Chapter 1109 Executioner Defender

Even though there is no lucky one in a billion, everyone has a fluke mentality, thinking that maybe the next lucky one will be me. Although this is just what they take for granted, they are still willing to fight with their lives for it.

Spaceships shuttled through the void of the universe at an extremely fast speed for nearly a week. The spaceship they took in Xingye also traveled more than half of the distance, and they will reach the N123 galaxy in two or three days.

And the spaceships around are getting more and more dense, and some of the spaceships have been diverted to search for traces of comets around the N123 galaxy. After all, that spaceship also found traces of comets near the N123 galaxy.

Xingye was currently in his lounge, lying on the bed and falling into a deep sleep. Or in a dream, Xingye can't remember the last time he had a dream. Since the accident that changed his life when he was twelve years old, he hasn't had any normal dreams. The dreams are all foretelling something.

Xingye feels that he is looking at this galaxy hundreds of thousands of light-years away from the perspective of God. In this huge and boundless galaxy, there are extremely small fires shining everywhere, and in Xingye's field of vision, those fires are all one by one. The flames of light erupted when galaxies exploded with a bang.

At the same time, countless warships attacking each other in and around the galaxy were involved. Such tragic scenes abound in the plasma galaxy. Every second, countless battleships are blown to pieces, and every hour, a star system is detonated by desperate losers... If this continues, this huge galaxy will disappear completely.

"Is this... the war of the plasma galaxy hundreds of millions of years ago?" Xingye guessed, he had only seen the history of the plasma galaxy not long ago, and now the plasma history buried in the long river of time appeared in the dream.

Then the surrounding environment changed, and Xingye came to another place again. On the tens of thousands of light-year-long front, thousands of trillions of spaceships were densely distributed and attacked each other.

For some unknown reason, information about these spaceships suddenly appeared in Xingye's mind. This is the main fleet of the two super civilizations of the Plasma Galaxy, where the final decisive battle will take place. And this decisive battle will not produce winners, all losers. Even though many people in the two major civilizations know this, the long war has made it impossible for them to stop, and the mutual hatred makes them have to fight this decisive battle.

When all the fleets mixed together and attacked each other, seven streamers of different colors flew around the battlefield, condensing seven cosmic beings with different blades. They have terrifyingly powerful power, which is even more unbelievable. What's more, every sword they swung can separate a large fleet without harming any spaceship in the fleet.

Afterwards, the original coherent picture became broken, and only seven swordsmen could be vaguely seen appearing on the battlefield one by one, displaying incomparably powerful combat power, holding seven sharp swords and using a very strange method to make all Civilization is at a standstill.

Afterwards, all the pictures were completely shattered, replaced by a figure surrounded by dark mist, with red eyes emitting a ferocious red light. The seven swordsmen around him were fighting frantically with him, and the seven swordsmen who crossed the plasma galaxy combined were not his opponents and were completely suppressed by him.

At the end of the picture, the seven swordsmen integrate their lives into the swords in their hands, and then the seven swords gather together to form a silver dagger that looks like a dagger. The short sword exuding a piercing light broke through the defense of the dark creature with one strike, severely wounding the dark creature.

Then the short sword was divided into seven parts, and six swords were scattered in the plasma galaxy, and the remaining one flew towards the dark creature like lightning, and inserted into his chest with lightning speed. Then the seven short swords and the power of the entire plasma galaxy linked together to form a huge seal, completely sealing this dark creature.

Everything returned to nothingness, and I could no longer see anything. In the dim starry night, I only heard a whispering voice next to my ear: "What does the universe need is a high-ranking executioner, or a caring defender?"

"Shua!" Xingye opened his eyes abruptly, and what caught his eyes was the metal ceiling and dim lights. Xingye sat up immediately, and everything in the lounge was presented in front of Xingye's eyes.

The picture in the dream still clearly appeared in Xingye's mind, and the last sentence made Xingye extremely concerned. Sitting on the edge of the bed, frowning, trying to think about what this sentence meant.

Who are the high-ranking executioners, and who are the defenders talking about? Does it have anything to do with your dreams?

The content shown in the dream just now is all about the history of the galaxy universe that I just watched. The part about the galaxy war is very clear, because the information purchased is more detailed. But the part about the Seven Star Sword and the seven legendary heroes is very vague, so the dream is also very vague, but I didn't see the content of the Seven Swordsman dealing with the dark creature, not to mention that the dream also told the Starry Night Seven Swordsman cause of disappearance.

It is not so much a dream as it is a search for related content from the long river of time based on keywords. And of course...the last sentence, the executioner and defender of the universe.

If the big universe has its own rules or laws, the executioners rely on violent killings to enforce the laws and regulations of the big universe, and let all civilizations know that this is the red line of the big universe law, as long as they touch it, they will die, so that all civilizations dare not touch.

Xingye stood up, walked to one side of the wall, and pressed a button. With the slight sound of mechanical rotation, it slid along the densely stitched alloy wall to both sides, revealing a glass window about one meter square. From here, one can clearly see the bright stars in the dark universe void outside.

Looking at the galaxies from a distance is very beautiful and peaceful. Only when you are very close can you see the large and small wars that broke out in each of the galaxies. Some are cosmic wars spreading across several star systems, and some are fighting each other with primitive weapons on the parent star.

The birth of life is also the time of fighting each other. This has started from single-celled organisms, the law of the jungle, the dark forest... Such concepts have penetrated into the genes of every life. Without the constraints of morality and law, the tyrannical factors hidden in the genes will turn good people into villains.

"The executioner?" Xingye stretched out his hand to caress the cold ship window, looking out of the ship window, his golden pupils reflected a comet piercing through the void of the universe. Exuding bright light and dragging its long tail, it is as conspicuous as a shooting star in the vast night sky. This comet can be clearly seen even at a long distance. It completely shows itself to all Galaxy Hunters. exist.

"Sure enough...appeared!" Xingye murmured in a low voice, his eyes moved slowly following the movement of the comet.

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