Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 747: Fate is in hand

Slowly, the alchemy puppet called "Nian" is being assembled. According to Ivey's original intention, it is best to be refined into a handsome shape and powerful power like "Freedom Gundam", but this work is not caused by He did it by himself, other partners hadn't seen this thing, and didn't know how to refine it. The most important thing was that they didn't buy into Ivey's whimsical ideas that violated "magic principles".

   Based on their experience, how could they change their original intention after listening to a "layman" babbling, not to mention the power, even if it is really like the big pie drawn by Ivey, it may not be much better than the magic puppet they recognize. Most importantly, none of them, including Ivey, can do it. Forcibly mounted on the horse, he was just a blind man crossing the river by feeling the stones.

   Now, these "blind people" are very busy, except for Ivey, they have to count Lin Yu the hardest. She was originally a genius, or a two-in-one genius greater than three, but it was a pity that alchemy was not her major, and she put the least energy into it and the weakest foundation. Therefore, making Ivey's high standards and strict requirements in fantasy is simply difficult. It is even more difficult to coordinate with Ivey's new creative artificial intelligence command system while coordinating the rest of the traditional alchemy system.

   If it weren't for this special relationship with Ivey, the pretty goddess in everyone's eyes would have chosen her.

"Look at your spine, it's too long, right? According to your assembly, this magic puppet will become a plesiosaur! You waste all your time on making the chords, don't you have time to do anything else? "Ivey didn't lose his temper, just calmly discuss the matter. Lin Yu was also calm enough, not lingering, and tried his best to fulfill his duty. Otherwise, "a murder caused by a sheep scorpion..."

But Zou Yanan, who had been coveting beauty for a long time, couldn't help it a little bit. Once Ivey grabbed his spotlight with five invitations, the so-called surprise victory has not seen the effect, but suddenly became the backbone of the team. Absolutely core, he secretly hates! Secondly, several goals in my heart have not been achieved. I can only bear it for the moment, and I feel aggrieved in my heart. In addition, the contempt for the slobber and gluttonous body has been left by himself, but people ran to Ivey to be instructed (tiaojiao ), Aunt can bear it, uncle can’t bear it!

   "Don't stand up and talk, don't hurt your back. Your terrible plan is facing bankruptcy. We will help you clean up the mess and wipe your ass. Be polite!"

   Ivey is quite easy-going, he doesn't argue with him, even he agrees with that guy's opinion.

   "You are right, it makes sense, oh, yes, I still have a mess here, beasts!" He pointed his finger, indeed, under his efforts, the ground was in a mess.

The command system is almost complete, and the identity of "Nian" has been established. In the skull made of special alloy, a layer of net-like thin wires forms an ultra-fine diaphragm, and this diaphragm seems to be exchanging special material and energy with the outside world. In order to increase the surface area and improve efficiency, Ivey imitates the cerebral cortex and adds many folds. In order to coordinate and arrange these exchanged material and energy more effectively, Ivey made a series of neuron nodes, each of which is extremely fine. Even his majestic mental power and keen control power are very tired. Therefore, it was decided that this cannot be done by one person in a short time.

   means that a team can complete it, or one person can complete it for a long time. He made this "year" alchemy puppet, especially the head part, which can be used repeatedly and continuously improved. Therefore, the specifications at the beginning were quite high, so that the cooperation of others could not keep up, especially Lin Yu Of this notochord.

   This is not Lin Yu's fault. Even if her alchemy strength is ten times higher than it is now, it can't be done, and even if Ivey, the initiator, does it herself, it can't be done. It's mainly a matter of thinking. Because the spine has a very obvious linking effect, the function is too complicated and even impossible to complete. Ivey's scientific head, of course, has magical technology in it, but its essence is still a kind of subversion, and it does not match the traditional alchemy limbs of other people. Relying on the spine to coordinate transformation is an inefficient behavior, and this error must be corrected in the future. The most effective way is for Ivey to redo his limbs, but now there is no time and no conditions.

   This is another huge limitation. In fact, if Ivey’s vision is realized, it will require a lot of rare materials, and long-term continuous debugging and improvement, which will not be achieved overnight. Now this simple alchemy material can only be simplistic and almost finished.

  Even if this is similar, I still did not meet Ivey’s requirements, alas...

   He sighed deeply. So let me think of ways to improve.

   Is there any way to improvise? some. The methods are all thought of, isn’t the spine long? It's impossible to make it shorter... UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Ivey himself also calculated that there are too many functions to be integrated, too much work, and other factors such as reliability and heat dissipation must be considered. The length cannot be reduced, so I have to... Cut out a section and change it to a tail.

   Ivey sighed again, this time I can't be a man at all, I'll talk about it next time. Such things as human beings depend on fate.

   It’s just that there are too many control units integrated on the tail. I wonder if it will make the tail a fatal weakness like Wukong in Dragon Ball.

   Dry and slender fingers tapped on the "spine" for a while, dazzling and even shadows. In Lin Yu's eyes, this is clearly playing a world famous song.

   In fact, this is a set of "destiny" fingerings, this kind of top alchemy technique called gold finger, at this moment, it is quite a stone into gold. Soon a lifeless spine came back to life. Its surface even glowed with crystal light, and Lin Yu couldn't help but open her little cherry mouth with shock. It turns out that a man who works hard looks so attractive, and a man who turns out to be capable is welcomed everywhere.

   Other people are the same. They were originally prepared to watch the jokes collectively, but of course they will eventually take action collectively to complete the simple core of an ordinary traditional alchemy puppet. Technically, there is no problem with everyone's cooperation in time.

   What they didn't expect was that after installing this spine and connecting Ivey's head, a magic puppet stood here ignorantly.

   They never thought of the word ignorant before. Generally speaking, magic puppets have different characteristics, but they are nothing more than several: powerful, mighty, crazy, stable...

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