Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 949: Legendary land

That huge incredible power suddenly disappeared without a trace, just like Lin Mingmei.

The "coffin" is shaking, Ivey is embarrassed, but fortunately he is not inside, otherwise I can't tell...

He found a place, sat down, and waited for the coffin to calm down. He even wanted to smoke a cigarette, pretending to be a saint.

Unfortunately, there is no manual for the coffin, and no one told him whether this is a resonance between the soul and the coffin...In short, after pretending to draw three eyes, the coffin stopped shaking...

It doesn't seem to last long, cut.

Ivey despised it and greeted the awakening of a beautiful woman.

Without the prince's kiss, Lin Xi opened her eyes.

"Where am I?" Sure enough, all the opening remarks of this kind are the same and easy to guess...

So Ivey had the answer: "Guess."

So this answer actually belongs to the kind of lack of smoking. Fortunately, a girl like Lin Xi still has some gentleness. Fortunately, everyone knows his virtues, so they don't care.

In fact, you can read this answer for yourself.

Lin Xi retracted her head again and hesitated. She thought about what she would face after all, and then said, "Well, do you have any clothes to change?"

"Ah, yes. There is a brand new emperor's new outfit... Ah, no, this, crystal... Cinderella glass shoes..."

"Whether it's crystal or glass, well, it doesn't matter. The question is, why there is only one pair of shoes..."

"I'm a prince, I only got this." Ivey didn't think he was joking anymore, and threw a set of god-patterned equipment. As for the clothes, they were only male clothes, worn on a beautiful woman, and it was still heroic .

Lin Xi finally walked out of the coffin, her face full of anger, even if a good-tempered person was jokes like this, she would be emotional. It can be seen that Ivey's emotional intelligence is really not high...

Or, he has another purpose...

Examining the soul of a person is a difficult technical task. It is almost impossible to examine the soul of a living person without harming him. Therefore, I can only use a circuitous method... Ivey gave it to himself The behavior found a good excuse.

It is to use all kinds of external stimuli to activate the dormant soul function of the other party, including but not limited to love, emotions, memories, concepts... Just now, Lin Xi was not regarded as a guinea mouse by him, just using various methods. Find the part of her own unique existence, that is, Lin Xi's traits that distinguish it from others...

As her friend, or boyfriend, or male friend, regardless of sex, he hopes to be more considerate of the other person, so that the other person has choices and better choices instead of just passively accepting. Take control of the other person.

She must be treated as a person, not as a clone, nutrients, materials, synthetic parts... She has her own joys, sorrows, sorrows, and choices... Ivey decided to respect these, even though he knew that there might be no difference at all. , But, it's just a clear conscience.

That's the sentence: How can you do what you want, but I have no shame.

This is the basic situation.

Then, he looked dumbfounded. The beauty in front of her is familiar and strange. Familiarity is because not only the "sincere want to see" just now, or the previous "not just like"... The stranger is because people are still like that, but there is a temperament that Ivey can't describe badly in it. Because of this spirit, the whole person is completely new. Of course, only people who are particularly familiar with her, and only with a particularly strong and keen mental power, can discover this in an instant.

"What do you look at, haven't you seen beautiful women?"

See it, this is strange. Before Lin Xi, it was difficult to have this kind of anger, this tone of voice and Ivey.

"I haven't seen anyone who wears clothes, ah, no, don't fight, I mean...I have never seen someone wearing such a heroic appearance, charming in mighty, pure in charming, pure but..." Ivey racked his brains Flattering.

Lin Xi didn't speak, but just watched his performance. When Ivey wasn't paying attention, her eyes revealed endless tenderness, an angry and funny look...

This guy is still that stupid, but also stupid and cute, right?

The cuteness at the back is something that was forcibly added by colored glasses, Ivey doesn't think so.

Finally, they stepped into the subject.

"Did something happen? How did this happen?"

"I don't know why, maybe bad luck?"

"Can you tell me more specifically?"

"It may be a little jumpy and illogical, because some of the memory is missing and can only be supplemented by the brain..."

"Well, this reason is strong enough."

"Do you know Qipanshan?"

"Qipanshan, what place is that?"

"In the legend, where the gods play chess, there are countless chess pieces, the colors are said to be only black and white."

"Yes, there are only black and white worlds, as simple as a child."

"That's right. The **** in the legend is probably the youngest person to become a god. At that time, he was still a child..."

"Kid? How is it possible?" Ivey was shocked, "You have to know..."

"Of course I know, so I said it was amazing..."

Lin Xi understands what Ivey is talking about...a Star Mage, starting from mastering the first ordinary magic, he doesn't know where the blame is along the way, but the level still has to be upgraded... What's worse, the jump level span each time Larger upgrades, such as class upgrades, dimensional upgrades, or perception upgrades... all require a variety of practical experience, the fight between life and death, your own insights, and the blessing of geniuses...

Practice ~www.ltnovel.com~ No matter where it is, it is a road against the sky... According to normal conditions, the path of the sky always maximizes the entropy of the whole world, knowing that there is no gift, and it is completely dead.

But this magical phenomenon of living things goes against the universe. They reduce entropy and living things feed on negative entropy.

Among the creatures, the human being at the extreme, and the star mage at the apex among the human beings, are the mainstays of the Alliance of Sky Defenders and the best.

In this way, practicing as a **** is by no means an easy way. How many people spend their entire lives, it is impossible to even become a four-dimensional wizard, let alone become a god. It is conservatively estimated that becoming a **** must at least comprehend the five-dimensional law...

But how can a kid make this bigger?

How much luck is needed...

"No, your focus is wrong. It is not the question of children becoming gods, but Qipanshan. What are you doing there?"

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