Chapter 2304 Brilliant Reappearance

If you look at it from the side, Sai Luo has been completely buried by the light of Pedanium, and it is impossible to see through the light of Pedanium to see what is going on with Siro inside, but if you look at it from above, you can see it. The light of Pedanium is like a river, mercilessly colliding with the light shield built by Sai Luo, and then separated by the light shield like a half hexagonal prism, and shunted towards the two sides.

"It's not over yet!" Sai Luo shouted loudly, the colorful timer on his chest glowed with a dazzling blue light, covering Sai Luo in an instant, and then turned into a blue beam of light flying towards the sky Go, and condense Ultraman Zero, whose body has mostly turned blue, two or three hundred meters above the ground.

The whole body is covered with dazzling azure light, even the two ice axes above the head have turned azure blue, the soft blue light emanating from the whole body is as gorgeous as the vast ocean, Sai Luo flying high in the sky does not Hesitatingly raised his right hand, put his index finger and middle finger together in front of his forehead, a super strong thought came out through his body, and the two ice axes above his head immediately flew up, their tails were closed and turned quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the two ice axes were turned from one to the other. The ice ax turned into eight gorgeous ice axes with blue borders, spread out and whizzed straight at King Galatron.

The sudden appearance of eight ice axes made King Galatron immediately raise his left arm, swinging the double-edged ax and colliding with the attacking ice axes, and at the same time, Pedanim on King Galatron's right arm fired However, the launcher did not stop firing, but was directly lifted upwards, allowing the Pedanim light to move towards Zero who was suspended in mid-air.

'Ping! Ping! Ping! '

Ice axes were hit by King Galatron's double-edged ax one by one, and they were swept aside like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves. Even though there were eight ice axes attacking at the same time, they were still hit by King Galatron's double-edged ax one after another. Sweep.

Only two ice axes broke through the defense of King Galatron's double-edged axe, and hit King Galatron's chest, causing two slight sparks to explode. The scattered ice axes hit by King Galatron did not hit the ground. Sai Luo swung his right hand erected in front of his forehead, and the eight ice axes immediately flew back as if they had been ordered, and struck at the Pedanim light. Before hitting Sai Luo, he returned to Sai Luo's side first.

The eight ice axes with different trajectories flew in front of Sai Luo in unison, then quickly turned their heads, their tails touched each other, and spun rapidly like a windmill, uttering 'hoo! call! ’ whistle.

The speed of rotation was so fast that the phantom of the eight spinning axes turned into a shield, and the gaps between the axes could not be seen at all. Afterwards, the light of Pedanim whizzed over, and it was caused by the eight spinning axes. The gathered 'shields' collided together.

'boom! '

The shield formed by the whirling ice axes was first attacked by the Pedanim light, and immediately retreated twelve to three meters.

If it wasn't for the fact that Si Luo immediately stretched his right arm when he saw the situation was not good, he released five small emerald-colored light beams from his fingertips, and shot them at the spinning ice ax in unison.

With the support of Sai Luo's energy, the shield built by the eight ice axes shines brightly, and the retreating trend slows down rapidly, from the initial seven or eight meters per second to one meter per second. It was still Sai Luo who lost the wind.

All the attention of King Galatron and the rays of Pedanim were focused on the moon god Miracle Sero suspended in the sky. The area that was originally flooded by the rays of Pedanim, because of the retreat of the light of Pedanim , so that the situation inside was revealed, the barrier that resisted the light of Pedanim still existed, and it did not disappear because of the appearance of the moon god Miracle Sero.

After the light from Pedanim completely disappeared, the barrier of light disappeared, revealing the strong corona Sailo with a red body behind him. This Sailo strode forward immediately when the barrier of light disappeared. Intense flames lingered on the bent right arm, and the red energy light was clearly visible on the soles of the feet exposed when the legs ran alternately, and as Sai Luo ran, the energy gathered on the soles of the feet shone more and more.

The striding movement of the mighty Sun Crown Sero naturally alarmed King Galatron, who was attacking the Luna Miracle Sero, and he moved his head down and immediately saw Sai Luo who had already run halfway.

