Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2332 Starry Night Returns

How can you be sure that what you see is real? Sometimes your eyes can be deceiving, because most of the time what you see is an illusion. A plain voice came from outside the house to the ears of the six people in the house, Ihe Li Ren and Toba Laiye were taken aback for a moment, and then ecstasy appeared on their faces.

But the three of AIB couldn't help but frowned slightly, and the voice of the on-site commander, who was only two to three hundred meters away, came from the headset: No one was found approaching this house.

However, Inoue Muraki clearly saw a young man who was about eighteen or nineteen years old coming in from outside the house, which made him feel sad in his heart: No one is approaching. Could it be that what I saw is a ghost?

Xing... Iga Li was very pleasantly surprised and just wanted to call Xingye's name, but he hurriedly shut his mouth after saying a word, so as not to accidentally leak important information like just now, and be given to the real by these guys. Hammered.

Xingye stood at the door, looking at the AIB trio sitting on the sofa, their glasses transmitted Xingye's appearance to the rear, and then was transmitted to the AIB headquarters by satellite, and received a mysterious figure who suddenly appeared in the surrounded house image, all the technicians immediately got busy, activated the face recognition system, and began to compare it with the photos in the global database.

Xingye smiled at the three AIB guys, then walked over, sat on the opposite side of these three people, leaned on the sofa and stared at the AIB trio opposite, and said: You people who are ambushing outside , Can you see how I got in? There are so many people who can't see people coming in, so it can be seen that what you saw with your own eyes is not reliable.

Inoue Muraki didn't answer the call for the first time, without the slightest hesitation, he immediately pulled the transparent headset cable and said, Have you found the reason?

A group of people in charge of technical support repeatedly watched the images taken by the peripheral troops, but they couldn't find out how the boy got in after watching N times. When the boy's voice came from Inoue Muraki's headset, their The camera and other shooting equipment set up by the peripheral troops captured the young man's figure, which appeared completely suddenly.

Afterwards, the face recognition system also got results, but no picture with a matching degree of more than 60 was found. The AIB branches of various countries are requesting the support of governments of various countries to open up deep databases for searching, but everyone knows that this is completely useless. Just judging from the sudden appearance of the other party, it is undoubtedly an extraterrestrial life.

As if Xingye hadn’t heard the news from Inoue Muraki, he continued: “Human eyes must capture the reflected visible light and form images on the retina before they can be seen by you. And the various photographs you make The instrument is also manufactured according to this principle, and this process is so maneuverable, you have also caught two cosmic beings disguised as humans, and many cosmic beings have the ability to simulate other life.

So, the authenticity of this so-called image of Ultraman releasing the monster has to be verified carefully. Not to mention anything else, have you thought about the reason why Ultraman did this? Xingye said on his face. Looking at the AIB trio with a playful smile, he folded his arms in front of him and said unhurriedly: Whether it is humans or monsters, you are not able to deal with them. When you humans deal with ants, you will first Do you want to perform a drama about the brave man fighting the anteater to gain the trust of the ants, and then go to destroy the ants? Think about who is the biggest winner if humans and Ultraman turn against each other, and you will come to a conclusion.

Inoue Muraki did not speak, and tilted his head slightly to listen to the instructions from the headset. He was not fighting alone. Behind him stood the entire human race. AIB convened many psychologists, sociologists, and negotiation experts. To assist this dialogue, many experts are now urgently discussing how to proceed with the next dialogue.

Since the young man came in, he has turned the situation around in a few sentences, taking the initiative of the dialogue in his hands. Even though the AIB people are very upset, it doesn't help. They know too little about these people , but this young man knows the human beings like the back of his hand, and immediately hit the biggest weakness of the intelligence held by the AIB: Humans dare not and cannot turn against Ultraman, otherwise, who will fight the monsters?

Inoue Muraki nodded almost inconspicuously, and then said: It seems that you are Ultraman Nexus. On behalf of mankind, I would like to express my gratitude and respect to you. I am not here this time to ask questions. , but feel that there is no communication bridge between humans and Ultraman, it will be very inconvenient, and it will easily lead to various misunderstandings, so we think that a communication channel should be established, so that it will be beneficial to both humans and Ultraman. It is beneficial. Although human beings are indeed inferior to your Ultraman in terms of combat power, we also have things we can do, after all...

Xingye suddenly interrupted Murakami Muraki's words, and said softly: Because this is a human planet, it must be guarded by human hands. After all, Ultraman cannot stay on the earth forever, and he will leave sooner or later.

Xingye's words made Inoue Muraki's eyes widen suddenly, and his pupils also narrowed because of surprise, not only him, but everyone who was watching this live broadcast was like this, Ultraman will leave this planet, this Let a thought emerge in many people's minds'If Ultraman leaves, what should the monster do? '.

Xingye continued without waiting for them to digest the news: Compared to the code name of Nexus Ultraman, I prefer you to call me Yuan Xingye. Our Ultraman has only one purpose of visiting this planet and that is to destroy The Beria who endangered the universe. That is, Beria who was defeated by Ultraman Zero 25 years ago and angrily blew up to trigger the Impak crisis. He has awakened and resumed his activities. Scargomora, the monster until now, all the monsters and robots were released by his subordinates hidden on the earth. As for the Asakura Riku you photographed, it should be another subordinate of him. I As I said before, many cosmic beings have the ability to simulate other beings, including Ultraman, such as Babar and Zarabu, so sometimes what they see is not real.

