Ultraman Senki

Chapter 847: Secret Operation

Yes! It's too powerful. Captain Xibi's face was covered with a layer of gloom. He also participated in the general staff meeting a week ago. The news from that meeting has been fermented in the entire TPC. TPC bases outside the country have begun to install weapons on a large scale. I thought it was just some fighter jets and missiles, but I didn't expect that even a new space battleship was built here without making a sound.

Ah! Captain Xibi sighed deeply, and stopped thinking about these powerless things. Both the scientific research department and the police department of the TPC have expressed their opinions on vigorously developing force. Even the director can hardly reject this proposal, not to mention that he is only the captain of the super victorious team, and only has the right to make suggestions and votes.

Captain Xibi cheered up and put these thoughts behind him: Let's go, bring that disobedient idiot back, and then return to the base.


Captain, I obeyed the order to stop the monster, how can I disobey the order? On the radio, Asuka protested dissatisfied.

Who told you to fly to the front on your own? Captain Xibi roared loudly, When I get back to the base, I will teach you a lesson and let you know the consequences of disobedience on the battlefield.

What! Asuka muttered in dissatisfaction, but the daunting beam of light just now kept appearing in his heart, but he couldn't help thinking in his heart, could he block that attack?

Xingye and Mayumi's group have come to a continuous villa area. This area is built on a flat high-altitude hill. From here, you can easily see the sea in the distance, and the farther away hidden in the clouds. The TPC Scientific Research Department Marine General Base is faintly visible in it.

This is your home on Earth. Xingye pointed to a two-story villa and introduced to Dagu: The one on the left is where Mayumi and I live now.

Xiaoguang, the daughter of Dagu and Lina, runs around in the yard. She has never seen such endless green grass and blue sky since she was a child on Mars, let alone such a big house.

Drip! Drip! Just as everyone entered the room, the communicator on Xingye rang. Xingye picked it up and put the headset to his ear.

After listening to Xingye, he pondered for a while and said, Really? I know, don't worry about it, and finish the transformation of the Helios as soon as possible, that's all.

After seeing Xingye put away the communicator, Mayumi asked with concern: Is it a matter of work? It doesn't matter, we are here, so go get busy.

It's just a trivial matter, I don't need to deal with it. Xingye smiled, walked to the sofa and sat down, looked at everyone's questioning eyes and said, Just now a cosmic monster broke into the defense circle and was wiped out on the moon. .”

It seems that Ultraman Dyna has one more record. Xincheng smiled when he heard the words: It will soon catch up with you.

It's not Dyna, it's the space battleship of the Police Department—Prometheus. Xingye took out the tablet, tapped it a few times, and called up a model of the space battleship.

Xincheng, Hori, and Dagu came over and carefully looked at the schematic diagram of the battleship, comparing it with the Artdis that they had piloted before.

Same as the Helios, the warship is controlled by artificial intelligence programs and remote base operations without the use of a pilot, Xingye said mockingly, It is completely copied from the Helios, and the design drawings are similar. The police department is really going backwards.

It seems that we ace pilots will be less and less needed in the future. Lina was deeply moved.

I heard that you proposed to build a new space fleet at the staff meeting, Hori said hesitantly, I remember you are not such a radical person, why did you do that?

Xingye sighed, and told everyone about the Galactus and the Betrayer that he had heard from 'Xiaozao' and Pandora. As Xingye told, everyone's faces became more and more serious, and their eyes were full of embarrassment. confidence.

No way, is this... true? Xincheng and Horei's tone of surprise changed. One of them is a scientist and the other is an explorer. They are no strangers to the contact with cosmic civilization, but now they are told The Federation of Civilizations, which can gather tens of millions of fleets, must use this extreme method to preserve civilization, which is even more difficult for humans to resist.

Planet Galactus, I suspect it is an unknown life that can create black holes. I don't have more information now, so I can't judge the other party. But for the traitors, I can only use the fleet to deal with them. From now on, every minute and every second will be Precious, there is no delay in building the fleet. Xingye lay on the sofa and sighed.

Dagu and Lina looked at each other, feeling a little helpless. They wanted to have a happy gathering with everyone, but they didn't expect such a situation.

Okay, let's not talk about this, you can't help with the construction and transformation of the battleship, Mayumi came out to smooth things over: I have already discussed with Lina and Qianzuru, we are going shopping this afternoon, are you going? ?”


When the Victory Team gathered here, the Super Victory Team also received an order from their superiors, and all of them boarded the transport plane to a secret base of TPC to carry out a secret mission.

Liang glanced at the two soldiers with guns at the door of the cabin, and leaned over to Captain Xibi and asked, Captain, where are we going? Why do we all go? What if there are monsters at this time?

You'll know when you get there. Captain Xibi sat there, frowning and looking out at the endless sea outside through the glass window.

A huge island can already be seen in front of the plane. There are luxuriant trees growing on the continuous hills, and the lush greenery covers the whole island under the greenery. The steel antenna frame with camouflage pattern is hidden in the hills.

Hum! With the sound of the machine running, a 200-meter-long hill opened from the middle. The inside was actually made of hollow steel, and the surface was covered with a layer of rock-colored paint. The transport plane landed slowly. Inside, the entrance was closed and the original small hill was restored again.

The Super Victory Team walked into the depths of the base under the guidance of a staff officer, and the more they walked in, the more frightened everyone felt. There are already three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry. They are all heavily armed soldiers, and there are countless cameras and monitors.

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