But it was clear that Sai Luo was struggling to resist the light of Pedanim in mid-air, so another Sai Luo appeared on the ground. This scene activated King Galatron's internal judgment program to find out which one was the entity.

It's too late to say it, and the time for King Galatron's judgment program is very short from start to judgment, but such a pause is enough time for Sai Luo to rush to the front of King Galatron, and the energy gathered on the soles of his feet It exploded in an instant.

A powerful shock wave erupted, blasting a huge crater in the ground under Sai Luo's feet, but Sai Luo's body did not fall, and the impact force made Sai Luo move towards Gala at a super fast speed. King Tron rushed forward and punched King Galatron's chest in the middle of his chest. His fist was hitting the crimson spherical gemstone.

'boom! '

The Garnet explosion spewed forward immediately, and the almost zero-distance explosion pushed King Galatron back 20 to 30 meters. His feet slid on the ground and made two deep Gully comes.

The crimson spherical gemstone that faced the impact of the explosion was immediately blown into pieces, and the raging flames poured into King Galatron's interior from the gap. The temperature of the flames was so high that the armor in the center of the explosion melted. sign.

Suffering such a heavy blow, the Pedanium light emitted by King Galatron was also interrupted. Seeing this, the moon god Miracle Sailo, who was suspended in mid-air, immediately waved his right arm forward, and pointed his index and middle fingers together. King Galatron diagonally below.

Immediately, the eight ice axes rushed towards the King Galatron below in the direction that Sai Luo's right hand was pointing at, and then Sai Luo's arms naturally hung down, and a strong azure light glowed from his body, completely enveloping Sai Luo, following At the end of the ice axe, it rushed straight to King Galatron like an arrow leaving the string.

Here, the impact of Garnett's explosion pushed King Galatron back, and the force of the recoil also made Sailo fly backwards, taking seven or eight steps backwards before releasing the force of the impact.

Sai Luo stood firm, shook his numb right arm, clenched his five fingers into a fist, raised his eyes and glanced at the top, eight ice axes passed over his head in a row, followed by the one who was exuding blood all over his body. Celo, the Miracle of the Luna of Azure Light...

Even though the second Sero caught King Galatron by surprise, he still reacted quickly. He raised his double-edged ax with his left arm and swung it at the flying ice axe. Knock out.

The moon god Miracle Sai Luo, who was following closely behind, had his left arm bent at his waist, and his right arm was stretched forward. Endless blue energy gathered on his palm, and the dazzling light was like a blue moon, shining on the ground. The light emitted by the raging flames was suppressed.

After the seventh ice ax was knocked away by King Galatron's double-edged axe, the energy gathered in the right palm of the Luna Miracle Sailo turned into a strong shock wave—Libolum shattered, followed closely by the eighth ice axe. Behind the ice axe.

King Galatron swung his double-edged ax diagonally upwards from left to right and knocked the eighth ice ax away. The inertia made the double-edged ax continue to move upwards, opening the empty door of King Galatron wide at this moment. , Libolum who followed closely behind shattered and the double-edged ax that was moving upward staggered, and ruthlessly collided with the colorful luminous body on King Galatron's left chest.

'Chi Chi! Amidst a series of extremely hard-to-hear friction sounds, the highly condensed Libolum shattered and punched a big hole in the colorful luminous body in King Galatron's left chest, and then exploded inside, blowing the This luminous body exploded to pieces.

The turbulent flames and fragments spewed out from the chest of King Galatron as a luminous body, and sprayed forward for a distance of fifty or sixty meters, pushing King Galatron's body like a jet. More than ten degrees.

The miracle of the moon god, Sai Luo, also stopped rushing forward, and his body changed from the dive state back to the state suspended in the sky perpendicular to the ground. The eight ice axes then flew back, collided with each other and merged into two, and then landed precisely. On top of Sai Luo's head.

And the powerful Corona Sailo on the ground has also stopped, standing directly under the Luna Miracle Sailuo.

