Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1076 Evil Ultraman - Beria

Zaki stepped aside noncommittal, bent over to pick up a doll, held it carefully in front of his eyes, and threw it aside boringly: Why is it still a one-off? It's been a waste for so long without any improvement.

Lugiel sat back on his seat with a face full of displeasure, and said with a cold snort: I'm afraid you can't even make such waste. My doll's combat time has been increased to ten minutes now. The cooperation of the Brad Stars will definitely make my monster dolls stronger.

Really? Zaki was noncommittal, but he was very dismissive of Lugiel's obsession with making monster dolls in his heart. Obviously, if the ability to control monsters with the fighting instrument of the imitation Rayblad star, he created a monster that looks like nothing else. The puppet still insists that it is his original creation.

Lukiel squinted at Zaki, supported his head with his black right hand and asked, Hey, how dare you come out, I heard the news from another dimension that Noah once appeared in two time and space , There has been no news of the Dark Shadow Mage for a long time, and it seems that he has been wiped out by Noah. Why don't you find a place to hide quickly? Maybe he will catch up to this time and space soon.

Hmph, you don't need to worry about this, think about how to satisfy the lion of the Leyblad star. Zaki said, and has already flown out of this room and disappeared into the dark void of the universe.

Satisfying him... isn't it just plasma energy? There are plenty of them in the Kingdom of Light, they are almost the same anyway, and that guy can't tell the difference. Lukiel raised his head slowly and looked at the Kingdom of Light Direction, red eyes through the endless void of the universe, staring straight at the bright star that can be clearly seen even here.

In the void of the universe, Ultraman held something like an iron rod in his hand, and swaggered through the defense lines of the Kingdom of Light. The Monster Planet was almost completely emptied, making these originally well-defended lines of defense useless.

Boom! Ultraman landed heavily on the entrance of the cosmic prison suspended not far from the Kingdom of Light, grabbed the iron rod in his hand and walked towards the tightly sealed gate step by step.

Captain! The two Ultraman guards saw Ultraman flying over and immediately stood at attention and saluted, but as Ultraman walked in, the two of them realized something was wrong. It's fierce, and the slender eyes are not Ultraman at all.

Stand there, don't move! The two Ultraman raised their right hands and grasped their left wrists at the same time, and the Ultraman bracelet immediately turned into an Ultra Javelin, before they raised the Ultra Javelin. The Ultraman on the opposite side suddenly raised the iron rod in his hand, and the pentagonal prism-like thing at the front fired a ball of energy bombs from the hole, hitting the gate in an instant.

Boom! There was a loud noise, and as the raging flames rose, the gate was directly blown into pieces, and the two Ultra fighters were also blown out, howling and falling towards the Kingdom of Light.

Hahaha! The Ultraman's body flashed, and he turned back into the appearance of the Zarabu star. The Zarabu star walked into the cosmic prison where the sirens were ringing one after another with the Gigabit fighting device.

Boom! Boom! The heavy footsteps of the Zarabu star echoed in the empty corridor. It was clear that the outside was the cold space of the universe, but the temperature inside was as high as hundreds of degrees, and the surrounding walls were all crimson. 'Chick! laugh! ’ heat.

It didn't take long for the Zarabu star to reach the end of the corridor. The space here suddenly became extremely empty, with a length and width of nearly a kilometer and a height of three to four hundred meters.

A series of crimson chains connected the surrounding walls, ceiling and floor, filling the entire space. There were hundreds of them, and at the end of the chains was a dark Ultraman covered in black and red patterns.

The mouth is split open, and the slender red eyes make his appearance very fierce. With claw-like hands, a curved back, and a strange posture, it seems that people can't help but feel a sense of fear.

But now his arms, legs, and waist were all tightly bound by scarlet chains, he couldn't move, and he was under the endless heat in the endless darkness.

Belia, the dark Ultra fighter who has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, accept this power from Reyblad! the Zarabu star said and raised the Gigabit fighting instrument in his hand. A basket of white beams shot from the hole in Belial's chest and hit the dim timer.

Buzz! Beria's dim color timer immediately lit up with a dark red light, and the blood-like red light spread from the timer towards the surroundings of his body, and Beria's whole body was immediately surrounded by blood-red light.

The most evil Ultraman, revive! With the loud shout of Zarabu, the hundreds of chains that imprisoned Beria instantly shattered and fell to the ground indiscriminately, leaving only the The dark fighter who stretched out his arms and roared to the sky.

The Zarabu star walked towards Beria who was stretching his body: Belia, the great Rayblad star wants me to tell you that he has already given you two lives, and he wants me to put you in The Gigabit Fighting Instrument that was sealed in the Valley of Flames before the prison is handed over to you again, so this time you have to...

Before the Zarabu star could finish speaking, Beria reached out and snatched the gigabit fighting device from his hand, shaking it vigorously. The pentagonal prism-like things at both ends of the Gigabit Fighting Instrument slid towards the two sides, and instantly turned into a weapon more than 50 meters long.

Now the great Reyblad star needs you to contribute your strength to his resurrection. Now that the Kingdom of Light is empty and empty, hurry up and leave here with me. The Zarabu star said to Bailey As Ya told, she didn't notice that Belia grinned and swung her right arm suddenly. The Gigabit fighting instrument in her hand hit the Zarabu star's stomach fiercely, and directly sent him flying, hitting the scarlet red star behind him. colored walls.

Boom! With a loud noise, the Zarabu star directly hit the wall of the cosmic prison and fell heavily on the ground at the other end of the cosmic prison. He waved the giga-fighting instrument in his hand, and slapped the Zarab star on the head with the lingering electric light on it.

Boom! The Zarabu star exploded directly, turning into a ball of flames and fragments all over the sky. His eyes were still full of astonishment until he died. He didn't expect Beria to deal with it first after he was released from prison it's him.

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