Ultraman Senki

Chapter 828

Even the town's altitude of 100 meters to 10,000 meters has been searched back and forth several times by dozens of detection aircraft, and no light filters and other things that may affect the light were found. Everything confirms that this incident reveals the involvement of weird and supernatural forces.

Xingye sat in the command room of the Super Victory Team, reading the analysis results: There is no problem with the light, atmospheric humidity, and density. The environment on both sides of the dividing line is exactly the same. Natural conditions have been ruled out. It seems that there is a supernatural force. Intervene, otherwise the incident cannot be explained.”

It seems that it is indeed the work of aliens. Captain Xibi nodded, and then tapped his head in confusion: But why did the aliens steal the dusk? And they only stole the dusk from that small town. , this is really incomprehensible.”

Maybe it's to preserve the beauty of the town at dusk, Asuka who was sitting on the side said dully, I don't want this dusk to disappear.

How is it possible? Liang sneered endlessly: If you want to save the dusk, you can just record it with a camera. Why do you spend so much time writing a notice letter and stealing the dusk.

This must be the enemy's conspiracy, maybe stealing Dusk is for other purposes. Koda guessed with his chin in his hand.

Kariya thought for a long time before saying: But is there any use for the dusk other than appreciation? And even if it is useful, but just getting rid of the dusk of that small town... no matter how you think about it, it's unreasonable.

If you can think of it, you are the space monster. Xingye shrugged and stood up: Okay, I'm going back, let me know if there is anything.

Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, Dr. Xingye! Captain Xibi nodded slightly, watching Xingye leave the command room.

Da! Da! Xing Ye carried the documents and walked on the corridor of the base. The silent corridor echoed the sound of Xing Ye's footsteps. Xing Ye suddenly stopped and looked at the fat figure in front of him.

Quan Teng and his two subordinates stood on the other side of the corridor, separated by a hundred meters. Xingye paused for a moment and then walked forward again, so did Staff Quan Teng, and the distance between the two quickly shortened.

Xingye strode forward without looking sideways, as if he didn't see Staff Quan Teng, just when the two of them were about to pass each other, Staff Quan Teng said: Dr. It is necessary to be so hostile, everyone is the top of the TPC, and we should work together for the development of mankind.

Xingye stopped and stood on the same parallel line with Staff Quan Teng's back facing, and then said, Oh, so what do you want to do?

Human beings have always been attacked from the universe. Too many civilizations more developed than human beings are constantly trying to invade the earth. We humans have always been able to rely on Ultraman, the protector of human beings. Man's understanding is too little, and he can't even control when and where Ultraman appears.

Dr. Xingye, don't you often say? Uncontrollable weapons are unsafe weapons. The same Ultraman is a force that humans cannot control. In case we need Ultraman, but they don't show up. If Ultraman Terman can show up when and where he wants, so many people don't have to die.

Xingye quietly listened to Quan Teng's words before asking: What do you mean by saying so much?

Staff Officer Quan Teng smiled and said slowly: At the beginning, Masaki Keigo cooperated with the Space Development Bureau before the reorganization to implement Plan F, and they succeeded in turning human beings into light with just a little resources and scientific research capabilities. If The police department and the scientific research department will be able to successfully create a human Ultraman, so that the defense of the earth will be impeccable and no longer be afraid of alien invasion.

Ultramans belonging to humans, Xingye looked straight at the cold steel wall at the end of the corridor: Thirty million years ago, ultra-ancient humans had thousands of Ultramans belonging to humans, but in the end they were destroyed. It is these giants of light, the most powerful weapons of human beings, who have broken the foundation of the super ancient civilization order and society.

The things that happened 30 million years ago have been passed down to the present, so how much is the truth? Staff Officer Quan Teng laughed, Who knows whether it is true or not? These things are not worth believing at all, maybe they are Who deliberately spread it to hinder human research on light.

But Keigo Masaki lost control...

That's because their technology is so poor. Now humans have made great progress compared to ten years ago. With the technological power of TPC, we can definitely create an Ultraman who is completely obedient to humans. Quan Teng said firmly. : Would you rather watch human beings being killed by aliens? Only a strong force can guarantee the safety of human beings.

But power beyond the grasp of human beings will also destroy human beings in their own hands. The power of light is beyond the grasp of the current human beings. Xingye said and walked towards the other end of the corridor.

Staff Officer Quan Teng stood there, shook his head in disappointment, sneered and walked to the other end, without taking his hand out of his pocket from the beginning to the end.

Xingye didn't take this guy's words to heart. Staff Quan Teng's purpose was indeed to protect the earth and strengthen the earth's defenses, but Ultraman's power is not something humans can bear today. of resistance.

It is right for Staff Quan Teng to want to protect human beings, but it is wrong to strengthen human power at all costs. Sometimes this is the case when doing bad things with good intentions. Staff Quan Teng is too confident in the power of human science and technology. Now Humans are far from capable of mastering the power of light.

The bustling street at noon was very busy with people coming and going, although the TVs and newspapers all over the street were reporting the news of the mysterious disappearance in the town at dusk yesterday afternoon. However, all of this did not affect the lives of human beings, at most it added a little topic of discussion to human beings after dinner.

A man wearing the costumes of the last century is leaning on a cane, holding a lacquered red box in his left hand. The box is divided into three layers and each layer is inlaid with a gemstone. Pandora's cane is pointing to the ground and walking slowly on the sidewalk. , while walking and looking at the roadside scenery, as if looking for beautiful things. He didn't care how incompatible his attire was with the surrounding environment.

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