After Xingye finished speaking, he stood up, tilted his head slightly and said, Do you have any questions? If there is no problem, just withdraw the hundreds of special forces outside, as well as the rocket launchers farther away, and the There are fighter jets with nuclear warheads on the airfield to the northeast. Apart from destroying your city, these things can’t harm us, so keep working hard, developing some high-power and small-range destructive weapons is the right way to deal with monsters.”

Xingye's words made Iga Li's mouth wide open. It's so dangerous to cooperate with them. They were actually targeted by special forces, rocket launchers, and even nuclear bombs. This made Iga Li terrified. I'm afraid the weapon will hit their heads all at once, and then blow him into ashes, leaving no fragments behind.

However, Iga Li's fright was not comparable to that of AIB. Many people listened to Xingye's words in astonishment, but the other party reported exactly the power deployed by AIB nearby, and also had the exact location.

At this time, the seven or eight soldiers who were ambushing on the 30th floor of the tallest nearby building suddenly widened their eyes, as if they had forgotten their duties, and stared blankly at the huge ship that suddenly appeared in the air in front of the building. ice blue spaceship.

The spaceship is only a hundred meters away from the ground. At such a low height, these soldiers with good eyesight can clearly see the smooth metal plates and winding curves on the surface of the spaceship. The huge hull has a great visual impact. Many people couldn't help but hold their breath, watching the scene that they might not see in this lifetime.

And many people in the AIB headquarters said, Teng! ' Standing up suddenly, looking at the ice-blue spaceship floating in the sky on the screen with an ugly expression, it's okay for this boy to appear suddenly, but even such a spaceship can suddenly appear in the sky like a ghost. In the sky, and their various radars and detection instruments have not responded until now, as if the spaceship does not exist.

This means that as long as the other party is willing, this mysterious high-tech alien spacecraft can appear anywhere on the earth at will. If the other party wants to launch an attack in a densely populated area or a capital city, it is simply a matter of thought It's just time, and human beings have no power to fight back, not even countermeasures for defense.

Noben, the commander of the AIB, took a deep breath, then closed his eyes to calm his beating heart, and then issued an order: Order Onoda, cancel the scheduled plan, and withdraw all troops.

But... A staff officer was taken aback and wanted to say something. For this operation, they mobilized the most elite troops of the AIB, and even used nuclear weapons in a big way. Is it just an anticlimactic end? It's too hasty.

The other party is already showing us their strength. They not only have powerful power, but also have technology far surpassing ours. This spaceship is there, and our trump card nuclear weapon is simply not even thought of throwing at the opponent's head. Force Threats are out of the question, try to maintain a tacit understanding with the other party and establish a channel for dialogue, this is the only way for now.”

Noben's order went out immediately, and ten seconds after the order was issued, the Brickman who was on standby at the airport where the fighter jet carrying the nuclear weapon was in thick protective clothing immediately stepped forward and carefully removed the nuclear weapon from the belly of the aircraft. , then sealed and boxed, and transported to a room covered with lead plates for temporary storage.

On the rocket artillery position, the towering rocket artillery on the self-propelled rocket artillery vehicle was slowly lowered, then started the engine and left the position, and drove towards the camp. The troop returned to the station.

They have left the place, the alarm has been lifted! Xiao Zuo's voice sounded in Xingye's mind, and then the Helios above also disappeared again, and disappeared in front of everyone in AIB, as if it had never appeared over average.

Xingye smiled slightly at Inoue Muraki, and then said: I can promise to establish a communication channel. If you have something to do in the future, you can send people here, but you must make an appointment in advance, and don't come here in such a violent way like today. Communication. Well, if there is nothing else, you can leave, I just came back from the universe, I am already very tired and need to rest.

Inoue Muraki pressed the headset on his right ear, nodded, and then put away the computer and instruments on the table, then stood up, bowed to the starry night, and said politely: Today Excuse me, then we will say goodbye, as you said, we will obey.

Then the three of them turned around and walked towards the gate without hesitating. After walking out of the gate, they turned around and closed the door. The slight sound of the car engine starting from outside the gate gradually faded away. It was obvious that they had already left here.

Just leave? Iga Li still felt unreal. When the other party came, he started to be aggressive, showing pictures and videos one after another, and doing It became a PPT, which made Iga Li speechless and didn't know how to refute.

It's good now, within two minutes of Xingye's arrival, these guys have withdrawn without delay. This surprised Iga Li, and he was relieved in his heart. Sure enough, he couldn't cope with such a scene. But now that Starry Night is back, things won't get any worse, and things will definitely start to improve.

Peijia ran down the stairs in a hurry, and said anxiously: Xingye, something is wrong, Xiao Lu was taken away by Beria, and he hasn't come back for two days, and he hasn't contacted him yet. We, but three days ago, Jiede appeared in Xingshan City, but Laiye said that it was not Xiaolu...

Before Pegga finished speaking, Iga Liren also came over and said anxiously: There is also Sero, he was beaten and disappeared when he was fighting Beria, and then Ottesero The glasses have also become like this, I have called Sai Luo for a long time, but there is no response...

As he spoke, Iga Li took out the lime-gray Otesello glasses and handed them to Xingye, staring at Xingye with eyes full of hope, waiting for Xingye's answer.

Xingye held the petrified Otesello glasses in Iga Liren's hand, and couldn't help sighing: Sure enough, that guy Beria came to Earth. I didn't expect it to be a step too late. He left for so few days. So many things happened, really... Xingye couldn't help but shook his head speechlessly.

Toba Raiha heard the words and couldn't help asking: Did you leave the earth to find Beria? But he came to the earth, what's going on?

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