Ultraman Senki

Chapter 567 The Predator of Another Dimension

A group of people quickly walked out of this unmanned spaceship, looking back at the dilapidated spaceship lying on the desolate hill in the future, the scene at the beginning twitched in his mind, he was only a little bit, almost Then a little bit could save that life. If only my own speed was a little faster at the beginning, if it was a little faster, this kind of thing would not happen.

Thinking about it in the future, he couldn't help but clenched the stopped watch in his right hand, and secretly vowed in his heart that this kind of thing would never happen again.

What the hell is this monster? Zhennai's face was full of disgust, and her heart was still pounding, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

Ang! At this time, the same monster appeared again in front of him. From the outside, he could finally see the monster's appearance clearly. On top of it is a gray-black armor-like thing with sharp teeth on the edge, mysterious lines drawn on the body, and blood-like rays of light flowing on it.

Back! Long said as he turned his head and saw the same monster appearing on the road behind, blocking the six of them on this narrow mountain road. On the left was a cliff hundreds of meters deep, and on the right was a The steep mountain wall is also tens of meters high.

How did these guys appear? Zhe Ping was extremely astonished. There was only a narrow road, and there were no monsters when he just passed by. Why did monsters suddenly appear?

Is it a creature from another dimension? Xingye held up the shock wave launcher and pointed at the small Bogaru in front, blocking Mayumi behind. Just now he felt a very slight time-space fluctuation, and then this monster appeared on the road ahead.

Whoosh! Xingye suddenly pulled the trigger, and a bright beam of light rushed towards the small Bogaru in front of him.

The small Bogaru spit out a wave bomb and collided with the light beam, and it exploded immediately. The huge shock wave immediately collapsed the mountain road ahead, and the broken stones rolled down, raising puffs of smoke and dust.

No way. Zhe Ping looked at a mountain road with a width of three or four meters that had collapsed in despair. He looked at the nearby valley hundreds of meters deep and weighed his own body. He felt that he still wanted to be honest. Way to go down the mountain.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Long, Marinai, and Mirai kept pulling the Tulayga guns in their hands against the small Bogaru at the back, emitting beams of laser light, but they hit the silvery white scales on the small Bogaru's body. On the armor, there can only be bursts of sparks splashing, and it can't even stop the progress of the small Bogaru.

Damn it! Long hung down the Tulaiga gun in his hand and closed the second section of the muzzle. When he pulled the bolt, the magazine was converted into red bullets. Gun, pull the trigger to fire a red arrow-shaped laser beam.

With a sound of bang, the sharp arrow hit the small Bogaru immediately, sparking dazzling sparks on his body, the small Bogaru couldn't help but retreated more than ten meters, and his back directly hit the mountain wall behind him .

With a loud boom, the small Bogaru exploded immediately, and the violent explosion blasted a huge gap in the mountain wall behind him, and countless rubble fell down to bury the mountain road.

I'm really trapped here to death now. Zhe Ping said with a bitter face.

How is it possible? Long said, taking out the memory display device in his coat pocket: Captain, captain...captain.

He yelled several times in a row, but he could only hear a messy echo.

Damn it, I can't get in touch with the radio. Long waved his hand angrily, and put the memory display device back in his pocket.

Xingye raised his right arm and aimed at the small Bogaru on the other side of the broken mountain road. The small Bogaru roared angrily at Xingye a few times, and scanned the crowd with ferocious eyes, the space behind him suddenly split open. Filled with the crack of red distorted light, the small Bogaru took a few steps back.

Whoosh! The light beam rushed towards the small Bogaru who had already retreated into the different space, but the channel of the different space was quickly closed, making the light beam hit a void.

What should we do now? Zhe Ping squatted on the ground and began to study the more serious question of how to get down this tens of meters high mountain road.

Long looked back and forth, scratching his head irritably, the road ahead had been cut off, and walking here was the fastest way to reach the flat ground where the fighter plane was parked, there was no other way at all.

Look there, everyone. Marinai raised her hand and shouted in amazement, pointing to the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a hole glowing with blue light in the distance, which was slowly closing. According to the current trend, it was estimated that it would be completely closed in three to four minutes.

Then what? Xingye turned her head and asked.

We came through the monster cemetery through there. Once it is closed, we will never be able to return to Earth. Future said seriously.

Monster cemetery? Mayumi couldn't help but nodded as she looked at the monsters floating in the sky: It's really vivid.

The monster cemetery is 100,000 kilometers away from the earth. It is a distorted space that has been detected many times during the period when monsters frequently appeared. Even today's advanced science and technology have not solved this mystery. It is still unknown how this space was formed. Yes. Zheping on the side immediately explained to Mayumi with great interest after hearing the words: I don't know why there are so many monsters here. Many monsters here have never appeared on the earth.

Zhe Ping talked about it with great interest, and the future on one side couldn't help turning his head away, so that Zhe Ping wouldn't notice the embarrassment on his face.

A time when monsters appear frequently? What is it? Mayumi asked again like a curious baby.

Because various monsters frequently appeared on the earth during the period from 40 years ago to 25 years ago, so that period is called the period of frequent monsters, and from a month ago, the monster universe monster Tino The appearance of Zoru announced that the peace of the earth has ended, Zhe Ping continued, and in just one month, four monsters have appeared on the earth, which also proves that the earth has entered a period of frequent monsters again... .”

Zhe Ping, why did you tell them these things? By the way, you haven't said anything yet. How did you two come here? Long shouted at Zhe Ping and then turned his gaze to Xingye.

I'm afraid I can't tell you clearly in three or two sentences, because this is a very long, very long, very long story. Xingye emphasized: So compared to this, let's think about how to get down, otherwise the passage Closed, you can't go back, unless you want to stay on this predator planet.

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