Ultraman Senki

Chapter 870: Illusory Strange Bird

Buzz! Buzz! The ear-piercing siren sounded in the TPC base, waking up many people from their sleep. Asuka sat up in a daze, completely forgetting everything else, and hit the upper bunk with a 'bang'. On the bed, Asuka let out a cry of pain, the pain made him wake up all of a sudden, and rubbed his head with grinning teeth.

Bang! Nakajima, who had already put on the uniform of the Super Victory Team, jumped off the upper bunk and said to Asuka, Hurry up, Asuka. After speaking, he ran out quickly.

Asuka glanced at Hanojiro who was sleeping soundly next to him, and hurriedly took off his nightgown and put on the Super Victory uniform.

When Asuka finally got dressed and ran to the command room, he found that everyone was there, even the youngest Mai Luchuan was already sitting in front of the computer with a headset on, and began to process the data transmitted by the satellite.

Asuka, look at what you look like, Captain Xibi yelled at Asuka loudly, pointing to Asuka with his right index finger: Look at what you're wearing, do you still look like a member of the Super Victory Team? ? Quickly take it off for me.

Ah?! Asuka was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he forgot to take off his nightcap because he was flustered just now, and hurriedly lowered his head to take off the nightcap, but when he lowered his head, he found another problem, and hurried to Captain Xibi , pointed to the bottom with his right hand and reminded: Captain, below.

What? Alas?! Captain Xibi looked down, he was still wearing a pair of fluffy bunny slippers on his feet, which was embarrassing, Captain Xibi raised his head and saw everyone trying hard make yourself laugh. Captain Xibi coughed twice, pretended to be nonchalant, and turned to look at Luchuan Wu: Wu, what happened?

Wu turned his head to report: The crust of the East Asian continent has shaken, and the casualties are still unknown? The local TPC branch is doing disaster relief work, but it is suspicious that there have been explosions in power stations in many places, and The explosion point is still in a straight line, and it is suspected that something is flying eastward while destroying the power station.

Did the satellite find anything? Captain Xibi asked with a frown.

Wu shook her head: The satellite didn't find any abnormalities, so it notified our Super Victory Team, hoping that we can go to investigate.

En! Captain Xibi nodded and turned to look at the team members: Asuka, immediately drive the Alpha plane to the designated airspace for security patrol.

Yes! Asuka ran out in a hurry, took off from the base with the Alpha machine, and flew towards the west. After flying above the clouds, the sun on the horizon could already be seen, but the earth below was still shrouded in darkness. with.

Asuka flew all the way, but neither the radar nor the detector responded, which made Asuka very disappointed, and yawned a little sleepily: There is nothing at all, and now I can catch up on sleep when I go back, what an old man! It’s a sleep disturbance in the middle of the night.” Asuka was about to return to the voyage, but suddenly found a black cloud like a cumulonimbus cloud in front of him, which surprised Asuka so much that such a high place has not produced such a heavy cumulonimbus cloud. condition.

How come there are cumulonimbus clouds here? Asuka stopped turning and slowly approached the cumulonimbus cloud that exudes the four characters I'm weird.

Just as Asuka observed the cloud, the cloud shrank violently, and then rushed out of a huge gray body, rushing straight towards the Alpha machine.

Asuka's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the monster rushing towards him in disbelief, to be precise, he stared at the monster's head, because the face of the monster turned out to be a woman. Asuka pushed the joystick subconsciously, and quickly avoided the monster that was rushing towards him.

Asuka immediately pulled the joystick to turn the Alpha machine around, and saw the monster in its entirety. This monster was very similar to a human being, with a slender body and ten toes and fingers, except that it had a pair of crow-like flesh wings on its back. .

Command room, I'm Asuka, please answer. Asuka immediately contacted the command room, and Lu Chuanwu's clear echo came from the headset: This is the command room, what's the matter, Asuka?

I found a monster, and it's a monster with a beautiful head. Asuka reported loudly, while increasing the speed of the Alpha machine to the maximum, chasing the monster in front of him.

A monster with a beautiful head? Lu Chuanwu was stunned for a moment, looked at the radar next to him, and there was nothing abnormal, tapped the keyboard a few times to re-scan the airspace where the bird was located, but still found nothing: Asuka, are you still there? I didn't wake up, there was nothing at all.

How could it be? She is right in front of me. Asuka looked up angrily, but found that there was nothing in front of him except the blue sky and white clouds, and the strange monster that was in front just now disappeared. I hurriedly turned the plane around, and the weird dark cloud behind it also disappeared.

Asuka opened his mouth wide, rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked forward again, but there was still nothing: How is that possible?

Asuka searched back and forth several times without giving up, but still found nothing. Under Captain Xibi's repeated urging and even the threat of firing him, he reluctantly changed direction and flew towards the base.

Asuka walked in the base, his face was full of distress and doubts, and he couldn't help muttering: How could there be no? Impossible, I clearly saw it.

What's impossible? Xingye stood in front of him and looked at the flying bird with his head down, repeating the impossible, and stopped the doubtful guy.

Yes, Senior Xingye, Asuka ran over excitedly, and asked in a very hasty tone: When I was patrolling today, I saw a monster with a beautiful head, but the radar didn't find anything. The camera didn't capture anything either. But I saw it, it was so weird.

Xingye looked at Asuka with some amusement. It turned out that this guy was troubled because of this. He put on a sympathetic and understanding look, reached out and patted Asuka's shoulder: The instrument is not omnipotent. Many things can make it go wrong or It is invalid, so the fact that the instrument has not found it does not mean that it does not exist.”

Asuka immediately showed a delighted smile. His teammates felt that he was hallucinating. They didn't expect to get support and understanding from Xingye, but before he could laugh, Xingye's next sentence sent Asuka into disappointment. A bottomless abyss of shame.

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