Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2074 Chase

Shibuya Yiche, who was on patrol, heard the noise from the crowd behind him, and he couldn't help turning his head away. He heard words like 'eat the king's meal, bump into people' from the crowd, and Shibuya Yito Che walked back immediately, and at the same time pressed his right hand on the pistol issued by the VTL team hanging on his waist. Through the crowded crowd, he saw two young men running rampant in the crowd as if chased by wolves. With the addition of the words 'Overlord's Meal', it was easy for Shibuya to judge that these two guys were eating Overlord's Meal.

Shibuya Kazuru immediately shouted: Hey, you two, did you eat the overlord's meal, and you even apologized when you bumped into someone... Before Shibuya Kazuru finished his words, the two guys had already Running in front of him, the person who ran in front waved his hand, and pushed Shibuya Ichito aside, and hit the light pole all at once.

It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Shibuya Yiche grinned and rubbed the shoulder that hit the light pole, feeling like his bones were about to break.

Yumeno Naomi ran over in a hurry, quickly pulled Shibuya up, and asked repeatedly: Uncle, how is it? Are you okay, do you want to go to the hospital?

I'm fine, Shibuya Yitou stood up straight, rubbing his shoulders and said dissatisfiedly, It's really rude to have to catch these two guys. Going forward, Yumeno Naomi hurriedly followed, and the other two from SSP looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

The two cosmic beings turned their heads to look backward from time to time while running. The two guys staring at them had disappeared from the bustling crowd. When the human beings were filled with righteous indignation and were even ready to punch them, the two immediately turned and ran into the narrow alley, and disappeared into the complicated alley in the maze in two or three strokes, making the people they hit had to give up. Instead of chasing and beating, after a few curses, you can only admit that you are unlucky.

The high-rise buildings on both sides block the sun, making the criss-cross alleys look very dark, and the sewer pipes and sewer pits, as well as the piled up garbage, make these alleys look dirty , and even some places exude a pungent smell.

The two cosmic beings stopped after running for a while, looked around vigilantly and found that no one was chasing them, and then they were relieved. The Sapenter star said happily: Fortunately, I ran away. Those two guys are Ultraman, and there are more Ultraman hidden on this planet, so it's not good...

Before the two of them finished speaking, they heard a crisp voice: It's the two of you, tell me, why are you pretending to be humans and wandering around the earth?

The sound was not loud, but it was extremely loud in the quiet alley, causing the Sapenter and Kugalaji star to turn their heads immediately, and saw the intersection of the alley more than ten meters away on the left, the starry night He was walking towards them step by step, with a smile on his face, but the faces of the Sapenter and Kugalaji changed drastically.

The Sapenter and Kugalaji raised their hands in unison, and the Sapenter immediately had a silver-white laser gun in his hand, but from the corner of his eye, he saw that the Kugalaj was holding a A greasy chicken leg made Sapenter's face twitch a few times, he raised his hand to give him a shudder, and shouted angrily: You idiot, what are you doing?

Oh! Oh! The Kugalaji star hurriedly threw the chicken leg, pulled out a silver and black laser gun and pointed it at the empty-handed starry night.

A melodious sound of a harmonica sounded behind the two cosmic beings, startling them both. The Kugalaji star turned around in a hurry, pointing the laser gun in his hand to the back, and saw Hongkai playing the harmonica for a step. He walked over step by step, raised his head and said to the two cosmic beings, It's not fair to fight two against one, I'll be your opponent too.

The Sapenter and Kugalaji stood back to back, each holding their laser guns at Xingye and Hongkai, obviously the other party didn't have a weapon and they had weapons, but the Sapenter and Kugalaji But extremely nervous.

'call out! call out! '

The two cosmonauts fired at almost the same time, and two red laser beams cut through the alley and directly hit Xingye and Hongkai. Xingye tilted his body slightly to the left, and easily dodged the tiny laser. Let this laser hit the wall behind Xingye, a burst of flames exploded, and the bricks and stones splashed all around, making a crackling sound! ’ sound, the flames dissipated, and a hole the size of a washbasin appeared on the wall.

But Hong Kai was even more violent, and directly slapped him with a wave of his palm, breaking up the laser attacking him, and then rushed forward. The Kugalaji star repeatedly pulled the trigger and fired lasers one after another in an attempt to stop Hongkai's forward movement, but before the lasers he fired hit Hongkai's body, Hongkai scattered them with his hands. The Kugalaji star only had time to fire five laser beams, and Hongkai had already rushed in front of him, grabbed the Kugalaji starman's right wrist with his left hand, and at the same time pressed his right hand on the Kugalaji starman's shoulder , pushing the Kugalaji star back and forth, until it hit the rough wall.

Xingye's slightly tilted body straightened, and at the same time, he raised his right arm and held the shock wave launcher in his palm. He shot at the Sapenter star. A beam of light rushed out and bombarded the laser gun in the Sapenter star's hand, directly firing the laser gun. It flew out, rolled in the air and fell to the ground a few meters away, bounced twice and stopped moving.

The Sapenter was startled and rushed to run, but just as he raised his legs, a dazzling beam of light passed by his face, bombarding the wall, blasting a big hole in the brick wall, and countless gravel splashed From then on, most of them were hit on the Sapenter star's body and face, and the black suit worn by the Sapenter star was scratched, and there were several more lines on the Sapenter star's face. The wound, exposing the unsightly biological cuticle inside.

Don't move, otherwise I won't guarantee where the next shot will hit you. Xingye said and walked towards the Sapenter star step by step, holding the longing barren launcher steadily in his right hand and pointing at the Sapenter star to threaten with him.

There were chaotic footsteps at the entrance of the alley, and Shibukawa ran over panting, and then backed away, seeing Xingye and Hongkai, walking over step by step, bowing their waists and gasping for breath: You... .How did you two run so fast...

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