Except for the color of their bodies, the two Ultramans who were exactly the same were more than 270 meters apart. Although the color timers on their chests were all flashing red, they did not launch a chase against King Galatron. After stopping, the four eyes exuding dark golden light all stared at King Galatron on the opposite side.

However, King Galatron didn't care why the two identical Ultramans stopped. The two Ultramans attacked together just now, which made him judge that the two Ultramans were all real and there were no phantoms. .

After the internal judgment program got the result, King Galatron immediately launched an attack. The Pedanim launcher on his right arm was aimed at the powerful Corona Cyro on the ground, and the luminous body on the right side of his chest was aimed at The Luna Miracle Sero suspended in mid-air.

'call out! '

'call out! '

Two rays of light and different diameters, the Pedanim light and the Pedan ion light, were launched from King Galatron at the same time, staggered at an angle of thirty degrees, and rushed towards the Luna Miracle Zero and the Strong Corona Race at the same time. Ro.

The two Sai Luos who were more than 200 meters apart clenched their fists at the same time, and then one looked up and the other looked down. Then the two Sai Luos moved at the same time, but they did not rush towards King Galatron, but It is rushing towards the other side.

And King Galatron's Pedanim light and Pedan ion light also followed the movement of the two Sailos and moved closer to the middle, looking like scissors cutting something, and what was cut was Luna Miracle Sero and Strong Sun Crown Sero.

It was too late and then too fast, Luna Miracle Cerro and Strong Corona Cerro collided in an instant, and then the Pedanim light and Pedan ion light bombarded Luna Miracle Cerro and the powerful Corona Cerro. The turbulent light on the body of the strong Corona Sai Luo drowned the two identical Ultramans at once.

However, if you look at it from the side at a distance, you can clearly see that the Pedanium light and Pedan ion light that originally collided together are separated again at the point of collision, but before The highly condensed rays of light had already dispersed when they separated again. One was like a high-pressure water gun, while the other was like heavy rain, without the previous impact at all.

In the center of the collision point is an Ultraman that can be seen from a long distance. Yes, there is only one Ultraman that is neither red nor blue. The body is based on gold and silver, with eyes and forehead. The beam light on the head has also been converted into blue, and the colorful timer that was constantly flashing red light before has now become a pentagonal diamond-like radiant energy core, and the surrounding golden lines have been extended to the shoulders.

"Glory...Siro!" Brilliant Sailo murmured softly, stretched his right hand forward and released a barrier shining with golden light, blocking the Pedanim light and Pedan ion light, no matter what Enhanced output cannot be pushed any further.

Brilliant Sailuo raised his left hand, caressed the left side of the ice ax above his head, and then swung forward vigorously. Two golden ice axes immediately shot up into the sky, and as Guanghui Sailuo's left finger pointed, they flew across the Breaking through the Radiance Zero barrier, collided with the Pedanim light and the Pedan ion light.

'laugh! laugh! laugh! '

The impact of the two Brilliant Sero Ice Axes and the two rays made harsh friction sounds, and the whirling ice ax rushed forward quickly, splitting the two rays from the middle, turning from highly condensed rays into Without the dispersed energy, there is no longer the previous super impact and powerful destructiveness.

However, Brilliant Sailo didn't rush forward. After converting into Brilliant Sailuo, he did possess super strength, but the remaining energy was also doubled, and he was no longer allowed to hesitate for a moment.

Brilliant Sailo stretched his left arm towards the left, while his right arm was bent at his waist. The pentagonal diamond-like radiant energy core on his chest shone with dazzling brilliance. The light is covered up.

"Brilliant Sailo Concentrated Rays!" Brilliant Sairo's left arm suddenly looped back, clasping it on the elbow of his upright right arm, and the gathered energy gushed out without hesitation, turning into a radiance shining with silvery brilliance The Xero cluster beam roared and hit King Galatron in front of him, rushing forward, and bombarded King Galatron's chest in an instant.

The powerful impact contained in the Brilliant Sero beam beam made King Galatron retreat unstoppably. Every step his heavy body took made a deep footprint on the ground under his feet. His chest was facing The place where the Brilliant Zero cluster rays impacted continuously burst out brilliant sparks like fireworks.

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