Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1124 Galaxy Guard

Jie La said flatteringly and cabled in his tone: Lord Lugiel, why don't you ignore me, I am your loyal subordinate, you have to find a way at the headquarters to transfer the hunting dog Xi Keer away, as long as Just transfer him away, and you won't have to worry about the rest.

The other party said a few words, and this Jiela said very respectfully: Thank you, Lord Lugiel, I will never forget your great kindness, thank you.

But when he hung up the phone, Jie La's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and with his right hand, he squeezed the communicator in his hand into a pile of pieces, and said with gritted teeth: Damn guy, I'm working hard for you! , You actually want to leave me alone, hateful, hateful, hateful! Jie La yelled as he crazily smashed everything in the room, venting his anger in his heart.

Since you're so angry, why don't you tell me what's bothering you. A slightly lazy voice rang in Jiela's ear, causing Jiela to stop suddenly, and immediately turned around. The laser gun on his waist was drawn out.

Before he could put his finger on the trigger, there was a swoosh! A beam of light flew from the side and precisely hit the translucent laser gun in his hand, hitting it into the corner, and then a bright silver beam The light rope flew over, and quickly wrapped around Jie La's body, tying him tightly and collapsing him to the ground.

Only at this time did Jiela see that there were four more people in the room. Xingye walked in front of him, knelt down on the ground with his right knee, and looked down at Jiela who was bound by light ropes: It seems that this is not suitable for questioning. Let's change places.

Speaking of Xingye, he picked up the light cable and nodded at the three of them. Together, the four of them turned into streamers and quickly rushed out of the spaceship and flew towards the periphery of the battlefield without any disguise. Four very conspicuous streamers rushed out of the battlefield all the way, immediately attracting the attention of both parties involved in the battle.

The Galaxy Guard has a very conspicuous flagship. In the command room of over a thousand square meters, rows of computers are neatly arranged. The surrounding walls are all conspicuous large screens. The complicated information on the battlefield is displayed here. processing, and then convey the order to each spaceship.

And standing on the captain's platform at the highest point of the room is a Mephilas star wearing a golden armored stomach. There is a shallow scar on his resolute face, and behind him is a weapon named Mephilas Death. Seitz's huge scythe shone with a deep light, as if it wanted to suck the soul of a person into it.

Under his strong aura, the surrounding uniformed galaxy guards all lowered their heads, sat in front of the computer, kept typing on the keyboard, trying to put on an appearance of 'I'm working hard', even the atmosphere I dare not breathe for fear of offending my grumpy boss.

I found a figure suspected to be Zela. Suddenly, a cosmic being about two meters tall stood up and shouted with great joy: It is flying towards the outside of the battlefield at a speed of... Mach 120,000?!

The screen immediately appeared on the big screen directly in front of the captain's platform. Gold, silver, blue, and red rays of light quickly shuttled among the flames and battleships in the sky. The screen began to expand, and one could faintly see the The figure of the Naker star.

The captain snorted coldly, and said with a trace of contempt: Sure enough, I came to save him. At least I didn't make me wait in vain. Well, stop acting and kill this group of miscellaneous soldiers.

The adjutant asked cautiously: What about Jiela? It will take fifteen minutes to wipe out this group of miscellaneous soldiers, and Jiela might be about to run away.

Hmph, I'll go after them myself. The Mephilas star showed a sinister smile on his face: I want to treat them, jailbreak hunters, well.

Yes! The adjutant immediately gave the order, watching the departing captain hurriedly perform the duties of the captain, and gave the order in an orderly manner. The originally stalemate balance on the battlefield was broken in an instant. The Galaxy Guards changed from a sick cat to a fierce tiger. They swiftly divided and surrounded the group of miscellaneous soldiers. Only a wave of attacks wiped out the rest of the miscellaneous soldiers by five points. One, it is only a matter of time before the rest are wiped out.

After the four streamers rushed out of the battlefield, they immediately flew towards the nearby galaxy, and flew into the Coboy Meteorite Field surrounding this star system at super fast speed, looking for a very inconspicuous asteroid that landed down.

Crack! Xingye dropped the tied-up Jiela on the ground, and then asked softly, Okay, now we can have a good talk, tell me, what's the matter with the monster doll? That Lugiel What's going on again?

Cut, Jie La curled her lips in disdain, and said with a hint of sneer: Back then, Hound's torture didn't make me speak out about the manufacturing method of modifying Kanai's instrument. Good at interrogation? Maybe next time you meet him, talk to him.

The Hound?! You mean the Guardians of the Galaxy?

Oh, it came from the outer universe. Jie La wriggled a few times to find a suitable posture for herself to lie down, and said very easily: You will know soon, I hope you can get under his death scythe. survive.

Okay, it seems that we can't have a good conversation. Xingye shrugged and glanced at the starry sky, then casually stretched out his right hand, and the tip of his index finger released an electric light that instantly hit Jiela's body.

Hmm! Jiela's eyeballs were protruding, and his muscles were wriggling like bugs. The lightning bolt made him feel like his soul was going to be smashed into pieces.

After more than ten seconds, Jiela's straight body was relaxed because of the tense muscles, sweat was pouring down from his body, and he gasped heavily.

Jie La panted heavily, and said intermittently: You and the hunting dog...must have a lot in common!

Xingye leaned on the rock beside him and said softly: Can we talk about the monster doll and Lukiel now? No, let's continue, anyway, I have plenty of time.

It's a pity, this is the only thing I can't say, why don't I tell you how to modify Kanai's balance, Jie La said with a smile: Although it can only last for five hours, it is enough for you to buy a lot of things gone.

Why don't you tell me about it. A gloomy voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, and the four of Xingye immediately turned their heads to look in the direction from which the voice came from, only to see a pale golden streamer rushing towards this direction. Come over, and then landed less than 100 meters away from the Xingye side, a figure more than two meters tall wearing a golden armor stomach walked over step by step, and the armor made a crisp metal impact sound when walking.

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