Chapter 1158 Game (3)

When the starry night was busy, Dyna and Gaia were also close to their destination. This time, the number of spaceships in the enemy patrol team was nearly three times larger than before. Absolutely elite unit, recovering from the chaos in such a short period of time and readjusting deployment.

"Come on!" Dyna and Gaia exchanged punches, flew to the two sides separately, and rushed to the two patrols closest to them at super fast speed.

Gaia swirled her arms and gathered strong energy in her palms, condensing into a blue light ball. Then Gaia pushed hard, and the light ball named liquidator flew out immediately. The strong energy carried on it When it collided with the shell of a spaceship, the steel shell melted immediately, and a large hole with a diameter of more than 100 meters was opened on the other side. The speed of the ball of light didn't slow down at all, and it rushed into the front of the spaceship behind again, and then penetrated it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Behind the blue ball of light was a series of spaceships that exploded one after another. The ship's patrol was wiped out. Even before the thousands of spaceships could react to what happened, they were completely wiped out.

And the flames that exploded one after another immediately alarmed the already jittery fleet, and a large number of fleets immediately sailed towards Gaia. Along the way, spaceships flew out of the large force, moving towards Gaia's wings. Prepare to encircle.

And at this moment, a blue-purple and silver-white figure was Ultraman Dyna hiding on the side. Dyna raised his arms and began to gather the energy in his body. The powerful energy came together, and then launched A huge miraculous lightning attack, like a long rainbow, keeps the universe empty.

'boom! boom! boom! 'The spaceships at the tail of the fleet exploded one after another, and the explosions continued to spread towards the front. The chaos at the rear caused the fleet to lose order at once. Some turned around and turned to the back, and some moved forward Surrounding Gaia in front, even the commander didn't figure out what happened to make the chaos even more intense.

"Ha!" Seeing this situation, Gaia immediately turned around, raised her arms and separated them back and forth, endless red and blue light gathered, and then Gaia put her palms together and slid up and down, creating a beam of ten feet wide. Many meters of light are emitted.

Spaceships touched the shining photon streamlines, and were immediately blasted by the violent energy contained in them.

Seen from a distance, two rays of light with different brilliance pinched the fleet of tens of thousands of spaceships one after the other, and the spaceships exploded loudly in the light. In the endless explosion flames, Gaia and Gauss flew forward quickly, dodging the attacks around them and continuously emitting the strongest light, which turned the fleet upside down, and even broke it into an army.

Gaia spun and flew in the cosmic void, dodging one after another of the incoming main cannon beams, allowing one after another of less powerful lasers to hit her body. Then he opened his arms and put his left fist on the joints of his right wrist to clasp his arms together. His right wrist showed an L-shape and emitted a golden-red quantum streamline, which broke through more than ten beams of the main cannon, and then bombarded a ship with a size of more than a thousand. On top of the meter-long spaceship, the spaceship directly penetrated through and even penetrated more than a dozen spaceships.

But Dyna is even simpler, with the gathered energy lingering all over his body, with the help of super high speed, it directly turns into a streamer, crashing into the large fleet in front. Spaceships blocked on the road were directly smashed through, and the powerful kinetic energy of the impact directly tore the spaceship into several sections, turning it into a pile of parts scattered in the void of space.

And the enemy fleet was not idle either. While Dyna and Gaia were entangled by this fleet of 20,000 spaceships, they mobilized more than 200,000 spaceships to move around the periphery, preparing to send the two Altman surrounded.

"Gaia, let's go!" Dyna turned a corner and flew forward. At the same time, he raised his hands, condensed strong energy, and fired two miraculous beam cuttings, cutting all the spaceships blocking the way into pieces. A gap was directly cut out of the encircling circle that had not yet been closed.

"Yeah!" Gaia flew forward quickly, and at the same time raised her right hand, strong energy immediately gathered above her head, glowing with blue energy light, and the endless energy condensed into a long beam of light above Gaia's head , with the wave of Gaia's right hand, the photon blade flew out and blew up hundreds of spaceships along the way to pieces, further expanding the encirclement.

'Whoosh! Whoosh! ’ The two Ultramans quickly rushed out of the encirclement and directly changed into the form of photons, flew out of the fleet’s field of vision and radar detection range at super-light speed, and disappeared again.

"Boom!" The commander of the fleet has already started smashing things. It can be said that it was because he was unprepared for the first time, but this time he was already prepared and was still escaped by these attackers. This shows that this is his own defense. Really big problem.

Lugiel in the headquarters of the Galaxy Union also received the report from his subordinates. Looking at the two attack videos played on the screen, Lugiel's expression darkened suddenly. The two attacks were caused by Ultraman, and he recognized the four Ultraman at a glance as the ones who took away the Betelman sword last time.

"It's him." The Leyblad star looked at the fast-moving blue figure on the screen with full hatred. It was because of this guy that he failed to complete the battle of Leonix, and thus obtained a new physical body to carry out the battle. Resurrection, otherwise the universe would have been his.

"Have you come yet?" Zaki immediately stood up straight, looked at the blue figure on the screen, and said secretly in his heart: "These two guys are already strong enough, why not take this opportunity to capture the light, otherwise If you don't, you have no chance."

"Are you going to harass my fleet and wait for an opportunity to rush in?" Lukiel sneered, raised his left arm and stretched out his left hand towards the wall beside him, 'Crack, click! The sound of mechanical gears turning, the wall immediately opened a huge gap, and gradually expanded, revealing a shelf hidden in the wall, which was filled with various monster figures and Ultraman puppet.

"Crash!" All the spark dolls flew up, and they all entered Lugiel's pockets, Lugiel raised his head and said proudly: "These are all high-quality spark dolls, only I can activate them. It is my invention that can automatically absorb the dark energy in the universe and can be used repeatedly." Especially when it came to the end, Lugiel's tone was even more emphatic.

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