his heart will miss a few beats. If this goes on, he will be killed, right? Very powerful, with so many enemies, will you overplay this time?

He now found that apart from these two fingers, he didn't even have a chance to cast magic, and a large group of black smoke-like monsters stared at him. And the one he had just pinched with two fingers, with a bang right now, turned into smoke again, just like the last one. Ivey couldn't even do another damage to him. As soon as he moves, although he can keep this guy, there will be many holes in the defense, and he will probably be torn to pieces by other monsters, right? When the time comes, the mosaics in one place will really scare the children.


Two swords flew three monsters, Lin Mingmei and him back to back. This girl is still smart, she has taken the sword in her hand from the early morning to avoid the embarrassment now. If Ivey wasn't really boring at that time, or I really admired Lu Xiaofeng's Great Sorcerer, after learning this skill that others thought was outdated, I would explain it here now.

"Draw the sword!" Lin Mingmei whispered.

"I think too, I am too big to be killed by them."

"It doesn't matter, if you have me, you won't be killed."

The two sentences were spoken almost at the same time. It turned out that Lin Mingmei knew his plight early in the morning. Hehe, this is probably the most failure of the pretend. Ivey felt very sorry and embarrassed. What should I do?

As a result, he drew out the long sword at the fastest speed, and the Eye of Time and Space created a Time and Space Mirror almost instantly, rebounding two attacks.

In fact, I can rely on myself. Ivey didn't want to prove this. Between life and death, he didn't have this hobby of looking for death, otherwise he would have never known how many deaths. He just didn't want to add to Lin Mingmei's burden again, because he had just peeked at Lin Mingmei's side of the rib, in fact, there is another small wound, although it will not affect this beautiful girl, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com However, Ivey knows that Lin Mingmei now really has no spare capacity.

But it shouldn't be. With Ivey's knowledge of Lin Mingmei, an enemy of this level...puff!

Oops, it hurts, Ivey's cheek appeared a few blood stains, a hazy shadow, seemed to flash past. Is that a shadow?

Ivey's heart chuckles, and then he gets angry!

Damn it! You actually got on the face of this handsome guy, in addition to affecting my prosperous beauty, it is simply a slap in the face!

Yes, it was a face slap, and the paw came back sideways. Isn't that just a slap in the face of Ivey?

This is not the point. Although Ivey was furious, he didn’t immediately rush out. This is the reason. This is a different smoke monster. The biggest difference is that when other smoke monsters attack, they must be transformed into Entity, this also gave Ivey some time to react, and this guy, in a completely illusory state of smoke, even the sword wind added by Ivey failed to do anything to him.

Now, he also knew what was going on with Lin Mingmei. It turned out that Lin Mingmei had encountered many more enemies secretly than he had seen. He didn't notice just now. In fact, the main attack direction of these enemies was not him, but Lin. Akemi.

This kind of hurts self-esteem. However, this is also good, the enemy does not recognize his own power, and then he can give them a cruel score.

"Be careful, these guys are great."

"Of course, but I am actually better than them."

"Our biggest problem is that we can't use magic right now, and there is no time to use magic."

"It's okay, I will create time for you."

"Your self-confidence is baseless." Lin Mingmei finally had to complain.

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